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  :: Welcome to TFC Edited:

Inside you will find Models, Sprites, Sounds and Tutorials that tell you how to implement models and entities into your favorite maps as well as Utilities and Resource sites to help you with your projects.

  "The Site is Up " written by: HeLLs-AnGeL on 10.23.02
The site is finally up, it took long enough. I will be adding many files over the next week so keep checking back periodically and I should have the tutorials up as well.

  "File Submitting " written by: HeLLs-AnGeL on 10.23.02
If you would like to see your work on this site my contact info is to the left, either catch me on AIM or email me the file and i will post it as soon as i get it.
.: News Updates :.

The Site is UP!
File Submitting
.: Info :.
Webmaster Contact.
Name: HeLLs-AnGeL
Age: 22
Sex: Male
.: Monthly Tweak :.

Anarchy Medic.

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