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Kiss My Ass (A Review Site)

<h2>Kiss My Ass: A Review Site

Let me start off by saying this website, as of yet, will have no fancy CSS or HTML until my finals are over with. Second, I call it kiss my ass because if you don't like my reviews then you can literally kiss my ass. They are my opinions so suck it up buttercup.

Disclaimer (Please take in mind):

1) Flames are welcome. I love flames, and love refuting them. It's really fun arguing and rebutting your arguments, it helps my practice for my weekly group debates. Just be aware, you won't win, and you will only get more pissed off at my response. So don't say I didn't warn you.

2) I'm lazy as hell! I won't spell check and sure as hell won't update every week. DEAL WITH IT!

3) Hate my disclaimer? Yay, you really do!

4) Please send flames in Spanish, I love reading and speaking Spanish!

5) No me molestas! (or in simple terms, don't bother me with your stupid ass lame reasons for flaming. If you do flame me, at least have a GOOD argument!)

6) This site is not a hate site! It's my personal opinions because I'm a person who likes ranting. I'm not being sexist, racist, or anything like that in my reviews. This is mainly for my own purposes, and others if they want to listen to what I'm saying.

7) I'm happy and I'm done now. Wow it's 10:48pm, I'm not sleepy. I think I'm going to go get some Diet Pepsi Twist. *comes back* Ah clean lemony fresh victory is MINEEEEEEEEE!


Sailor Angels: Arch of Crystal RPG


The Matrix: Reloaded
Finding Nemo