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Slade's Biography

The Experts Bio

Overdrive Roleplay

Its earned

Faces sqaure off...

Slade used to love to go to the bars. He was a hard drinker once, too hard. Came from the Scottish in him. It didn’t help he was born and raised in Texas. Slade’s blood was probably eighty proof. That was then. Now, he has been sober for six months. Slade hasn’t been to AA since that fateful evening when Cliff tried to blackmail him. He spent his time fighting his problem another way. Slade immersed himself in friend and in the ring. It was the only choice he really had, but it was also the right choice. The bars were still a great place to go though. They had a wide variety of delicious food, and the people. Craven loved being around people. It was so much fun to be the one of the only sober people there, as odd as that might sound. Hell, some nights, if Shadow came along, he wouldn’t drink either. Craven’s rambunctious attitude wasn’t getting the better of him anymore. There was that one time Slade got into the fight at the strip club, the straw that broke the camel’s back. The entire A.K.A. were jailed because they got into a fight at a Ranger’s game. That was over eighteen months ago. Now Slade was able to stay out of trouble, he fought his demons and held his own. And while some might not consider it this, Slade will always say that was his toughest struggle. Someone like Level One though would see it as weakness, Slade saw it as improvement. However, this was not a fight with Level One, not this week at least. No this week was a rematch, against two very wiry Irishmen. And Slade knew something, so did Shadow, but Slade knew it better from his many years in the ring, never give an Irishman a good cause for payback. Still, the match was clean last time, but it all depends on how the O Conner Brothers wanted to look at it. They went toe to toe with one another and Craven had to admit it was a fun match. And with the rematch over the horizon he could use a nice straight up match with guys who liked to fight.

Shadow was sitting at the bar drinking a beer while Slade leaned against the countertop, standing, facing the crowd of people. In front of him was an empty play that looked to have once held an amazingly greasy yet delicious burger. Shadow felt the same way Slade did. He knew he could put his faith in the o Conner Brothers to put up a good fight. This wouldn’t be like the Axis or Hades where they had to watch themselves. No the O Conner Brothers knew they fans were what mattered. And if there were to be interference, the O Conner boys had a score to settle with the Axis as well. He sits there sipping his beer slowly as he thinks about the past few weeks. Victor Hades trying to remain one step ahead, trying to take him out. It bothered him that someone that unstable wasn’t considered a liability. Hades didn’t belong in the ring, he belonged in a straight jacket.

Slade- So what do you think about this week man?

Craven slightly turned his head, there was a girl standing next to some drunken steroid junkie that looked completely bored with what was going on. Plus her companion seemed to be hitting on another woman. Craven knew he would probably get into trouble tonight. Shadow peered back over his shoulder and saw the girl. He knew there was no way this could end well.

Shadow: Well despite what they had to say about us last time, I think it could be fun.

Slade- They were pretty rude. I mean everyone seems to mistake us for fat guys or out and out rednecks. But we ain‘t, and we don‘t stereotype people. Just cause we are from Texas doesn’t mean that. Dallas is one of the least redneck cities in Texas.

Shadow: Redneck isn’t such a bad word either. Its kind of powerful. Red is fire, and necks are vital.

Slade- How much have you had tonight?

Shadow: Six shots two beets.

Slade- So you’re buzzed?

Shadow: Yeah. A little.

Craven still has not taken his eyes off the gorgeous beauty across the bar. Slade knew this was a bad idea. Shadow kept his gaze on her too. She had taken notice of Slade and was making eye contact. This was going to end in fire.

Slade- Yeah, still they didn’t think old school still mattered. Showed em. We can do just about anything man, we can run our mouths anywhere about anybody. All we need is an idea.

There is a slight pause.

Slade- So yeah, need an idea.

Another pause.

Slade- Just waiting on the idea.

Slade- You got anything?

Shadow- Nope.

He takes another drink of his beer. This time it is a long one. Both men are trying to find a creative idea to talk some smack about the O Conner Brothers, but to be honest, Slade and Shadow actually liked the guys. After that fight, the Aidan and Austin got the Ass Kickers Anonymous’ respect. It put the two in a pickle. Plus both were also preoccupied and would much rather spend their time insulting and beating their respective opponents for Christmas Chaos. But this week, they got a reprieve, not only did they get a good easy match, and that’s not a slight against the O Conner Brothers, it’s a statement of how well they work in t he ring, but they also squared off against two people who more than likely would have their back if something went south, or so Slade and Shadow thought they might. It would be different if it was another team, if it was a team of heels who would pick the bones of the A.K.A. after an ambush. Plus jumping into the fray would push them up on the roster. Especially if they pissed off the Axis or Level One. Despite the insults Aidan and Austin threw at Slade and Shadow, they knew it was all in good humor.

Slade- What do you think we should do?

Shadow: Well they did make some valid points last time.

Slade-About us?

