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The End of the World...

By Skip
Created: Thursday, September 04, 2003, 14:40:12 MST
Last updated: Monday, October 20, 2003, 08:44:49 MST
Changes: Removed extra headers.

"It's the end of the world, as we know it..." - REM

I hate to be a doom-sayer or alarmist, but it really is high time that we were alarmed.

Today is the day to stand up and take notice! It is the day when good (or great) men like Miguel Estrada, judicial nominee, are turned away from serving in our government. This truly portends an ugly future.

In an article in the Albuquerque Journal,  John Dendahl says

" What about a judge's "extremism"? Other than the discredited Bender, no one close to Estrada claims he holds extreme views. Nonetheless, a bipartisan group of Estrada's former colleagues at the Office of the Solicitor General has written to the Senate Judiciary Committee on his behalf. Perhaps their most powerful sentence is, "We hold varying ideological views and affiliations that range across the political spectrum, but we are unanimous in our conviction that Miguel would be a fair and honest judge who would decide cases in accordance with the applicable legal principles and precedents, not on the basis of personal preferences or political viewpoints." " 'Partisanship Runs Estrada Filibuster.' August 10, 2003,  Privacy Policy & Copyright © 1997 - 2003 Albuquerque Journal: Albuquerque, New Mexico

Who wouldn't want someone to serve as a judge that comes so highly recommended, qualified, and esteemed.

Sean Hannity said that it (blocking a judicial nominee through filibustering) was changing our Constitution, affecting our government. It was sad he said.

I agree, though I believe this is the symptom of a much greater malaise. It isn't just changing our Constitution, it is evidence of our changing (changed?) constitution.

Today is a day when political agendas and self-interest on the parts of politicians such as Hillary Clinton win out over the public interest. It is a day when propoganda against family, church, and patriotism win out over heartfelt actions and goodness.

Too many of us are "too busy living our lives." We've blinded ourselves, or passed into complacent ignorance, and allowed the seedy, lack luster, self engrandized, self-serving, morally bereft, to bubble to the surface in government. Whether because the good got tired of fighting it, or simply left because of the changing atmosphere, the result is the same. Our government is full of smart but ill-mannered miscreants bent on achieving their own goals, seeking rank, status, and/or money. They no longer serve the people, they serve themselves first and then those with money (which serves themselves again).

Let this stand as a warning, an evil wind is coming. It's been blowing for some time now, but it has definitely soured recently. When we start electing and choosing evil to our governing bodies we are choosing to hasten our demise. Choose wisely these days, we're losing ground with all the appointees and politically motivated law-making going on.


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