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"Sometimes the men sworn to protect us are the most dangerous men of all." -24 Season Two

My Quotes From Movies, Video Games, and History


JAMES BOND "Did you ever ask why? Why we toppled all those dictators, undermined all those regimes, only to come home: "Well done! good job! but sorry, old boy, everything you risked your life and limb for has changed." James Bond! Her Majesty's royal terrier, defender of the so-called faith! You sicken me." -Alec Trevelyan- GOLDENEYE "So you live to die another day." -James Bond- DIE ANOTHER DAY "Oh please, James, put it away. Its insulting to think I havent anticipated your every move." -Alec Trevelyan- GOLDENEYE "You will not live to see the day when all of Korea will be ruled by the North." -Colonel Moon- DIE ANOTHER DAY "The satellite is now over... Kansas. Well, if we blow up Kansas the world may not hear about it for years!" -Blofeld- DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER "I thought you were assassinated in Hong Kong.... Well, you only live twice, Mr. Bond." -Blofeld- YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE "World domination. The same old dream. Our asylums are full of people who think they're Naploeon. Or God." -James Bond- DR. NO "I am a member of SPECTRE. SPECTRE. Special Executive for Counter Intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge, Extortion. The four great cornerstones of power headed by the greatest brains in the world." -Dr. No- DR. NO "I might as well ask if all those vodka martinis silence the screams of all the men you've killed... or if you've found forgiveness in the arms of all those willing women, for the dead ones you failed to protect?" -Alec Trevelyan- GOLDENEYE "Hello, James, what an unpleasant surprise." -Alec Trevelyan- GOLDENEYE "The distance between insanity and genius is measured only by success." -Elliot Carver- TOMMARROW NEVER DIES "Revenge is not hard to fathom for a man who believes in nothing." -James Bond- THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH "Thats a Smith and Wesson, and you've had your six." -James Bond- DOCTOR NO "Expecting Davidov? He caught a bullet instead of a plane." -James Bond- THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH "You see, Mr. Bond, you cannot hurt my dreams, but my dreams can kill you!" -Gustav Graves- DIE ANOTHER DAY "Once again, your faith is displaced. Were both orphans, James. But where your parents had the luxury of dying in a climbing accident, my parents survived the mine survived the British betrayal and Stalin's execution squads. My father couldn't let himself or my mother live with the shame of it. MI6 figured I was too young to remember. And, in one of life's little ironies, the son went to work for the government, whose betrayal caused his father to kill himself and his wife....." -Alec Trevelyan- GOLDENEYE "I owe you an unpleasant death, Mr. Bond!" -Stamper- TOMMARROW NEVER DIES "I did think of asking you to join my little scheme, but somehow I knew....007's loyalty was always to the mission, never to his friend." -Alec Trevelyan- GOLDENEYE "Never argue with a woman, they're always right." -James Bond- TOMARROW NEVER DIES "You come a very long way to die, Mr. Bond!" -Nigel Bloch- 007: AGENT UNDER FIRE --------------------------------------------------

TWENTY-FOUR "When you go halfway around the world to set off a bomb, you are responsible for any "accidents" that may occur." -Andre Drazen- 24 Season One "I am the last thing you will ever see if anything happens to my wife or my daughter." -Jack Bauer- 24 Season One "My name is special agent Jack Bauer, and this is the longest day of my life." -Jack Bauer- 24 Season One "I have not slept in 24 hours and I've killed 2 people since midnight, so maybe you should be a little more afraid of me than you are now." -Special Agent Jack Bauer- 24 Season One "Over the last two years, I have accepted my share of responsibility for the death of my family. This is day you accept your share." -Victor Drazen- 24 Season One "You probably don't think that I can force this towel down your throat. But trust me, I can. All the way. Except I'd hold onto this one little bit at the end. When your stomach starts to digest it, I pull it out. Taking your stomach lining with it. For most people it would take about a week to die. It's very painful." -Jack Bauer- 24 Season One -------------------------------------------------- Movies-------------------MATRIX--------

"I won't lie to you, Neo. Every single man or woman who has stood their ground, everyone who has fought an agent has died. But where they have failed, you will succeed." -Morpheus- THE MATRIX "It seems that you've been living two lives. One life, you're Thomas A. Anderson, program writer for a respectable software company. You have a social security number, pay your taxes, and you... help your landlady carry out her garbage. The other life is lived in computers, where you go by the hacker alias "Neo" and are guilty of virtually every computer crime we have a law for. One of these lives has a future, and one of them does not." -Agent Smith- THE MATRIX "Humanity is a disease. A cancer of this planet. You are a plague, and we are the cure." -Agent Smith- THE MATRIX "Have you ever had a dream, Neo, a dream that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream...." -Morpheus- THE MATRIX Tank: "What else do you need, besides a miracle?" Neo: "Guns......lots of guns." -THE MATRIX- "Well, scince I am the ranking officer on this ship, if you dont agree with me, I believe you can go to hell." -Trinity- THE MATRIX "I know why you're here, Neo. I know what you've been doing... why you hardly sleep, why you live alone, and why night after night, you sit by your computer. You're looking for him. I know because I was once looking for the same thing. And when he found me, he told me I wasn't really looking for him. I was looking for an answer. It's the question, Neo. It's the question that drives us. It's the question that brought you here. You know the question, just as I did." -Trinity- THE MATRIX "No one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself." -Morpheus- THE MATRIX "Throughout human history, we have been dependent on machines to survive. Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony." -Morpheus- THE MATRIX "I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species. I realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You move to an area, and you multiply, and multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet, you are a plague, and we are the cure." -Agent Smith- THE MATRIX "Ignorance is bliss." -Cypher- THE MATRIX "We're willing to wipe the slate clean, give you a fresh start. All that we're asking in return is your cooperation in bringing a known terrorist to justice......." -Agent Smith- THE MATRIX "I'm tired, Trinity. Tired of this war, tired of fighting... I'm tired of the ship, being cold, eating the same goddamn goop everyday..." -Cypher, the traitor who betrayed Morpheus- THE MATRIX "Did you know that the first Matrix was designed to be a perfect human world? Where none suffered, where everyone would be happy. It was a disaster. No one would accept the program. Entire crops were lost. Some believed we lacked the programming language to describe your perfect world. But I believe that, as a species, human beings define their reality through suffering and misery. The perfect world was a dream that your primitive cerebrum kept trying to wake up from. Which is why the Matrix was redesigned to this: the peak of your civilization." -Agent Smith- THE MATRIX "I hate this place. This zoo. This prison. This reality, whatever you want to call it, I can't stand it any longer. It's the smell, if there is such a thing. I feel saturated by it. I can taste your stink and every time I do, I fear that I've somehow been infected by it...." -Agent Smith- THE MATRIX-----

