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Slade's Overdrive Roleplay

Monday Afternoon... Not in Finland.

The Action Packed Wrestling crew are assembling the ring at this very moment. The past few days they have been busy running wire, and setting up the titantron. Today though, they are preparing the ring and the commentary area. Just a few days left until Overdrive and every thing has to be ready by tonight. There is no house show before Overdrive, not this week. The crew is busy, deadline is eight PM tonight to have the entire ringside area squared away and ready to go. But that is at the arena. What about on the other side of the world where its only one in the afternoon. While the crew has one hour to finish setting everything up, Slade Craven has one hour until he has top be at the airport. His flight leaves in two and it will take a little while to get on the plane, especially from DFW airport. Craven shouldn’t have flown home right after the last Overdrive, he needed to stay and prepare for his match against Jesse Nunez. However, there was a problem at his home. After all the details were sorted out, Slade was standing in his bedroom with the correct furniture assembled. It was really important they got all this correct and while Slade could have been preparing for his match with Jesse, he was able to keep a travesty from taking place. Jesse Nunez, while Slade didn’t hate the man, Craven beat him once before, he real worries were on the future. Well not worries, Slade only worried when something life changing affected him, like the results of a blood or paternity test. This wasn’t the case.

Slade- God damn this room looks nice. Definitely worth it.

He nods approvingly then walks across the room to where his suitcase is at. Everything is packed and ready to go. Slade grabs his suitcase and begins to head for the door. Suddenly we hear a song playing. At first Craven freezes. Then as the song really begins Slade starts to dance, and it looks like he plans on singing with it, another music video... The song playing from some unseen source is Limp Bizkit’s ‘Rollin.” The music begins as Craven takes two steps forward then one step back. He drops his suitcase on the ground and throws both hands in the air up and down, mimicking the old music video. Slade is following the exact choreography from the Air Raid edition video. As the song continues on into the chorus Slade keeps dancing. Then just before it goes to the first verse Slade sticks his hand in his pocket, pulls out his phone opens it and the song ends abruptly at the exact same moment Slade stops dancing.

Slade- Ye’llo?

Shadow: Slade man, do you have to do that every time I call?

Slade- Well it is your ring tone.

Shadow: I didn’t choose it though. I would have been fine with something generic. Every time I call I have to wait while you dance to the god damn song. I swear one of these days I am going to time you and hang up right before you answer.

Slade- Oh, bitch, bitch, bitch, why don’t you? Now, what’s up?

Shadow: Wondering if you’ve left for the airport.

Slade- Just about to.

He leans down and picks up his suitcase, then starts to walk towards his front door.

Slade- You should see the new set up.

Shadow: I really cant believe you flew back to Texas to make sure your new bedroom looked good.

Slade- Correction, I came back to Texas to make sure it was right. And it’s a good thing I did. They sent me this whole clown set up. And the damnedest thing is, this wasn’t a children’s bed set, it was an adults. Like a king side bed with a clown face for a headboard and big ass red shoes for the foot. The nightstands had lamps that were shaped like circus tents, dude I can go on.

Shadow: That sounds…. (his voice turns sarcastic) awesome.

Craven reaches the front door and heads outside. There is no cab, instead he is driving to the airport and paying the ungodly fee to keep his car there over the next few days. He plans on flying back to break in his bed over the weekend.

Shadow: So you’re heading this way then?

Slade- Yeah, me and Nunez this week, again.

Shadow: Could be worse.

Slade- Could be better Shadow. You know I would much rather get my hands on Chris Cyrus or Biggs, just like you. After any Jesse Nunez is like Streets Wilson, beaten before, beaten again. Cyrus and Biggs are the ones we should be up against.

Shadow: True, you think I like having the night off? I want to be in that ring on Overdrive. Instead they got the O Conner brothers.

Slade- Yeah, what did you think of those two?

Shadow: Lots of spirit, fun to work. Like to fight.

Slade- Well we could always let them soften up the Axis a little. Everyone in the world deserves the opportunity to beat on them.

Craven is now in his car, his luggage sitting beside him in the passenger seat. Slade is not driving the A.K.A’s notorious truck, that is shown out of the driver’s side window, parked under a nice carport. Instead Slade is driving a forest green Ford F-150 with a grey interior. Its obviously a 90s model but something no one has ever seen him drive before. On the seat is Slade’s ticket to Finland. He puts the truck in gear with one hand and starts to drive off as he continues to talk to his tag team partner over the phone.

