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    There you go ……Here is my webpage ….. I have decided to make myself known to the Bantus and Masais in Africa and the Bedouins in the Sahara…..Through the electronic medium……..Awesome!! Isn't it? …But who cares ……. I have done nothing to send forth the torch of light to the succeeding generations….I am a nincompoop …..A good for nothing …..Reducing the amount of food in circulation ……Decreasing the amount of happiness in the world ….. I am ¤ USELESS ¤ ….

    But then who isn't ….who deserves to live in this world and who does not ?........who is there to decide?.....What are the Parameters?....I don't know ….I really don't know …..

    And till I find out ……..i have decided to live,…to eat Western Burgers...Spaghetti with too much sauce on....Listen to Deep Forest...Dali znaesh mila majko shto sum ne srekjna Cel den doma sama sedam Nadvor ne smejam. ...........(Do you know, my dear mother, How unhappy (miserable) I am? All day I sit at home alone, I am not allowed outside. ) .........

    …….Yeah I am ¤ ALIVE ¤ ......Till my 2-cent brain finds a reason why I should not be …..

   Whether you need to know me or not is another thing………..You debate on it …...

Why are you on this page?........Do you want to know me?.....aaaaaaaaaaaaaahahaha ….Who am I? ….....

How can you identify me?...What if I tell you my name is Johann Sebastian Bach !....!!......But what's in a name?.....Just because my name is Bach does not mean I wrote the Brandenburg Concertos ...So there is no point in telling you my name….Because it is just a word…..Does not mean anything….....Mayb you can call me by a number...5873....Yeah call me 5873 ..Fifty-Eight Seventy-Three ...Doesnot that take care of the nomenclature part?.....hehehehehe.....

Wait ……..

I am confused…….

I think I am hallucinating…

Am I confusing you?....... I think I am ¤ DISTURBED ¤ ……I am ¤ STUPEFIED ¤ ……. I am ¤ INTOXICATED ¤ ……I am ¤ DOWN WITH SICKNESS ¤ …..Or may be I am just a little ¤ UNWELL ¤ …….

Ok…. Whatever ……..
My name is Syamanta ……..¤ Syamanta Saikia ¤ …..not Shyamanta… or Sayamanta.. or Seemanto.. Just Syamanta ……

And if you can not pronounce my name properly ……call me Sam
And if u can't pronounce Sam properly don't try to call me by my name.....…Call me 5873 (Fifty-Eight Seventy-Three)..

Hmmmm…..Sam…..Actually when I think of it….I have actually quite a few names….. Syamanta, Sam, Tugg…… The name Tugg has a funny history……Listen …..When I first came to America I had a terrible pronunciation ……I forgot why or when but one of my friends decided to call me "Thug"…. Thug meaning a goon, a kind of gangsta'… When I tried to say "thug", I could not pronounce it properly … I would say "Tugg, Tugg" instead of Thug ….. and so even they started calling me Tugg ………

Now I can say "thug" properly….the tip of the tongue almost touches the tip of your upper teeth….then you blow air hard to make the "th" sound…..Yeah now I say ¤ THUG ¤ ….But the nickname Tugg stuck …..

But I aint complaining …… Actually I am kinda getting used to it …….Beginning to like it too…..

Damn!!........ What am I talking about ?..... I am not supposed to be so informal and dreamy or so talkative on a webpage…..right?? Or is it?...Well this is who I am ….. It is not my name…Sam or Tugg that defines me ….But it is the personality behind the name …. ME ….that matters ……and the only way you can know me, him, her, whoever is by knowing his ¤ personality ¤…..his ¤ ideals ¤…..his ¤ convictions ¤ ……..

And for this very simple reason I do not hesitate from expressing myself fully …..Whether it be an airport terminal or a marriage ceremony or at home , before teachers, before friends or strangers…..
And now on the net ………………

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