The Lord of the Rings-- "Your friends are with you, Aragorn." -Legolas, at the assault on Helms Deep- LORD OF THE RINGS: THE TWO TOWERS "Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky, Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone, Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die, One for the Dark Lord on his throne, In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie. One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them. In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie." -LORD OF THE RINGS- "Hunt them down, do not stop until they are found! you do not know pain, you do not know fear, you will taste man-flesh!" -Lord Saruman- LORD OF THE RINGS: THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING "Nobody tosses a dwarf!!" -Gimli- LORD OF THE RINGS: THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING "The ring will not save Gondor! It has only the power to destroy." -Frodo- LORD OF THE RINGS: THE TWO TOWERS "Rohan is weak, and ready to fall. The enemy will strike hard and fast at the world of men. upon us." -Gandalf- THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE TWO TOWERS "There is nothing we can do for Frodo, the quest......will claim his life." -Galadriel- THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE TWO TOWERS "Pity? It was pity that stayed Bilbo's hand. Many that live deserve death; and some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them Frodo? Do not be too quick to deal out death in judgment. Even the wise cannot see all ends; My heart tells me that Gollum has some part to play yet, for good or ill, before this is over." -Gandalf the Grey- LORD OF THE RINGS: THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING "If by my life, or death, I can protect you, I will. You have my sword." -Aragorn- THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING "The Ring cannot be destroyed by any craft that we here possess. It must be taken deep into the heart of Mount Doom and cast back into the fiery chasm from whence it came! Only then can it be of you must do this." -Elrond the Halfelven- LORD OF THE RINGS: THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING "Build me an army worthy of Mordor....." -Sauron the Deciever- LORD OF THE RINGS: THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING "......not if we hold true to each other. We will not abandon Merry and Pippin to the torment of death- not while we have strength left. Leave everything that can be spared behind, we travel light. Lets hunt some Orc." -Aragorn- THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING "I swear to you I will not let the white city fall." -Aragorn- THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING "The ring cannot be destroyed by any craft that we hear possess. It was created in the fires of Mount Doom, only there can it be unmade....." -Elrond- THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING "Sauron is not so mighty yet that he is above fear. He fears you, Aragorn, he fears what you may become." -Gandalf the White- LORD OF THE RINGS: THE TWO TOWERS "The fate of the world will soon be decided. The dominion of evil grows even stronger. There is a union now between the Two Towers." -Galadriel- LORD OF THE RINGS: THE TWO TOWERS "Men? Men are weak." -Lord Elrond the Halfelven- LORD OF THE RINGS: THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING "You cannot pass... I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the Flame of Anor. The Dark Flame will not avail you, Flame of Udun. Go back to the shadow! You SHALL NOT PASS!!!!!!!" -Gandalf battleing the evil Balrog- LORD OF THE RINGS: THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING "Did you seriously think that a hobbit could contend with the will of Sauron?" -Saruman the White, the fallen wizard- LORD OF THE RINGS: THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING "ARRRRR!!! Let them come, there is one dwarf yet in Moria who still draws breath!!" -Gimli, while he waits to battle the Orcs that killed his fellow Dwarves- LORD OF THE RINGS: THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING "What is this new devilry?" -Boromir- LORD OF THE RINGS: THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING "Where is the horse and the rider? Where is the horn that was blowing? They have passed like rain on the mountains....Like wind in the meadow. The days have gone down in the West, behind the hills....into shadow." -King Theoden- LORD OF THE RINGS: THE TWO TOWERS ".....A Balrog, a demon of the ancient world...this foe is beyond any of you, RUN!" -Gandalf the Grey- LORD OF THE RINGS: THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING "One does not simply walk into Mordor,its black gates are gaurded by more than just Orcs. There is evil there that does not sleep and the great eye,is ever watchful. It is a barren wasteland, riddled with fire and ash and dust. The very air you breath is a poisonous fume, not with ten thousand men could you do this. It is folly!" -Boromir- LORD OF THE RINGS: THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING "Give up the halfling, she-elf!" -the Witch King- LORD OF THE RINGS: THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING "....Sauron has regained much of his former strength. He cannot yet take physical form, but his spirit has lost none of its potency. Concealed in his fortress, the Lord of Mordor sees all. His gaze pierces through cloud, shadow, earth and flesh. You know of what I speak, Gandalf, a great Eye, lidless, wreathed in flame. He is gathering all evil to him. Very soon he will summon an army great enough to launch an assault upon Middle-Earth." -Saruman the White- LORD OF THE RINGS: THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING

XXX "Dude, you have a rocket launcher. Stop thinking cop and start thinking Playstation- Blow sh*t up!" -Xander Cage- XXX "Before you ask someone to save the world, you'd better make sure they like it the way it is." -Xander Cage- XXX "Do you want to throw another mouse in the snake pit or would you rather throw in a snake of our own and see how it does?" -Agustus Gibbons- XXX "I wish I had a video camera, 'cause this is going to be one hell of a ride!" -Xander Cage

Alien "You're all going to die. The only question is how you check out. Do you wanna go on your feet? Or down on your f*ckin' knees... beggin'? Well I ain't much for begging! Nobody ever gave me nothing! So I say f*ck that thing! Let's fight it!" -Dillon- ALIEN 3 "....I wanna introduce you to a personal friend of mine. This is an M41A pulse rifle. Ten millimeter automatic with over-and-under thirty millimeter pump action grenade launcher...." -Hicks- ALIENS "Let me see if I've got this straight, Lieutenant:it's an 8-foot creature, some kind with acid for blood, kills on sight, and is generally unpleasant?" -Andrews- ALIEN 3 "Were on the express elevator to hell - going down!" -Hudson- ALIENS "There's a monster in your chest. These guys hijacked your ship, and they sold your cryotube to this... human, and he put an alien inside of you. It's a really nasty one. And in a few hours, it's gonna burst its way through your rib cage, and you're gonna die. Any questions?" -Lieutenant Ellen Ripley- ALIEN RESURRECTION "I'm ready, man, check it out. I am the ultimate badass! State of the badass art! You do NOT want to f*ck with me. Check it out! Hey Ripley, don't worry. Me and my squad of ultimate badasses will protect you! Check it out! Independently targeting particle beam phalanx. Whoa! Fry half a city with this puppy. We got tactical smart missiles, base plasma pulse rifles, RPGs, we got sonic electronic ball breakers! We got nukes, we got knives, sharp sticks......" -Hudson- ALIENS

Terminator "3 billion human lives ended on August 29th, 1997. The survivors of the nuclear fire called the war Judgment Day. They lived only to face a new nightmare: the war against the machines. The computer which controlled the machines, Skynet, sent two Terminators back through time. Their mission: to destroy the leader of the human resistance, John Connor, my son. The first Terminator was sent to strike at me in the year 1984. It failed. The second was set to strike at John himself when he was still a child. As before, the resistance was able to send a lone warrior, a protector for John. It was just a question of which one of them would reach him first...." -Sarah Conner- TERMINATOR 2: JUDGMENT DAY Star Wars "Begun, this Clone War has." -Master Yoda- EPISODE 2: ATTACK OF THE CLONES "Fear....Fear attracts the fearful....the strong.....Fear is my ally..." -Darth Maul- "........ Always a pleasure to meet a Jedi." -Jango Fett- Episode 2: ATTACK OF THE CLONES "This party is over." -Mace Windu- EPISODE 2: ATTACK OF THE CLONES "The shroud of the Dark Side has fallen." -Master Yoda- EPISODE 2: ATTACK OF THE CLONES "Who's more foolish? The fool, or the fool who follows him?" -Ben Kenobi- STAR WARS: A NEW HOPE "At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi...... at last we will have revenge." -Darth Maul- EPISODE 1: THE PHANTOM MENACE Peace over anger. Honor over hate. Strength over fear. -THE CODE OF THE JEDI- "Your gonna pay for the all of the Jedi you killed today, Dooku." -Anakin Skywalker at the Battle of Geonosis- EPISODE 2: ATTACK OF THE CLONES "Greed can be a powerful ally." -Qui-Gon Jinn- EPISODE 1:THE PHANTOM MENACE "We will not be hostages to be bartered with, Dooku!" -Mace Windu- EPISODE 2: ATTACK OF THE CLONES "Adventure...Excitement...A Jedi craves not these things." -Master Yoda- "Fear. Much fear I sense in you. Fear is the path to the Dark Side! Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering!" -Master Yoda- EPISODE 1: THE PHANTOM MENACE

Gladiator "Five thousand of my men are out there in the freezing mud. Three thousand of them are bloodied and cleaved. Two thousand will never leave this place. I will not believe they fought and died for nothing." -Maximus Decimus Meridius- GLADIATOR "The general who became a slave. The slave who became a gladiator. The gladiator who defied an emperor. Striking story! But now, the people want to know how the story ends. Only a famous death will do. And what could be more glorious than to challenge the Emperor himself in the great arena?" -Commodus- GLADIATOR "At my signal, unleash hell." -Maximus Decimus Meridius- GLADIATOR "If you find yourself alone, riding through green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled, for you are in Elysium, and are already dead." -Maximus- GLADIATOR "Today I saw a slave become more powerful than the Emperor of Rome." -Lucilla- GLADIATOR "My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, Commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next." -Maximus- GLADIATOR "What we do in life, echoes in eternity." -Maximus- GLADIATOR