Shadow: No others. That whole handbook bit about how all the newcomers and how all the wrestlers in this day and age shoot the crap about what they’ve done. People ramble on and on about whom they beat, how violent they are and how their opponents don’t stand a chance. It’s kind of sickening really. Guys like Hades.

Craven cuts him off.

Slade- Victor Kitten. Remember? His name is Victor Kitten.

Shadow: Well Victor is one of those guys. All talk and nothing to show for it. That’s what the O Conner Brothers originally thought about us. Then afterwards they realized that we are not the average in-ring caveman they expected us to be. The question is where do we go from here? Craven nods as Shadow finishes his beer.

Slade- Well I know where I’m going.

He starts to walk away as Shadow looks back. The lady is all by herself as her companion has walked away. By the time Shadow sets his beer down and starts to get up Slade is already talking to her. But they are out of ear shot, and the noise in the bar makes it impossible to discern. Still, even though that is unintelligible, the large guy walking back towards his girlfriend is plain as day. Slade has his back to him and the girl takes notice first. As Shadow starts to cross the bar the man spins Slade around. You cannot here the drunken man’s words though; just assume he is asking Slade what the hell is going on.

Slade- Hey dude, I’m just living it up. You got a problem with that?

Man: Yeah, yeah, I do.

He starts to wind back to throw a punch as Shadow gets close. Then the man swings and connects right with Shadow’s face. The big guy goes down as drunk almost looses his balance from the force of his punch. Slade then kicks the guy square in the crotch bringing the distracted drunkard to his knees. Then Slade says with a smirk.

Slade- Field goal bitch.

He brings his foot up like a punt knocking the guy back to the floor then turns to his partner. Shadow is pulling himself back to his feet as the woman actually turns her attention back to the guy on the ground. Slade can already see this is a lost cause so he helps Shadow up and they start to walk away.

Shadow: Man, he hit the wrong guy.

Slade- You got an attitude you know that? Maybe you need to start being the right guy. Ever think about that man?

Shadow: What?

Slade- I’m just messing with you.

Shadow is walking now as they both reach the bar. Craven pulls out a fifty and a twenty and sets it on Shadow’s plate as they head out the door.

Slade- Too bad the O Conner boys weren’t here. I’m sure they would have loved that. Probably would have exacerbated the situation, but nevertheless they would have enjoyed it.

They both walk down the street knowing at any moment the drunken guy’s friends might burst out of the bar and come for them. Not that Slade and Shadow couldn’t handle themselves, they were being realistic. The last thing they needed was to be arrested for disorderly conduct. Down the street is the truck, with the fake donkey Slade has named Kelly in the back of it. Shadow climbs into the passenger seat as Slade gets behind the wheel. The truck roars to life as they drive off, heading towards Anaheim.


Slade and Shadow are both in the parking lot of the Honda Center prior to the start of the show. Slade is working on the display as Shadow is changing the caps on their rims. The new ones Shadow’s installing are black with blue swirling flames. It contrasts the green on the truck, but they also enhance the colors. In the bed of the pick up Slade is removing the donkey because after two weeks of sitting in the back of the truck, it needs a little touch up. As Craven is shifting the donkey it suddenly tips over and falls out the bed of the truck. “Kelly” lands on his head and breaks in several places.

Slade- Crap!

He leaps out of the truck to assess the damages. “Kelly” is done for. Two legs are broken off, the body is fractured and the head has snapped off at the neck. Craven drops to his knees in a state of mourning as Shadow walks around the side of the truck to see what is going on.

Slade- Kelly!

Shadow just shakes his head at the fact Craven is an attention hog and goes back to work. Over the next few minutes Slade mourns for his inanimate object, with no tears. Finally he gets up and walks over to Shadow who has just finished the new hub caps.

Slade- So what should we do with his remains?

Shadow: You’re kidding right?

Slade- Nope. Come on Kelly would have wanted it this way.

Shadow: You scare the crap out of me sometimes, you know that?

Craven picks up Kelly’s head and looks it over.

Slade- Think we could get a bed shipped here before show time?

Shadow: A bed?

Slade- Yeah like the thing you sleep in when you’re not homeless. Think we could have one delivered here?

Shadow: No chance in hell.

Slade- Yeah, you’re probably right. Hrm. I got an idea man. O Conner boys or Level One?

His tag partner scratches his head.

Shadow: What?

Slade- Pick one, I got a plan, something fun. Come on.

Shadow: Well Aidan and Austin haven’t pissed us off, why not just prank Level One?

Slade- Sounds good to me man. Let go.

Craven sets “Kelly’s” head in the bed of the truck then grabs the rest of the broken pieces and tosses them in the back of the truck. He is not being as careful with these pieces though. When the mess has been cleaned up, Slade takes the head and starts to walk away. Shadow follows. As they walk down the hall Slade keeps talking about the match, while pointing out things they need.

Slade- Yeah so, I went back and re-watched their first promo. The O Conner Brothers really had some nasty things to say about us. Can’t really remember what they said though, they probably don’t either, all that alcohol. The only thing I do remember is that we beat them. Whether they like to admit it or not, we- hey grab that table- proved we are exactly who we claim to be.