Shadow: So you’re on your way? Good I don’t want to miss the flight.

Slade- Wait. You’re at DFW? When did you get to Texas? I thought you were already at the arena.

Shadow: No dumb ass you can make cell phone calls over seas. Not like that at least you have to have a satellite phone.

Slade- Oh. Okay. Anyway I say let the O Conner boys get a crack at Biggs and Cyrus. I can take the week and rest up.

Shadow: Well you are taking Nunez a lot lighter than you did last time.

Slade- Well it really stems from what happened last week on Overdrive. I am not one to try and pick on a hurt person, but Hades really did a number on Jesse last week in the ring. And while right after Test for the Best I beat him one, two, three in the middle of the ring, he took nowhere near the hit he took last week. I saw the chair when the referee brought it backstage to Jeff for examination. Hades didn’t have to use his full force that was a shoot right there Shadow. And I don’t doubt that Hades is going to get involved this week as well, and me being me, I don’t want that. I have no beef with Jesse, and I know the real reason Jeff booked this match is for someone to take care of him, not kill him. You put Nunez in the ring with a guy who hates his guts and he may not wrestle again, especially in a condition like that.

Shadow: Yeah well while you may be looking to make sure Hades doesn’t disrupt your match, remember who is out for our blood.

Craven turns onto the highway, heading straight down Interstate 35E to Highway 635 so he can get to DWF airport.

Slade- I haven’t forgotten man. And there is no way I will. Last month, every match we were in we had to look over our shoulder. And it makes us sound like cowards that we had to do it, but the real pansies were Biggs and Cyrus who didn’t have the balls to come at us head on. And come One Night in Hell we will do what should have been done at Shockwave. So I got my back at Overdrive man.

Shadow: And you know I got it too.

Slade- Yeah, and this is just because I don’t want another cheap win of Jesse, I want you to keep and eye out for Hades. The man doesn’t like anybody, whose to say he won’t run me down to get to Nunez. I had Jesse all nice and packaged up after Test for the Best and Level One had to come in and stick his nose in my business. Now I have to go through and beat Jesse’s as all over again to reaffirm my point.

Shadow: What the hell are you talking about?

Slade- That I’m the better man.

Shadow: Ah.

Slade- Listen man, I’m on the highway and I see traffic coming up, so I’ll see you at the airport alright?

Shadow: Cool, later.

Craven hangs up his phone as he drives towards the airport. He is pleased, not with himself but with his new bedding. In the back of his mind he is thinking about his match. But even further in the dark recesses of his brain he is remembering that freaking clown face for a headboard. Had he woke up to that every morning, “The Main Man” would have quite literally gone insane. This clown face made Pennywise seem like Bozo. But the thing that kept floating across his mind was One Night in Hell. Ladders, the weapon of choice for Slade Craven. He couldn’t wait for the opportunity to be back in his element. Aside from proving his point about being better than Jesse Nunez, Slade needed to send a message. He had to make sure the Axis knew and understood what they were getting themselves into at One Night in Hell. Slade had nothing against Jesse, but right now that man was in his way and Craven had to push forward. But he wanted to do it alone. If Hades were to come out, or Cyrus or anyone else for that matter, this would be a different story. Everything led to the Pay Per View. He beat Jesse once, he would do it again. Craven shifted into third as he roared down the highway as he pulls past the split which was causing the traffic jam. Jesse got a chance at redemption for losing right after being named number one contender, Slade was getting a chance to remind everyone just exactly why he is “The Main Man.”

Live from The Hartwall Arena in Helsinki, Finland. It’s Wednesday morning. President Jeff has purchased airtime to allow his roster the opportunity to come out and speak about their matches, opponents and over all personal outlook for Overdrive coming up later tonight. There are several people lining up to do their interviews, even Biggsy has gotten his promo on American television so that his ‘fans’ or paid off people could watch him on the lowest rated show in recent history. Slade Craven is the next up to have his bit put on the airwaves and as he gets ready to go live, “The Main Man,” slowly puts on his favorite pair of sunglasses. What was on the back of his mind is now on the tip of his tongue. Craven is ready, standing in the locker room area, by himself, wearing his black baggy jeans and black and blue flamed shirt with his jacket on top of that. The man behind the camera gives him the count down as Slade gets ready, three…deep breath, two….exhale, one….game face. Go…

Deep voice over on a black screen: Live from….