Jurassic Park "On this island, there is no such thing as safe." -Dr. Grant- JURASSIC PARK 3 "Some of the worst things possible have been done with the best intentions." -Alan Grant- JURASSIC PARK 3 "Were going to the only place in the world where the geese chase you." -Ian Malcom- JURASSIC PARK 2 "It's fine if you want to put your name on something but stop putting it on other people's headstones!" -Ian Malcom- THE LOST WORLD: JURASSIC PARK 2 "God creates dinosaurs. God destroys dinosaurs. God creates man. Man destroys God. Man creates dinosaurs...." -Ian Malcom- JURASSIC PARK "Taking dinosaurs off this island was the worst idea in a very long, sad history of bad ideas." -Ian Malcom- JURASSIC PARK 2

The Patriot "Why should I agree to swap one tyrant three thousand miles away for three thousand tyrants one mile away?" -Benjamin Martin- THE PATRIOT "If i die, I die well-dressed." -Major Jean Villeneuve- THE PATRIOT

Various Movies "Before this war is over, I will kill you." -Benjamin Martin- THE PATRIOT Repeat, Archangel is down, and I am on the run!" -Chris Burnet- BEHIND ENEMY LINES "No! no, they didnt just kill him! They..they- executed him! They were..they were talkin to him, and then they...and then they...they just shot him in the head!" -Chris Burnett- BEHIND ENEMY LINES "I intend to put you in harms way, any man who does not wish to take part in this mission, please step away now." -Admiral Leslie Reigart- BEHIND ENEMY LINES "Without me, you are nothing......without you, I am nothing." -Captian Alexi Zateyev- K-19: THE WIDOWMAKER "We will not fail!" -Captain Alexei Zateyev- K-19: The Widowmaker "Your national security advisor has just been executed. He's a very good negotiator. He bought you another half hour." -Ivan Korchunov, leader of the hijackers of Air Force One- AIR FORCE ONE "!" -President James Marshall- AIR FORCE ONE "You murdered 100,000 Iraqis to save a nickel a gallon on gas. Don't lecture me on the articles of war." -Ivan Korchunov- AIR FORCE ONE "Lady, my whole damn garrison believed in this so much that without orders they walked halfway across Lybia and into Egypt to find that city and when we got there all we found was sand and blood." -Rick O'Connel- THE MUMMY- "Death shall come on on swift wings to whomsoever opens this chest." -THE MUMMY- "A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver, with some fava beans and a nice chianti...." -Hannibal Lector- SILENCE OF THE LAMBS "Go ahead.....make my day." -Dirty Harry- "If we do this, someday we might look back on this and figure savin' Private Ryan was the one decent thing we were able to pull out of this whole goddamn sh*thole of a war." -Sergeant Horvath- SAVING PRIVATE RYAN "I watch the stock market channel all the time - I just watch because I suspect that anchor man of being an evil leprechaun....he can bullshit everybody else, but he ain't fooling me." -Crazy Eyes- MR DEEDS "God has it for Marines, because we kill everything we see. He plays His games, we play ours. To show our appreciation for so much power, we keep heaven packed with fresh souls. God was here before the Marines, so you can give your heart to Jesus, but your ass belongs to the Corps!" -FULL METAL JACKET- "Before we let you leave, your commander must cross that field, present himself before this army, put his head between his legs, and kiss his own arse." -William Wallace- BRAVEHEART "In less than an hour US aircraft will join others from around the world in launching the largest aerial battle in the history of Mankind....... Mankind. That word should have new meaning for all of us today. We can't be consumed by our petty differences anymore. We must be united in our common interests. Perhaps it is fate that today is the Fourth of July and you will once again be fighting for our freedom. Not from tyranny, oppression or persecution, but from annilation. We're fighting for our right to live. To exist. And should we win the day, the fourth of July will no longer be known just as an American holiday but as the day when the world declared in one voice: We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight! We're going to live on! We're going to survive. Today we will celebrate our Independance Day!" -The President of the United States- INDEPENDANCE DAY "If it bleeds, then we can kill it." -Dutch- PREDATOR "What?....You went over my helmet?!" -Dark Helmet- SPACEBALLS --------UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS QUOTES--------- When this man gets to heaven To St. Peter he will tell "Another Marine reporting, sir- I've served my time in Hell." -poem found on a Marine's grave marker at the Battle of Guadalcanal- "The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his." -General George Patton- "So they've got us surrounded, good! Now we can fire in any direction and those bastards won't get away this time!" -CHESTY PULLER, US MARINES- "The Marines I have seen around the world have the cleanest bodies, the filthiest minds, the highest morale, and the lowest morals of any group of animals I have ever seen. Thank God for the United States Marine Corps!" -Eleanor Roosevelt, 1945- "We have two companies of Marines running rampant all over the northern half of this island, and three Army regiments pinned down in the southwestern corner, doing nothing. What the hell is going on?" -Gen. John W. Vessey Jr., USA, Chairman of the the Joint Chiefs of Staff, assault on Grenada, 1983- "Don't you forget that you're First Marines! Not all the communists in Hell can overrun you!" -Col. Lewis B. "Chesty" Puller, USMC rallying his First Marine Regiment near Chosin Reservoir, Korea, December 1950- "Retreat? hell! We just got here!" -Captain Lloyd Williams, USMC- "We're not retreating, Hell! We're just attacking in different direction!" -General Oliver Smith, USMC- "I can never again see a United States Marine without experiencing a feeling of reverence." -General Johnson, US Army- "Casualties: many, Percentage of dead: not known, Combat efficiency: we are winning!" -Colonel David M. Shoup, USMC- "You don't hurt 'em if you don't hit 'em." -Lt. General Lewis B. "Chesty" Puller, USMC- "The more Marines I have around the better I like it!" -General Mark Clark, US Army- "Old breed? New breed? There's not a damn bit of difference so long as it's the Marine breed." -Lt. General Lewis B. "Chesty" Puller, USMC- "Marines are about the most peculiar breed of human beings I have ever witnessed. They treat their service as if it was some kind of cult, plastering their emblem on almost everything they own, making themselves up to look like insane fanatics with haircuts to ungentlemanly short lengths, worshipping their Commandant almost as if he was a god, and making weird animal noises like a band of savages. They'll fight like rabid dogs at the drop of a hat just for the sake of a little action, and are the cockiest sons of bitches I have ever known. Most have the foulest mouths and drink well beyond man's normal limits, but their high spirits and sense of brotherhood set them apart and, generally speaking, of the United States Marines I've come in contact with, they are the most professional soldiers and the finest men I have had the pleasure to meet." -Anonymous Canadian citizen- an excerpt from: THE RETURN OF THE KING "You cannot enter here," said Gandalf, and the huge shadow halted. "Go back into the abyss prepared for you! Go Back! Fall into the nothingness that awaits you and your Master. Go!" The Black Rider flung back his hood, and behold, he had a kingly crown; and yet upon no head visible was it set. The red fires shone between it and the mantled shoulders vast and dark. From a mouth unseen there came a deadly laughter." ---THE SIEGE OF GONDOR--- Volume Three Book Five Chapter Four Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King -------------------------------------------------- from GOLDFINGER (1964) (James Bond is captured by Auric Goldfinger, and put on a table with a deadly laser beam slowly moving towards him) James Bond: "Do you expect me to talk?" Goldfinger: "No, Mr Bond- I expect you to die!" --------------------------------------------------

