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Author: TdDZz
Date: 6/03/03

      Thanks for the inspiring speech
Dragon, it was heart touching. Anywas we haven't
updated the page to much lately because we are busy
moving the files around on different servers and
ftp'ing our asses off. If you ever need a long
explaination of something you had best talk to
Dragon. At any rate, talk to us by going to the
Staff page and email us.
Author: Dragon
Date: 6/03/03

Nothing new yet... Just here to be seen...
Author: TdDZz
Date: 6/01/03

      Ok, I added the links page and 
generally updated everything. Now that all the
sections are up I need stuff to put in Misc so it has
a reason to stay on the site. Otherwize it serves no
point on this site and I'll prolly remove it.
Author: TdDZz
Date: 6/01/03

      Today i have added more graphics and 
updated some old ones. In addition I added the Misc.
page. I'll add the last section today, the links page.
Until then thats all for now.
Author: TdDZz
Date: 5/31/03

      Additions to this page now include the 
projects in the projects page and I added the papers
page even though there aren't any papers to put in
it yet. Some papers would be a nice contribusion if
anyone has written some.
Author: TdDZz
Date: 5/31/03

      Also there have been some major modifications 
to this news page. I added another cell in the table
so authors of news on this page can put up their own
image. I didn't know what I wanted for a picture so
I just recreated a classic forum icon, the smiley
face with a twist.
Author: TdDZz
Date: 5/31/03

	  Today, so far I'v added the staff page and the 
projects page. I'll be working on getting more of the
pages done later today. I need some papers for this
site to add to the you guessed it, the papers page.
Also if there is a project you want listed or think it
would be cool we could add it to projects page.
Author: TdDZz
Date: 5/30/03

	  Once agian an update. These updates are being 
added as new features appear or are changed. Really I'm
just filling up the log to see how the page looks as I
add more news. Hows it look? If you want to see
something changed, i.e. the color sceme let me know.
Author: TdDZz
Date: 5/30/03

	  More updates, I'v tweaked the colors of the page 
and it doesn't look to bad. Although it does look a little
bland. It needs more color right now and some actual
images added to it. I think it's looking good so far
concidering the concept for this site was created today.
Author: TdDZz
Date: 5/30/03

	  The basics of the page are setup and Dragon and 
I are adding pages right now. None of the links besides
the Home link. This is still in the planning stages so
there are changes to come. Any suggestions for this site
or if you want to contribute something email me at