Slade- Helsinki, Finland!

His voice emulates Ruby Rhod.

Slade: This is Slade Craven, your “Main Man,” coming at you in just a few hours from the Hartwall Arena where he faces Jesse Nunez once again. And we’ll being doing this in the most beautiful stadium in all of Finland, which is apparently a perfect replica of some old opera house!

It flashes to the arena which obviously does not look like Craven’s description. Slade- But who cares! Tonight Craven faces a man who used to be a minister who is deep down more sinister than a minister, Jesse Nunez, a star but not on the stage or screen. He isn’t going to get much out of this match tonight cause he’s all shot up! Well at least that’s what the king of the rap stars keeps claiming. But its not what I bet. He has a lovely wife “I am knocked up!” she recently confessed to him.

Craven slips a portable personal tape recorder from his sleeve and hits play. We here directly from Jesse’s pre-Shockwave showing. It played slowly though, makes her voice sounder a little deeper.

Victoria: Because…

“The Main Man” hits the stop button.

Slade- I’ll play the rest of the news after the match up cause its time for Slade to say, the word of the day! So does he think he has a chance at beating the former number one contender a second time?

Craven pauses, tilts his head and ways deeply but kind of quietly.

Slade- Sure.

He leans back and pulls of his shades and puts them in his coat pocket.

Slade- And now Sha-Bang!

Craven throws his hands up in the air for a moment and freezes. Then he lowers them slowly, watching the camera the whole time, his eyes not wavering and without blinking.

Slade- Now that “The Main Man” has everyone’s attention. Let’s talk about the man who has been perforated more times William Dafoe in Platoon. Well that’s what he claims at least. You know “The Main Man” really wished Jesse had talked some smack about him before our last match, said something to let ole Slade Craven know what Jesse though of him. But deep down inside, Slade doesn’t care what Jesse thinks. Nunez is the kind of man who keeps repeating a few sentences. ‘Blah, blah, blah, I got shot,’ ‘Blah, blah, blah, I killed someone’ ‘Blah, blah, blah no one thinks I‘m worth a damn.’ Christ, Jesse, for a rapper you sure sound Emo with that last one. So instead of being a thug, It would appear that whenever you offer people that *sarcastically for a second* exhilarating incite into that perception of yours what you are really showing everyone, ‘The Mind of an Emo.’ Whine, bitch, cry, that’s all you have really done since you won Test for the Best, as a matter of fact after Test for the Best you went straight down hill. It’s like someone who peaks too soon in life and then, after realizing they can go no further, they shoot themselves. Luckily for you, you could probably get someone to do it for you, since you’re real good at pissing people off to the point of blasting you in half.

Craven pauses for a moment and takes a breath,

Slade- Jesse, “The Main Man” really doesn’t have a beef with you.

Another pause as Slade cracks a smile and raise his hand to the side with his index finger up suggesting a different idea.

Slade- However, you did say that Slade Craven never stood a chance in the tournament to begin with and that his tag partner has to carry him in every match. Tsk Tsk.

Craven shakes his head from side to side as he says this.

Slade- Now while all those things are disprovable, mainly cause Slade beat you on Overdrive right after you won the tournament, and Slade Craven ain’t no cripple who needs someone to make him look good in the ring. These two things are forgivable, but Jesse, there is something you said that really warrants an ass kicking. You said. That John Green was better than Slade Craven. Eh Eh.

Craven cocks a smile.

Slade- Jesse, John Green may have one up on “The Main Man” but that doesn’t mean he is better than Slade Craven. That’s pretty much you shouting from the top of a mountain that ole Slade is better than your Emo ass. So Thuggy, Slade’s going to have to whip your ass tonight, in front of the entire Craven-Nation!

He pauses as you can faintly here the sound of the world cheering. Yes its an exaggeration but that’s what the Craven-Nation is. Slade leans his head back as he continues to speak

Slade- And when this is finished, Jesse, you will know exactly what it means to “Rue the Day You Messed With the Slade!”

Craven looks back at the camera and smiles as it slowly fades to black.