MARINE CORPS RECON CREED Realizing it is my choice and my choice alone to be a Reconnaissance Marine, I accept all challenges involved with this profession. Forever shall I strive to maintain the tremendous reputation of those who went before me. Exceeding beyond the limitations set down by others shall be my goal. Sacrificing personal comforts and dedicating myself to the completion of the reconnaissance mission shall be my life. Physical fitness, mental attitude, and high ethics The title of Recon Marine is my honor. Conquering all obstacles, both large and small, I shall never quit. To quit, to surrender, to give up is to fail. To be a Recon Marine is to surpass failure; To overcome, to adapt and to do whatever it takes to complete the mission. On the battlefield, as in all areas of life, I shall stand tall above the competition. Through professional pride, integrity, and teamwork, I shall be the example for all Marines to emulate. Never shall I forget the principles I accepted to become a Recon Marine. Honor, Perseverance, Spirit and Heart. -------------------------------------------------- *********UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS HYMN********** "From the Halls of Montezuma To the Shores of Tripoli; We fight our country's battles In the air, on land and sea. First to fight for right and freedom And to keep our honor clean; We are proud to claim the title of United States Marines. "Our flag's unfurled to every breeze From dawn to setting sun; We have fought in every clime and place Where we could take a gun; In the snow of far-off Northern lands And in sunny tropic scenes; You will find us always on the job-- United States Marines. "Here's health to you and to our Corps Which we are proud to serve In many a strife we've fought for life And never lost our nerve; If the Army and the Navy Ever look on Heaven's scenes; They will find the streets are guarded By United States Marines!." ************************************************* United States Army Ranger Creed The Ranger Creed: Reconizing that I volenteered as a Ranger, fully knowing the hazards of my chosen profession, I will always endeavor to uphold the prestige, honor, and high "esprit de corps" of the Rangers. Acknowledging the fact that a Ranger is a more elite soldier who arrives at the cutting edge of battle by land, sea, or air, I accept the fact that as a Ranger my country expects me to move further faster and fight harder than any other soldier. Never shall I fail my comrades. I will always keep myself mentally alert, physically strong, and morally straight. I will shoulder more than my share of the task whatever it may be. One hundred percent and then some. Gallantly will I show the world that I am a specially selected and well trained soldier. My courtesy to superior officers, neatness of dress and care of equipment shall set the examples for others to follow. Energetically will I meet the enemies of my country. I shall defeat them on the field of battle for I am better trained and will fight with all my might. Surrender is not a Ranger word. I will never leave a fallen comrade to fall into the hands of the enemy and under no circumstances will I ever embarass my country. Readily will I display the intestinal fortitude required to fight on till the Ranger objective and complete the mission, though I may be the lone survivor.

