Welcome To British Columbia

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Provincial Flower

British Columbia's floral symbol is the Pacific Dogwood it mostly grows by streams it has been the floral sybol since 1956. Other provinces have other provincial flowers Like Alberta; the wild rose was declared the provincal flower in 1930. Quebec's flower, the Blue Flag Iris it replaced the Madonna Lily in 1999.

Interesting Facts

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  • Highest Point: Fairweather Mt. (4,663m) (15,200Feet)
  • Capital: Victoria
  • Population: 3,724,500
  • Major Cities: Vancouver (514,008) Surrey (304,447) Burnaby (179,209) Richmond (148,867) Abbotsford (105,403)
  • Industries: Forestry Fishing (salmon) Wood Products Paper Products
  • Natural Recources: coal, copper, gold

    Overall View

    British Columbia is 947 800 square kilometers, there are 4,063,000 people living there. The capital of BC is Victoria, the floral symbol is The Pacific Dogwood it has been the floral symbol since 1956. It grows in the western part of BC, mostly by streams. British Columbia’s borders are : North : Yukon East : Alberta West : Pacific Ocean South : United States Of America. British Columbia falls under mainly the physical region of the Cordilleras. It has a small corner that is in the Interior Planes. British Columbia’s lands has a lot of forests, it’s there main industry the Rocky Mountains are there so it is very rugged terrain (very rough land) the forests are good for hunting. The most important bodies of water are the Fraser River, Thompson River and The Pacific Ocean there are many many more… There are also a lot of natural resources, such as: Gold, Silver, and Copper, forestry, fishing, hunting, and ranching, fruit orchards and hydro electricity. British Columbia is known for there peaches, apples, cherries and grapes, a lot of ranching is done in BC too. Most of Canada’s paper and wood products come from British Columbia like pulp and plywood. BC trades wood products, fish, and many varieties of fruit, gold, silver and copper. There are many different varieties of animals like deer, moose, cougar, elk, rabbits, mink, fox, and wolves. Some of the birds you might see are: eagles, hawks and ravens, there are many song birds in BC as well. British Columbia’s provincial bird is The Steller’s Jay it was adopted as BC’s provincial bird on December 17, 1987. For fish in salt water, there is salmon and halibut there known for the 2, sport fisher men enjoy many varieties of trout fishing, in the northern parts you can fish for Walleye (Pickerel). In BC there are all ways Environmental Issues like Clear cutting instead of select cutting in the logging industry. animals lose there homes, and without trees the land erodes from the wind, rain and snow. For tourist attractions in BC there is winter sports places like Whistler and other attractions such as the famous Rocky Mountains, Vancouver Island, Gulf Islands, down town Vancouver, Sunshine Coast, Fraiser Valley, Halfmoon Bay, Royal British Columbia Museum, Stanley Park, Victoria. BC is very different from here in Ontario in BC they celebrate The Peach Festival, The Country Music Festival, in Williams lake they have the Wiliams Lake Stampede. People in B.C.eat a lot of the same foods, like hamburgers. We eat BC sea food and so do they. They play mostly the same sports as us; they do a lot of hunting and salt water fishing in the area. BC’s nickname is Beautiful British Columbia.

    Created By : Thomas.N For a Social Study Project