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The Sanc1eep: yo
The Sanc1eep: do you know any sites
The Sanc1eep: where i coudl find
The Sanc1eep: dinvidualism and the use of race
STUD leydudley06: go away
The Sanc1eep: or jsut indviluism itslef
STUD leydudley06: get lemaster
The Sanc1eep: ...
STUD leydudley06: dude, do NOT do internet research
The Sanc1eep: ?
The Sanc1eep: i read books
The Sanc1eep: and etc.
STUD leydudley06: unless it is internet articles like lexis nexis
The Sanc1eep: yeah
The Sanc1eep: but
The Sanc1eep: i ned a general idea of indivdualism
The Sanc1eep: gimem one
The Sanc1eep: ill quote you
STUD leydudley06: use ayn rand
STUD leydudley06: ahhh
STUD leydudley06: go awya
STUD leydudley06: i am busy
The Sanc1eep: ...
STUD leydudley06: use ayn rand
STUD leydudley06: individualism is the belief that th eindividual is an autonomous agent and has value in just being an individual and that justifies rational decisions and means that respect must be sown towards that agent
STUD leydudley06: in summation, you value the individual
The Sanc1eep: pimpin
The Sanc1eep: you now are
The Sanc1eep: jeremy dudely
The Sanc1eep: of Gerogia Tech Law
The Sanc1eep: ahahhaa
STUD leydudley06: omfg
The Sanc1eep: hahaa
STUD leydudley06: what are you using this for?
The Sanc1eep: the camp tuoranemnt
STUD leydudley06: omfg
STUD leydudley06: sandeep, ppl KNOW me
The Sanc1eep: ok?
The Sanc1eep: hahaa
The Sanc1eep: trust me
The Sanc1eep: no one there knows you
The Sanc1eep: TRUST ME
STUD leydudley06: alright
STUD leydudley06: w/e
STUD leydudley06: i am saving this convo
The Sanc1eep: hahahaa
The Sanc1eep: ppl from klien forst, garland know you?
The Sanc1eep: HAHAHAA
The Sanc1eep: wow
STUD leydudley06:
STUD leydudley06: oooooohhhhhhhhh snaaaaaaaap
The Sanc1eep: delete that thread.
STUD leydudley06: you got pwned
STUD leydudley06: you got PWNED!
The Sanc1eep: dawg
The Sanc1eep: dlete that shit
The Sanc1eep: dats a low blow
STUD leydudley06: why?
STUD leydudley06: it's funny
STUD leydudley06: why should i delete it, it will teach you a lesson
STUD leydudley06: to cut true evidence
The Sanc1eep: i do
The Sanc1eep: i mean
The Sanc1eep: HDI TORUNY?
The Sanc1eep: ahaha
The Sanc1eep: waste my time on HDI
The Sanc1eep: ahahaha
The Sanc1eep: pleez dawg..
STUD leydudley06: then post that in ur defense
STUD leydudley06: sandeep
STUD leydudley06: you just got pwned
STUD leydudley06: badly
The Sanc1eep: damn
STUD leydudley06: i will delete it soon
STUD leydudley06: when it hits 5 replies
The Sanc1eep: do you understand
The Sanc1eep: tha tit must be deleted now
STUD leydudley06: why?
STUD leydudley06: it is funny as hell
The Sanc1eep: not to me!!!!!!11
STUD leydudley06: i edited it
STUD leydudley06: and Xed you out
STUD leydudley06: Jeremy Dudley, you manuplative Bastard.
STUD leydudley06: i cant believe that
STUD leydudley06: after i edited the post
STUD leydudley06: so no one would knwo who you were
STUD leydudley06: you do that
STUD leydudley06: delete yours now
STUD leydudley06: sandeep?
The Sanc1eep: kk
The Sanc1eep: my names still there
STUD leydudley06: i will delete it then
STUD leydudley06: delete yours now
The Sanc1eep: k but delte everything
STUD leydudley06: no
STUD leydudley06: delete your post
STUD leydudley06: because you lied
STUD leydudley06: i did not manipulate yuo at all
The Sanc1eep: i delted it
The Sanc1eep: now edit yours so my name isnt here at all
STUD leydudley06: you are a liar
STUD leydudley06: i didn't manipulate you at all
STUD leydudley06: admit it
The Sanc1eep: ...
The Sanc1eep: you maniupalted hte post
The Sanc1eep: you ddint tell me you were gona publizce this post
The Sanc1eep: thus i ahd no consent
The Sanc1eep: on what you were doing
The Sanc1eep: so keep the convo
The Sanc1eep: delete my name comepltely
The Sanc1eep: just put
The Sanc1eep: ...
The Sanc1eep: or soemthing
The Sanc1eep: you ahvent changed anything yet
STUD leydudley06: i am busy
STUD leydudley06: my internet is fuckni up
The Sanc1eep: hahaa
STUD leydudley06: wait till tomorrow to check it
The Sanc1eep: shut the hell upp
The Sanc1eep: change that shit fo real
STUD leydudley06: edited
STUD leydudley06: haha
The Sanc1eep: seorusly
The Sanc1eep: put
The Sanc1eep: or
The Sanc1eep: put
The Sanc1eep: Mr.Shah does not do this, hes just dumb at times
The Sanc1eep: chagne that shit
The Sanc1eep: im not fucking around dawg
The Sanc1eep: serouisly
The Sanc1eep: change it up so it doesnt say my name
The Sanc1eep: or just delete it all togheter
The Sanc1eep: mayn that some shit dawg
STUD leydudley06: sandeep
STUD leydudley06: carla wanted me to do it
The Sanc1eep: dawg
The Sanc1eep: fuck carla, she has no voice in this
The Sanc1eep: this is between me and you
The Sanc1eep: why the hell does carla still thouch anything near my name
The Sanc1eep: i thought she would have better things to do
STUD leydudley06: she is my girlfriend
The Sanc1eep: hahahaahahahaha
STUD leydudley06: jk
The Sanc1eep: seriosuly
STUD leydudley06: no
The Sanc1eep: yeah i nkow
The Sanc1eep: but change it dawg
The Sanc1eep: im ont lemater jr.
The Sanc1eep: dont hate me
The Sanc1eep: hate the coach
The Sanc1eep: not me
The Sanc1eep: i have no love for the man
STUD leydudley06: haha
STUD leydudley06: bye
The Sanc1eep: change it dawg
The Sanc1eep signed off at 10:04:41 PM.