Quotes from Indiana Jones

Quotes from The Adventures of Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark/The Temple of Doom/The Last Crusade) - Widescreen: Belloq: How odd that it should end this way for us after so many stimulating encounters. I almost regret it. Where shall I find a new adversary so close to my own level? Indiana: Try the local sewer. Toht: You Americans, you're all the same. Always overdressing for the wrong occassions. Marion is being kidnapped Marion: You can't do this to me, I'm an AMERICAN! Indiana needs his bullwhip to swing across a chasm Indiana: Give me the whip! Satipo: Throw me the idol. No time to argue. Throw me idol, I'll throw you the whip. throws the idol Satipo: Adiós, señor! Brody: Marion's the least of your worries right now, believe me, Indy. Indiana: What do you mean? Brody: Well, I mean that for nearly three thousand years man has been searching for the lost ark. It's not something to be taken lightly. No one knows its secrets. It's like nothing you've ever gone after before. laughing throws his gun into his suitcase Satipo: Let us hurry. There is nothing to fear here. Indiana: That's what scares me. Indiana: There's a big snake in the plane, Jock! Jock: Oh, that's just my pet snake Reggie. Indiana: I hate snakes, Jock! I hate 'em! Jock: C'mon, show a little backbone, will ya? Marion: Well, Jones, at least you haven't forgotten how to show a lady a good time! Indiana: Boy, you're something! Marion: Yeah? I'll tell you what. Until I get back my five thousand dollars, you're gonna get more than you bargained for. I'm your goddamn partner! Marion: You're not the man I knew ten years ago. Indiana: It's not the years, honey, it's the mileage. Army Intelligence officer describing Indiana Jones Officer: Professor of archeology, expert on the occult, and how does one say it? Obtainer of rare antiquities. Sallah: Indy, there is something that troubles me. Indiana: What is it? Sallah: The Ark. If it is there, at Tanis, then it is something that man was not meant to disturb. Death has always surrounded it. It is not of this earth. Indiana: You want to talk to God? Let's go see him together, I've got nothing better to do! Belloq: You and I are very much alike. Archeology is our religion, yet we have both fallen from the pure faith. Our methods have not differed as much as you pretend. I am but a shadowy reflection of you. It would take only a nudge to make you like me. To push you out of the light. Indiana: Now you're getting nasty. Upon opening the Well of the Souls and peering down into it. Sallah: Indy, why does the floor move? Sallah does, and Indy drops it in. Sallah: Asps. Very dangerous. You go first. Indiana: This site also demonstrates one of the great dangers of archeology, not to life and limb, although that does sometimes take place, I'm talking about folklore. Sallah: Indy, you have no time. If you still want the ark, it is being loaded onto a truck for Cairo. Indiana: Truck? What truck? Indiana: Meet me at Omar's. Be ready for me. I'm going after that truck. Sallah: How? Indiana: I don't know, I'm making this up as I go. Belloq: Dr. Jones. Again we see there is nothing you can possess which I cannot take away. Belloq: So once again, Jones, what was briefly yours is now mine. Belloq: What a fitting end to your life's pursuits. You're about to become a permanent addition to this archaeological find. Who knows? In a thousand years, even you may be worth something. under his breath Belloq: All your life has been spent in pursuit of archeological relics. Inside the Ark are treasures beyond your wildest aspirations. You want to see it opened as well as I. Indiana, we are simply passing through history. This, this *is* history. Belloq: Next time, Indiana Jones, it will take more than children to save you. Indiana: I can only say I'm sorry so many times. Marion: Well, say it again anyway! Indiana: Sorry. Indiana: Hello, Marion. Marion: Indiana Jones! I always knew some day you'd come walking back through my door. I never doubted that. Something made it inevitable. So, what are you doing here in Nepal? Indiana: I need one of the pieces your father collected. Marion surprises him with a right cross to the jaw. Marion: I've learned to hate you in the last ten years. Indiana: I never meant to hurt you. Marion: I was a child. I was in love. It was wrong and you knew it! Indiana: You knew what you were doing! Marion: Now I do! This is my place. Get out! Indy meets Belloq in a crowded bar Indiana: Belloq! Belloq: Good afternoon, Doctor Jones. Indiana: I oughta kill you right now. Belloq: Not a very private place for a murder. catches date and points to dead monkey Belloq: Please, sit down before you fall down. Sallah: Oh, my friends! I'm so pleased you're not dead! Indiana: I'm gonna blow up the Ark, Rene! Belloq: Your persistence surprises even me. You're going to give mercenaries a bad name. Marion: Bar's closed. Toht: We are - hehe - not thirsty. Belloq: It's a transmitter, a radio for speaking to God. Belloq: Look at this. It's worthless - ten dollars from a vendor in the street. But I take it, I bury it in the sand for a thousand years, it becomes priceless. Like the Ark. Indiana: The Ark of the Covenant, the chest that the Hebrews used to carry around the Ten Commandments. Major Eaton: What, you mean THE Ten Commandments? the officers stare at him blankly looking at an old picture of the Ark Colonel Musgrove: Now, what's that supposed to be coming out of there? Indiana: Lightning. Fire. The power of God or something. Major Eaton: I'm beginning to understand Hitler's interest in this. Brody: The Bible speaks of the Ark leveling mountains and laying waste in entire regions. An Army that carries the Ark before it... is invincible. Marion: What do you want? Toht: Ah, the same thing your friend Dr. Jones wanted? Surely he mentioned there would be other interested parties. Marion: Must have slipped his mind. Toht: The man is nefarious. I hope for your sake that he has not yet acquired it. Marion: Why, are you willing to offer more? Toht: Oh, almost certainly. Do you still have it? blows smoke in his face talking about Marion's late father Marion: He said you were a bum. Indiana: Aw, he's being generous. Marion: The most gifted bum he ever trained. You know, he loved you like a son. Took a hell of a lot for you to alienate him. Indiana: Not much, just you. Discussing the fate of the Ark Maj. Eaton: We have top men working on it now. Indiana: Who? Maj. Eaton: Indiana Jones: Archaeology is the search for fact... not truth. Professor Henry Jones: You call *this* archaeology?! Soldier: You have the diary in your pocket. Professor Henry Jones: You dolt! You think my son would be that stupid; he would bring my diary all the way back here? (pause) You didn't, did you? (another pause) You didn't bring it, did you? Indiana Jones: Well, uh... Professor Henry Jones: You did! Indiana Jones: Look, can we discuss this later? Professor Henry Jones: I should have mailed it to the Marx Brothers. Indiana Jones: Will you take it easy? Professor Henry Jones: Take it easy? Why do you think I sent it home in the first place? So it wouldn't fall into their hands! Indiana Jones: I came here to save you! Professor Henry Jones: Oh yeah? And who's gonna come to save you, Junior? grabs a gun and shoots all soldiers dead Professor Henry Jones: Look what you did!! I can't BELIEVE what you did!! Professor Henry Jones: Junior? Indiana Jones: Yes Sir! Professor Henry Jones: It IS you Junior! Indiana Jones: Don't call me that PLEASE!! Encountering a painting of the Ark of the Covenant. Elsa: What's this? Indiana Jones: Ark of the Covenant. Elsa: Are you sure? Indiana Jones: Pretty sure. Indiana Jones: Sallah, I said NO camels! That's FIVE camels; can't you count? Walter Donovan: Germany has declared war on the Jones boys. Panama Hat: Small world, Dr. Jones! Indiana Jones: Too small for two of us! Panama Hat: This is the second time I've had to reclaim my property from you! Indiana Jones: That belongs in a museum! Panama Hat: So do you! Professor Henry Jones: The quest for the grail is not archeology, it's a race against evil. If it is captured by the Nazis the armies of darkness will march all over the face of the earth. Do you understand me? Indiana Jones: This is an obsession, Dad. I've never understood it. Never. Neither did Mom. Professor Henry Jones: Oh yes she did. Only too well. Unfortunately, she kept her illness from me. All I could do was mourn her. Fedora: You lost today, kid. But that doesn't mean you have to like it. to Indy Professor Henry Jones: Why thank you. It was rather wonderful. Kisses Indy. Punches Indy. Indiana Jones: I liked the Austrian way better. Professor Henry Jones: So did I. Professor Henry Jones: They're trying to kill us! Indiana Jones: I know, Dad! Professor Henry Jones: This is a new experience for me. Indiana Jones: It happens to me all the time. Indiana Jones: Listen. Since I've met you I've nearly been incinerated, drowned, shot at, and chopped into fish bait. We're caught in the middle of something sinister here, my guess is dad found out more than he was looking for and until I'm sure, I'm going to continue to do things the way I think they should be done. after commandeering a plane Professor Henry Jones: I didn't know you could fly a plane! Indiana Jones: Fly, yes. Land, no. Nazi colonel Vogel is torturing Henry to get answers Colonel Vogel: Tell me about this miserable little diary of yours. The book is useless and yet you come all the way back to Berlin to get it. Why? He slaps Henry in the face with his glove Colonel Vogel: Why? He slaps him again Colonel Vogel: What are you hiding? He slaps him again Colonel Vogel: What does the diary tell you that it doesn't tell us? He tries to slap him again until Henry grabs ahold of his hand Professor Henry Jones: It tells me that goose-stepping morons like yourself should try reading books instead of burning them. Indiana Jones: I'm like a bad penny, I always turn up. Indiana Jones is asking Henry how he could've slept with Elsa Professor Henry Jones: I'm as human as the next man. Indiana Jones: Dad, I was the next man! Professor Henry Jones: Sorry about the head but I thought that you were one of them. Indiana Jones: Dad, they come in through the doors! Professor Henry Jones: Ha, good point. Indiana Jones: Nazis. I hate these guys. Professor Henry Jones: Elsa never really believed in the grail. She thought she'd found a prize. Indiana Jones: And what did you find, Dad? Professor Henry Jones: Me? Illumination. Sallah: Please, what does it always mean, this... this "Junior"? points to himself Indiana Jones: I like "Indiana." Professor Henry Jones: We named the *dog* Indiana. Marcus Brody: May we go home now, please? Sallah: The dog?! You are named after the dog?! Indiana Jones: I've got a lot of fond memories of that dog. To Indiana, while watching a Nazi parade and book burning Professor Henry Jones: My son, we're pilgrims in an unholy land. Marcus Brody: Indy, Henry, Follow me! I know the way!! Professor Henry Jones: He got lost in his own museum, eh? Indiana and Henry are tied up Indiana Jones: Come on, dad. Help me get us out of here. We have to get to Marcus before the Nazis do. Professor Henry Jones: But you said he had a two day head start. That he would blend in, disappear. Indiana Jones: Are you kidding? I made all that up. You know Marcus. He once got lost in his own museum. Lecturing in class Indiana Jones: "X" never, ever marks the spot. Finding a hidden passage in a Venetian library Indiana Jones: "X" marks the spot! Marcus Brody: The search for the Grail is the search for the divine in all of us. But if you want facts, Indy, I've none to give you. At my age, I'm prepared to take a few things on faith. Examining the