As Slade is speaking Shadow picks up the folded table. Slade grabs some folded up table cloths and puts them under his arm.

Shadow: Well they had to try and make a name for themselves.

Slade- True- that table too- but still, you have to know the difference between doing research and studying.

Shadow grabs the second table as well while Slade scoops up a couple of sand bags. They keep walking.

Slade- You can look up all the history you want on a person, doesn’t mean you’ll learn anything. Sure, you’ll see what has happened, but to truly learn you have to watch and then understand why it happened. Our last match with the, they can see it as a loss on their end, and count it as research, or, they can study why they lost and learn to improve.

As they keep walking though the halls Shadow realizes what Slade is doing.

Shadow: You know, this was originally done to convince somebody to do something. Why they hell are you doing it?

Slade- What else am I going to do with it?

Shadow shrugs, Slade has a point. What else do you do with the head of a beast of burden? As they reach the door to Level One’s locker room, Craven tries to kick it open. And when the door does not move and Slade stumbles back and falls to his ass all Shadow can do is laugh.

Shadow: Smooth.

Craven gets up leaving the collection of junk on the ground, luckily nothing was damaged.

Slade- Why the hell is his door locked?

Shadow: Probably because he knew we were coming. Want to try the O Conner’s room? Slade- No cause you’re right they aren’t bad guys. Plus, I just like pissing him off. Here give me the tables.

Shadow hands Slade the first table and Slade sets it up long ways. Due to the narrow corridor, Slade is barely able to fit the table between the wall and Level One’s locker room door.

Slade- Okay, the second one.

Shadow hands Craven the second one and he sets it up the same way, shoving both table side by side. Then Slade reaches down and picks up the sandbags and lines them against the door to the locker room on the table. After that Slade wraps them in a table cloth and then spreads the last table cloth over the two and straightens it out.

Slade- Looks just like a bed.

Shadow: You’re nuts.

Slade- Never determined. Here we go.

“The Main Man” has “Kelly’s” head in his hand. He carefully tucks it in bed, pulling the cloth up just over the break in the neck. Its very Godfather-esque, but looks like a crap job.

Shadow: And the point of this is?

Slade- Just to inconvenience Level One. See why I didn’t want to do it to the O Conner Brothers? They haven’t earned something like this.

Shadow cannot think of anything to say. He just starts to walk away wondering something aloud.

Shadow: Slade, you feeling alright man?

Slade- What’s wrong bro? I feel terrific. After the past few weeks, after all this time working for all the other federations I get to go head to head with the champion for the World Title again. It’s been years. Part of me thought those days were long gone. And being given that opportunity has revived the old hell raiser. It feels good to be doing this stuff again, small pranks, big pranks, they don’t matter. It sure beats hanging around in a dress.

*Craven suddenly flashes back to the day he was walking through A.P.W.’s locker rooms looking for President Jeff. This was around the time someone was trying to kill Jeff and Slade needed to speak with him so he dressed up in different outfits to try and find him. One of which included dressing up as Little Bo Peep.*

Slade- I still don’t know where the hell I got that costume from.

Shadow: Or how the hell you found one in your size.

Slade- Yeah, really.

As they both walk down the hallway away from the locker room Shadow brings Slade’s attention back to the match later tonight.

Shadow: So a couple of days ago, you asked me what I thought about the O Conner Brothers, what about you? Any thoughts?

Slade- You know, I wish I could just get on the microphone and rant about them. Problem is they have had three matches here in A.P.W. They haven’t had the opportunity to make a name for themselves. People know of the O Conner boys; you know dependable, sane, brawlers who know what they are doing. They are not these ape shit psychos who only care about taking people out and brag constantly about that fact. They are workers. So let’s go work them. Matches like these, the fans love for other reasons because there is true heart in the ring. Yes people love to watch someone getting their just desserts, but when two sides who both love this industry and were born to do this clash, well it just takes people’s breaths away.

Shadow stops walking as Slade keeps going then turns around.

Slade- It’s going to be a fight tonight, it wont be an easy one, but it’s the kind of match where no one loses. Once this is over all of s will walk away from the ring with something more. The O Conner Brothers earned my respect last time we fought, despite what they said. That’s more than some of the other guys here. You don’t trash talk someone you respect. They love this business and they love the people. That’s what I respect about them. So tonight I am going to give them their credit and go out there take them to the next level. Because they have earned it.

Shadow: Lets give them hell.

He nods knowing what Slade is thinking. Face against Face matches don’t happen very often. When they do, the fans don’t know who to cheer for and they don’t care who wins, because they all know they get to watch one hell of a good match. As Shadow starts to walk again, Slade opens the door to the parking lot where the truck awaits being worked on some more. Both men are silent as the approach the truck. When they get there, Slade looks up and signs. A somber look on his face. Shadow: What’s wrong dude?

Slade- I miss my donkey.

The camera fades to black as they both just stare at the truck.