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Val de Linux


I've used several linux distributions over the years.

Currently I'm using Ubuntu Linux. It's based on Debian Linux which is another distribution I've used. The first Linux I tried were Redhat Linux, it's was version 5.1 as far as I can remember, which means it was back in the middle 1990's. Later I switched to Fedora Core, but I've also used Gentoo Linux and Arch Linux along the way.

Why Linux

I've been using Unix and Linux for about twenty years. Before that I was a happy Amiga user. I've been a big fan of Microsoft DOS/Windows, I'm much more productive on a Linux system.

About this website

I got the idead for this sites several years ago (around 2000 I think). But never really go around to implementing it. The initial concept was a virtual skiing resort, with slopes for beginners, intermediate users and experts; hence the name Val de Linux (meaning the Linux Valley in french).