broken vase Indiana Jones: And the head. You hit me dad. Professor Henry Jones: I'll never forgive myself. Indiana Jones: Don't worry I'm alright. Professor Henry Jones: Thank God... it's fake! See you can tell with the cross sections! Elsa: It's perfectly obvious where the pages are. He's given them to Marcus Brody. Professor Henry Jones: Marcus? You didn't drag poor Marcus along did you? He's not up to the challenge. Walter Donovan: He sticks out like a sore thumb. We'll find him. Indiana Jones: The hell you will. He's got a two day head start on you, which is more than he needs. Brody's got friends in every town and village from here to the Sudan, he speaks a dozen languages, knows every local custom, he'll blend in, disappear, you'll never see him again. With any luck, he's got the grail already. Cut to middle of fair in the Middle East, Marcus Brody wearing bright suit and white hat, sticking out like sore thumb Marcus Brody: Uhhh, does anyone here speak English?! Professor Henry Jones: Junior, I have tell you something. Indiana Jones: Don't get sentimental now dad, save it until we get out of here. Professor Henry Jones: The floor's on fire...see...AND the chair!! Indiana Jones: It was just the two of us, dad. It was a lonely way to grow up. For you, too. If you had been an ordinary, average father like the other guys' dads, you'd have understood that. Professor Henry Jones: Actually, I was a wonderful father. Indiana Jones: When? Professor Henry Jones: Did I ever tell you to eat up? Go to bed? Wash your ears? Do your homework? No. I respected your privacy and I taught you self- reliance. Indiana Jones: What you taught me was that I was less important to you than people who had been dead for five hundred years in another country. And I learned it so well that we've hardly spoken for twenty years. Professor Henry Jones: You left just when you were becoming interesting. Sultan: Rolls-Royce Phantom two. 4.3 litre, 30 horsepower, six cylinder engine, with Stromberg downdraft carburetor, can go from zero to 100 kilometres an hour in 12.5 seconds. And I even like the color. Street Vendor: Water? Marcus Brody: No thank you, fish make love in it. Indiana Jones: No ticket. Professor Henry Jones: The floor's on fire, see?...and the chair... Professor Henry Jones: I suddenly remembered my Charlemagne. Let my armies be the rocks and the trees and the birds in the sky!... Repeated line. Indiana Jones: Ahh, Venice. Professor Henry Jones: Marcus! Marcus Brody: Aah! Professor Henry Jones: Genius of the res-to-ration! Brody finishes the handshake. Marcus Brody: Aid our own re-sus-ci-tation! Henry, what are you doing here? Professor Henry Jones: It's a rescue! Come on! The Nazis catch both Marcus and Henry. Grail Knight: But choose wisely, for while the true Grail will bring you life, the false Grail will take it from you. Grail Knight: You have chosen...wisely. But, beware: the Grail cannot pass beyond the Great Seal, for that is the boundry, and the price, of immortality. Grail Knight: He chose poorly. Professor Henry Jones: You say this has been just another typical day for you huh? Indiana Jones: NO! It's been better than most. to his father Marcus Brody: My reputation preceeds me! Sallah: There is no museum in Iskenderun. German Guide: Papers, please. laughing Marcus Brody: Yes. To Brody Marcus Brody: Uh, yes. To Brody Marcus Brody: Uh, did you say... Punches the guide. Indiana Jones: How did you know she was a Nazi? Professor Henry Jones: She talks in her sleep. Professor Henry Jones: The Word of God! Marcus Brody: No, Henry. Try not to talk. Professor Henry Jones: The Name of God. Indiana Jones: The Name of God. Jehovah. Professor Henry Jones: But in the Latin alphabet, "Jehovah" begins with an "I". Indiana Jones: J-... Marcus Brody: Henry, the pen! Professor Henry Jones: What? Marcus Brody: Well don't you see? The pen is mightier than the sword. Sallah: That car belonged to my brother-in-law! Marcus Brody: Is there anyone here who speaks English? Or maybe even ancient Greek? Walter Donovan: Well, Marcus, we're on the verge of the greatest discovery in the history of mankind. Marcus Brody: And you're meddling with powers you can't possibly comprehend. Walter Donovan: Find the man and you'll find the Grail. Indiana Jones: You've got the wrong Jones, Mr. Donovan. Why don't you try my father? Walter Donovan: We already have. Your father is the man who has disappeared. Dr. Elsa Schneider: You came back for the book?! Indiana Jones: My father didn't want it incinerated. Dr. Elsa Schneider: I believe in the Grail, not the Swastika. Indiana Jones: You stood up to be counted with the enemies of everything the Grail stands for. Who gives a damn what you believe? Dr. Elsa Schneider: You do! Dr. Elsa Schneider: Don't look at me like that. We both wanted the Grail. You would have done exactly the same. Indiana Jones: I'm sorry you think that. Indy has untied a boat as a diversion for the Nazis Indiana Jones: Dad! Dad come on! We're abandoning the boat! Professor Henry Jones: The boat! What about the boat? Vogel has captured Henry Walter Donovan: Colonel! Jones is getting away! Colonel Vogel: I think not, fair Donovan. Walter Donovan: Not THAT Jones, the OTHER Jones! Butler: If you're a Scottish Lord, then I am Mickey Mouse! Indiana Jones: How dare he! to Indy Walter Donovan: Because he didn't take my advice. Didn't I tell you not to trust anyone, Dr. Jones? Indiana Jones: Are you crazy? Don't go between them. Dr. Elsa Schneider: Go between them! Are you crazy? Indiana Jones: All I have to do is squeeze. Dr. Elsa Schneider: All I have to do is scream. Professor Henry Jones: Stop! You're going the wrong way. We need to get to Berlin. Indiana Jones: Brody's this way. Professor Henry Jones: My diary's in Berlin. Indiana Jones: We don't need the diary, Dad! Marcus has the map. Professor Henry Jones: There is more in the diary than just the map. Professor Henry Jones: Well, he who finds the Grail must face the final challenge. Indiana Jones: What final challenge? Professor Henry Jones: Three devices of such lethal cunning. Indiana Jones: Booby traps? Professor Henry Jones: Oh yes! Indiana Jones: Half the German army's on our tail and you want me to go to Berlin? Into the lion's den! Professor Henry Jones: Yes. Indiana Jones: Petroleum...I should stick a well down here and retire. Walter Donovan: As you can now see, Dr. Jones, we are on the verge of completing a quest that began almost two thousand years ago. We're just one step away. Indiana Jones: That's usually when the ground falls out from underneath your feet. Indiana Jones: Are you trying to develop a sense of humor or am I going deaf? Indiana Jones: Willie, Willie, Willie. What kind of a name is that? Is it short for something? Willie: Willie is my professional name, "Indiana." Short Round: Hey, lady! You call him Dr. Jones! Indiana Jones: *My* professional name. Short Round: I keep telling you, you listen to me more, you live longer! Short Round: What is Sankara? Indiana Jones: Fortune and glory, kid. Fortune and glory. Indiana Jones: You wear your Jewels to bed? Willie: And nothing else. Does that shock you? Indiana Jones: Nothing shocks me. I'm a scientist. Willie: You're gonna get killed chasing after your damn fortune and glory! Indiana Jones: Maybe. But not today. Indy signals his intention to cut the rope bridge. Willie: Oh my God. Oh my God, is he nuts? Short Round: He no nuts, he's crazy! Indy threatens to drop the Sankara stones into the gorge. Mola Ram: Drop them, Dr. Jones! They will be found! You won't! Short Round: Hey Dr. Jones, no time for love. We've got company. Indiana Jones: Mola Ram! Prepare to meet Kali... in Hell! Willie: Aren't you gonna introduce us? Lao Che: This is Willie Scott; this is Indiana Jones, a famous archaeologist. Willie: Well I always thought that archaeologists were always funny looking men going around looking for their mommies. Indiana Jones: Mummys. Willie: I can't go to Pankot! I'm a *singer*! Willie: So what are you supposed to be, a lion tamer? Indiana Jones: I'm allowing you to tag along. So why don't you give your mouth a rest. Okay doll? Willie: What do you mean "tag along"? Ever since you got into my club, you haven't been able to take your eyes off of me. Indiana Jones: Oh yeah? Willie: You know how to fly, don't you? Indiana Jones: Um, no. Do you? Short Round: I'm very little! You cheat very big! Chattar Lal: I should say you look rather lost, but then I can't imagine where in the world the three of you would look at home. Chattar Lal: Dr. Jones, the eminent archaeologist? Willie: Hard to believe, isn't it? Willie: THAT'S the maharaja? A *kid*? Short Round: Maybe he likes *older* women. Guest at dinner: Ah! Dessert....Chilled Monkey-Brains! Chattar Lal: Dr. Jones, in my country, it is not usual for a guest to insult his host. Chattar Lal: Dr Jones, wasn't it the Sultan of Madagascar who thretaned to cut off your head if you ever returned to his country? Indiana Jones: No, it wasn't my head. Chattar Lal: Then your hands, perhaps? Indiana Jones: No, it wasn't my hands. It was my.... looks down Indiana Jones: My misunderstanding. Shaman of Maypore: Like monsoon, it moves darkness over all country. Willie: Ooh, what big birds! Indiana Jones: Those aren't big birds, sweetheart! They're giant vampire bats! Lao Che: So it's true? You've found Nurhachi? Indiana Jones: You know I did. Last night one of your boys tried to get Nurhachi without paying for him. Kao Kan holds his bandaged hand. Lao Che: You have insulted my son. Indiana Jones: No, you have insulted me. I spared his life. Indy and Short Round are exploring a cavern. Short Round: Feels like I step on fortune cookie! Indiana Jones: It's not fortune cookies. Let me take a look. Indy lights a lighter to find bugs crawling all over the place. Short Round: That no cookie! laughing Short Round: Indy! Cover your heart! Cover your heart! Shaman of Maypore: Now you see the power of the rock you bring back. Indiana Jones: Yes. I understand its power now. Indy and Short Round are trapped in a room. Indiana Jones: Stop! Look, just - stand against the wall, will ya? Short Round stands against the wall, springing a trap. Short Round: You say to stand against the wall! I just do what you say! Not my fault! Not my fault! Willie accidentally sets off the same trap she just sprang. Short Round: It wasn't me! It's her! Indiana Jones: Shorty, where's my razor?! Willie: Give me your hat. Short Round: Why? Willie: Because I got to puke in it! Short Round: Wow. Holy Smoke, crash landing. Indiana Jones: Short Round step on it. Short Round: Okey dokey Dr. Jones. Hold on to your potatoes. Willie: For crying out loud, there's a kid driving the car. Indiana Jones: The biggest trouble with her is the noise. Willie: You're too proud to admit that you're crazy about me Dr Jones. Indiana Jones: If you want me Willie, You know where to find me. Willie: Five minutes. You get back over here in five minutes. Indiana Jones: I'll be asleep in five minutes. Willie: Five. You know it, and I know it. one of Mola Ram's guards is about to kill Short Round Indiana Jones: Wait! Wait! He's mine. Indy grabs Shorty and holds him over the pit Indiana Jones: I'm alright kid. Indy winks at him Willie: Indiana Jones, this is one night you'll never forget. This is the night I slipped right through your fingers. Sleep tight and pleasant dreams. I could've been your greatest adventure. Mola Ram: You are in a position unsuitable to give orders. Webber: Ah, Dr. Jones. I'm Earl Webber. I spoke with your assistant and managed to secure three seats. However, there might be a *slight* inconvenience as you will be riding on a cargo plane full of live poultry. Willie: I'm not going to have anything good to say about this place when I get back!

