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Misplaced memories

A Biography

Some words of teenage angst

ranting up the free world

Incoherant ramblings

My one page stories

Sonja's very own section


"NEWS" otherwise known as "the useless crap"

Youre not a shop lifter. ..Youre just a fat kid!!
December 14th 2003
Nothing big in news..the show went amazingly..thanks to all the bands that played. i had an amazing night. ammmmmaaaazing.
check this out...lauren and sonja came up with it.
OFFICIAL RULES AND REGULATIONS OF JAGGED EDGE: the ten commandments if you will. 1)One must omit poisons in ones body unless desired otherwise.
2)One must cry "jagged edge" at every social gathering, and make it a point to explain the first rule and jagged edge purpose.
3)One must tattoo on chest one 'x' 'line' 'x' and below across stomach "jagged edge" in font that clearly explains "JAGGED"
4)One must not confuse this with rap artist(s) of same name.
5)One must laugh at all straight edge kids then following "none of you are truly straight.. everyones a little jagged... sometimes..."
6)One must indulge in "How stella got her groove back" To truly know why... one would stray from poisons.
7)One must own a pair (or one single shoe) of converse chucks in their personal colour.
8)One must swear a secret oath, to abolish all organized religion (except this one) while free of poisons.
9)One must enjoy the company of Pauly Shore. while free of poisons.

post script
check this out.... eric drew this on my arm one porn night... he he

Site change
Should i work in some flashy shit or is this simple layout enough?

good enough for me
it could use some work but keep it simple
its all about the javascript

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You are "Oh You are The Roots That Sleep
Beneath My Feet and Hold the Earth in
Place". Alright, Alright, we know, you're
in love. How grand. Your special someone, or
the you wish was your special someone is pretty
much your world. This person is your strength
and you find nothing else in the world to be
relevant right now. It must be cool to be in

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