The Blog With the Stuff

2001 Survey Results

The Mailbag

50 Things to Do in the Lab

Funny 404 Errors




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The Page With the Stuff

"You've just gotta fly by the seat of your pants, and when that fails... get some new pants."


Updated: 10.09.05

You know... just when i thought it was safe... i actually WAS kidnapped by killer ninja monkeys! My ingenious plan of escape took months to develop, and its execution was nearly flawless. Nearly. A problem came up when i realized i had put a lot of ranks into my Daring Escape skill and not enough into my Finding My Damn Way Home Without A Map skill. Hopefully, this justifies the lack of updates.

That having been said, i am back with a vengeance... and updates! I'm still pretty busy catching up on everything i missed during my year of absence so don't expect a lot of new stuff. Right now i'm mostly weeding out some old material and reorganizing the rest.

And what rant would be complete without the shameless promotion of some website? Check out my page at deviantArt:! I have some drawings, photography, poetry, and more in my deviation gallery. While you're there, check out the pages of my watchers and other friends that left comments. Thank you!

Remember kids: Look both ways before you click a link, don't download files from strangers, and save early, save often!

Your computer has

infected files.

Have a nice day! ^_^

Ph34r t3h disclaimer... Feel free to save whatever you'd like for your own enjoyment, but please don't use any images, text, or code without giving credit where credit is due. The opinions expressed here are mine and I like them. Sorry if you are offended. And that bit about infected files is only a joke... if you do then it's not my fault!