The Lord of the Rings Information Zone

J.R.R. Tolkien

The author of the 'Book of the Century', J.R.R. Tolkien is one of the most recognizable names in literature. His novels "The Hobbit" and the "Lord of the Rings" are some of the best-known stories ever told, but they began as simple tales Tolkien told to his children at bedtime. John Ronald Reuel Tolkien was born on the 3rd of January 1892, in Bloemfontein, South Africa. His father died only three year later, and his mother took him and his younger brother, Hilary, to Birmingham, England, where she died of diabetes only seven year later, leaving the boys orphaned and living with an Aunt. Young Tolkien did not allow adversity to overcome him, though, for he went on to attend Oxford where he was awarded a First Class Honours degree in English Language and Literature. During his early years at Oxford he also married his childhood sweetheart Edith Bratt. Shortly thereafter World War I broke out and Tolkien served in the army where he saw action on the Somme. During that battle he suffered shell shock and, during a period of convalescence, began his studies of languages that would later become "The Silmarillion", the historical base for all of his Middle-earth stories. After the war, Tolkien went on to a distinguished academic career. He joined the staff of the New English Dictionary in 1919 and also worked as a tutor at Oxford. He went on to teach at Leeds University and in 1925 became Professor of Anglo-Saxon at Oxford University. In 1945 he was appointed Merton Professor of English at Oxford and finally retired in 1959. During these years he studied everything from "Beowulf" to the Finnish saga "Kalevala", which served as the root of his Elven languages. He would use his studies to help create his own mythical world. While teaching at Oxford, Tolkien, a devout Catholic, became great friends with C.S. Lewis, Charles Williams and others. Together, they formed an informal literary group called The Inklings, which got together weekly to read aloud their written works of fiction and religious interest, including much of Tolkien's Middle-earth tales. In 1937 "The Hobbit" was published. What began with "In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit" soon became an international sensation that became so popular that publishers were soon asking for more. Tolkien immediately began to write what would become "The Lord of the Rings", but because of World War II and other complication it was not published in it entirety until 1955 After "The Lord of the Rings", Tolkien wanted to release "The Silmarillion" but could never find a publisher who would support it. After his retirement, He did publish "The Adventures of Tom Bombadil", "Tree and Leaf", "Smith of Wooton Major", and "The Road goes ever on". His wife died in 1971 at the age of 82, and on 2 September 1973 J.R.R. Tolkien died at 82.


ARAGORN II Man, Dúnedain. (T.A. 1 March 2931 – F.A. 1 March 120) Son of Arathorn II and Gilraen. Husband of Arwen Undómiel. Father of Eldarion and many daughters. Last Chieftain of the Dúndedain and King of the Reunited Kingdom. Ranger of Eriador and member of The Company of the Ring. Aragorn was born on March 1st in the year T.A. 2931, the son of Arathorn II and Gilraen the Fair. When he was only two years old his father was slain by orcs and he became the Lord of the Dúndedain and the last Heir of Isildur. He and his mother were taken into the care of Elrond in Rivendell. To hide his heritage from the enemies of the Dúnedain, Aragorn was known in Rivendell by the name Estel, which means ‘Hope’. Not until he was twenty years of age (T.A. 2951)was he told his true lineage and name. At that time, Elrond gave to him the heirlooms of the Heirs of Isildur - the Ring of Barahir and the shards of Narsil, Elendil’s sword. But he withheld the Sceptre of Annúminas until ‘he had earned it’. The next day Aragorn met Arwen while walking in the gardens of Rivendell, and he soon fell in love with her beauty and wisdom. But his love for Arwen went unrequitted for many years because she was an Elf already many centuries old and he was still quite young and but a mortal. He then took leave of Rivendell and journied out into the wild of Middle-Earth for thirty long years, laboring for the cause against Sauron. During these years he befriended Gandalf the wizard (T.A. 2956) and served in disguise the lords of Rohan and Gondor where he was known as Thorongil (T.A. 2957-80). His services brought him into the far East and the deep South where he learned the ways of the servants of Sauron. While in Gondor he led a small fleet to Umbar where he burned most of the ships of the Corsairs and personally overthrew the Captain of the Havens. When he was forty-nine years old Aragorn sought a rest from his journeys in the Elven realm of Lothlórien (T.A. 2980). Unknown to him, Arwen was staying for there for a time, and they met again. During his long years Aragorn had grown into a man of great stature and power so that he appeared almost as an Elf-lord. Arwen at last returned his love and on Midsummer’s Eve they plighted their troth on the hill of Cerin Amroth. As a token of his love he gave to her the Ring of Barahir. Though it saddened Elrond greatly, he was silent when he heard of the promise between his daughter and Aragorn. Being Half-Elven and having lost his brother to mortality in the Second Age, he knew only too well the sorrow that loving a mortal could cause. He refused to allow his daughter to marry a Man, even one as great as Aragorn, unless he be no less than the King of both Gondor and Arnor. He would not allow her to sacrafice her immortality for anything less. So Aragorn returned to the wild more determined than ever to regain the kingdom lost so long ago by the Dúndedain. He wandered again for many years until Gandalf came to him in T.A. 3001 and asked for his aid in seeking and capturing Gollum. The hunt proved long and seemingly hopeless, for he lost the trail of Gollum. It was not until T.A. 3009 that he once again searched for Gollum, this time in the vales of Anduin, Mirkwood and Rhovanion, finally seeking all the way to the borders of Mordor. finally in T.A. 3017 he found and captured him in the Dead Marshes and took him to Thranduil in Mirkwood where Gandalf questioned him. He then sent more years as a Ranger in the wilds of Eriador where he was known as Strider. He became a rugged, woodcrafty man, the most skilled huntsman of his day, and also skilled at avoiding the traps of the enemy. He knew all of the lands for hundreds of miles and all of the peoples living in them. In the last years before the the War of the Ring he spent much of his time patrolling the borders of the Shire.


Hobbit of The Shire (b. T.A. 22 September 2968 - ?? ). Son of Drogo Baggins and Primula Brandybuck. Cousin and adopted heir of Bilbo Baggins. Member of the Company of the Ring. Bearer of the One Ring. Mayor of Michel Delving. Frodo Baggins, one of the most renowned personalities in the history of Middle-Earth, successfully carried the One Ring of Sauron from Hobbiton in The Shire to Mount Doom in Mordor where he was at last overcome by the power of the Ring but saved from its evil by Gollum who took it from him and inadvertantly destroyed it and himself. Frodo’s efforts resulted in the destruction of Sauron and the establishment of the Reunited Kingdom of Gondor and Arnor. Frodo Baggins was the son of Drogo and Primula Baggins. He lived together with his parents in the family home of his mother, Brandy Hall in Buckland, until Drogo and Primula were drowned in a boating accident when Frodo was just 12 years old. The young hobbit was left as an orphan among his Brandybuck relatives. In Buckland, Frodo grew into a fine young hobbit, only occasionally getting into mischief while stealing mushrooms from old Farmer Maggot and once even entering the Old Forest. He had many friends and was especially well-liked by his elder cousin, Bilbo Baggins who was also an orphan. When Frodo was 22 years old, Bilbo invited him to come live with him at Bag End in Hobbiton, adopting him as his heir. By coincidence, the two hobbits shared the same birthday, 22 September, and made it a custom to celebrate each year with a small party. When Bilbo was turning 111 and Frodo 33 (a very important year for hobbits), they threw a huge Party and invited practically everyone they knew. On 22 September 3001, the famous Farewell Party was given, so called because Bilbo disappeared while giving a speech and departed the Shire never to be seen there again. This left Frodo as the master of Bag End. Bilbo also left Frodo a golden ring that made its wearer invisible. Gandalf the wizard, a good friend of the family, suspected that the ring was more than it appeared and kept a watch over Frodo to see if he suffered any ill efect from it. Years passed and Frodo strangely showed no signs of aging. Gandalf remembered that Bilbo had also aged very slowly when he had posessed the ring, and the wizard decided to investigate what power it might possess. He took many years and long journies, but in the Spring of 3018 Gandalf returned to Hobbiton and sat down with Frodo to tell him the true nature of the small item Bilbo had left him The wizard explained that Sauron the Dark Lord had long ago created the One Ring to control the peoples of Middle-Earth. But the Ring had been wrested from him in battle and later lost. It had laid for centuries at the bottom of the Anduin river until it came into the possession of a small creatured named Gollum. Gollum took the Ring and hid himself away deep under the Misty Mountains. After many years, seemingly by accident, Bilbo Baggins found the ring and took it home as a treasure from his journies. Sauron now knew that the Ring had been found again and was looking for it. Gandalf refused it when Frodo offered to allow the wizard to take the Ring for safekeeping. Gandalf did not want to risk the temptation of using the power the Ring possessed. Instead, he recommended that Frodo take the Ring and leave the Shire as soon as possible. To protect the hobbits of his land, Frodo agreed.


