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Ron Major, who teaches 20 students at the County Office's Technology Academy, has also found that multimedia opens doors. In fact, students in his class have produced a multimedia presentation on homelessness submitted for a San Diego conunty iVIE (Innovative Video in Education) award. Students did the on-the-street filming, developed the storyboards, wrote the script, and edited the entire production.

Technology Academy students have become so adept that they frequently design publications, posters, logos, and invitations for organizations like the Volunteer Corps, Dollars for Scholars, AVID, and the St.Vincent de Paul shelter. Technology Academy students have also put together multimedia presentations,with animations and embedded video, for school board meetings and community presentations.


Students in the Technology Academy can pursue CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate) certification. Students who complete the one year course and pass the certifying exam earn college credit. A+ certification that enables students to repair, upgrade, and build computers is also offered.

The Technology Academy provides excellent preparation for technology careers and offers skill building internships with sponsors such as National University and the County Office's Outdoor Education Program. It's no wonder that Mr.Major has been named 2002 JCCS Teacher of the Year.

"Enrolling at the Technology Academy is the best choice I have ever made in my life," said Jimmy Siharath, a high school senior. "The Academy teaches students multiple sublects as well as computer skills. I learned the necessary skills to build and repair computers. When I first arrived at the Academy I didn't know anything about computers. Now I really believe I hold the keys to my future.