The wizard Gandalf the Grey is a central character in THE HOBBIT and in THE LORD OF THE RINGS. He is one of the Istari, an order of the Maiar, angelic beings created by Eru with somewhat less power than the godlike Valar. Gandalf is the name he was called in the northeastern regions of Middle-earth by Men and Hobbits. His name was Incanus among the men of the more Southern regions. He was known as Olórin among the Elves of Valinor, the abode of the Valar. He was called Mithrandir, the Grey Pilgrim, by the Elves of Middle-earth. Láthspell and Stormcrow were names of insult he also bore. Among the Elves of Valinor, he would often pass unseen, kindling desire to do great things. He worked in the service of Manwë and was sent among the five Istari, or wizards, to Middle-earth after the Last Alliance of Elves and Men to help inspire resistance against Sauron, another Maia of great power who served Morgoth, a fallen Vala. Gandalf was incarnated as an old man, hale and strong, but subject to the weaknesses and desires of flesh and constrained to keep his nature secret from nearly all and to use his power to inspire rather than to coerce. Upon his arrival in Middle-earth, Círdan the Shipwright gave into his keeping Narya, one of the Three Elven Rings, perceiving Gandalf's eventual need for it, though he did not appear to be the greatest of the wizards. The head of the Order was Saruman the White, who fell from his mission into a self-serving scheme to find the One Ring of the Dark Lord, Sauron, and claim its power for his own. It was in the course of Gandalf's wanderings and missions that the Hobbit, or halfling, Bilbo Baggins found the One Ring in the Misty Mountains, where the wretched creature Gollum had kept it, and returned with it eventually to The Shire. In this same adventure, the wizard came upon the sword Glamdring, which once belonged to the King of Gondolin ages before. Though the wizard was known by the Shire-folk for his fireworks and for persuading young Hobbits to have adventures, his work was far more grim and dangerous than they knew. Gandalf's love of the little people and his desire to aid the Dwarves in ridding the north lands of the dragon Smaug resulted in this fortunate event. It was also during this time, that Gandalf convinced the White Council to drive the Necromancer, later known to be Sauron, from the fortress of Dol Guldur in Mirkwood. For these reasons, neither Sauron nor Saruman discovered the whereabouts of the One Ring until it was too late to undo Gandalf's plans. The One Ring was inheirited by Frodo Baggins, who Gandalf convinced to make for Rivendell, once the wizard determined that the heirloom was indeed the Ring of Power. Gandalf was detained by Saruman, imprisoned in the tower of Orthanc as the result of a ruse that used the gullibility of the wizard Radagast the Brown to lure Gandalf into the fortress of Isengard. There, Saruman revealed his treachery and sought to persuade Gandalf to join him. Gandalf refused and was locked up in the highest platform of the tall tower. The eagle Gwaihir rescued him and carried him to the land of Rohan, where he "borrowed" the great horse Shadowfax from King Theoden. The great steed brought him back to the lands between The Shire and Rivendell too late to travel with Frodo, but just in time to draw off some of the Nine Ringwraiths, most powerful of the servants of Sauron. After great difficulties and injuries, Frodo and his companions reached Rivendell. There, at the Council of Elrond, Gandalf revealed the history of the Ring and the treason of Saruman. Plans were laid and it was agreed that Frodo and the Fellowship of the Ring, which included Gandalf, would set out for Mordor. The long way there led through the mines of Moria, where Gandalf fell in a great battle with a Balrog and was presumed dead. Perhaps in a fashion this was so, but he was sent back, this time as Gandalf the White. In the interval, he strove against the Dark Lord so that Frodo would not be betrayed to Sauron on the Seat of Seeing on the top of Amon Hen. Gandalf was then taken again by Gwaihir to Galadriel in Lothlórien for a time. The wizard met with his old companions in Fangorn Forest and continued to Rohan where he inspired King Theoden to fight Saruman and then to ride with the Muster of Rohan to break the seige of Minas Tirith. In Minas Tirith, Gandalf saved the life of Faramir, the son of Denethor, the Steward of Gondor, from the madness of his father. He helped to order the defenses of the City of Guard and was Herald for Aragorn and the Lords of the West at the Black Gates of Mordor. Upon the destruction of the Ring, accomplished by the pity of Frodo for Gollum, inspired long before by Gandalf, the wizard rode with the eagles to save Frodo and his servant Samwise from the tumults of Mount Doom. Afterwards, Gandalf returned eventually to The Shire where Frodo joined the wizard, along with Bilbo, Elrond, and Galadriel. Together, they journeyed to the Grey Havens where Cirdan had prepared a hallowed ship upon which they set sail on the Straight Way over the bent seas to Valinor. Gandalf was the only one of the five wizards who remained true to his mission.

The Paranormal

Table of Contents

The Jersey Devil

The Jersey Devil, the supposed mythical creature of the New Jersey Pinelands, has haunted New Jersey and the surrounding areas for the past 260 years. This entity has been seen by over 2,000 witnesses over this period. It has terrorized towns and caused factories and schools to close down, yet many people believe that the Jersey Devil is a legend, a mythical beast, that originated from the folklore of the New Jersey Pine Barrens. Others disagree with this point of view. The following text will show there is evidence to support the existence of an animal or supernatural bring known as the Jersey Devil. The evidence consists of the stories of the Jersey Devil's origin, the sightings of it, and finally, the theories on it. There are many different versions of the birth of the Jersey Devil. One of the most popular legends says a Mrs. Shrouds of Leeds Point, NJ made a wish that if she ever had another child, she want it to be a devil. Her next child was born misshapen and deformed. She sheltered it in the house, so the curious couldn't see him. On stormy night, the child flapped it's arms, which turned into wings, and escaped out the chimney and was never seen by the family again. A Mrs. Bowen of Leeds point said, "The Jersey Devil was born in the Shrouds house at Leeds Point." 1 Another story that also placed the birth at Leeds Point said that a young girl fell in love with a British soldier during the Revolutionary War. The people of Leeds Point cursed her. When she gave birth, she had a devil. Some people believe the birth of the devil was punishment for the mistreatment of a minister by the Leeds folk. Another story placed the birth in Estelville, NJ. Mrs. Leeds, of Estelville, finding out she was pregnant with her 13th child, shouted,"I hope it's a devil". She got her wish. The child wad born with horns, a tail, wings, and a horse-like head. The creature revisited Mrs. Leeds everyday. She stood at her door and told it to leave. After awhile, the creature got the hint and never returned. Burlington, NJ, also claims to be the birthplace of the Jersey Devil. In 1735, Mother Leeds was in labor on a stormy night. Gathered around her were her friends. Mother Leeds was supposedly a witch and the child's father was the devil himself. The child was born normal, but then changed form. It changed from a normal baby to a creature with hooves, a horses head, bat wings and a forked tail. It beat everyone present and flew up the chimney. It circled the villages and headed toward the pines. In 1740 a clergy exercised the devil for 100 years and it wasn't seen again until 1890. There are many other versions of the legend. The legends say it was the 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th, or 13th child, It was born normal or deformed, and the mother confined it to the cellar or the attic. Although there are many discrepancies in all of these stories, there are 3 pieces of evidence that tie all of the legends of the Jersey Devil's origin together. The first thing that ties the legends together is the name "Leeds". Whether the mothers name was Leeds or the birth place was Leeds Point, all of the stories include the name Leeds. Alfred Heston, the Atlantic County Historian, believes that the devil could be a Leeds or a Shrouds baby. He discovered that a Daniel Leeds opened land in Great Egg Harbor, NJ, in 1699. His family lived in Leeds Point. He also discovered a Samuel Shrouds, Sr. came to Little Egg Harbor, NJ, in 1735 and lived right across the river from the house of Mother Leeds. The 3rd fact ties in the Burlington story with the others stories. Professor Fred MacFadden of Coppin State College, Baltimore, found that a "devil" was mentioned in writings from Burlington as early as 1735. He also indicated that the word Burlington was used to was the word used to names the area from the city of Burlington to the Atlantic Ocean. This means that the name that is now used for the birthplace such as Leeds point or Estelville, could be the same place referred to in the Burlington Legend. The origins provide some validity to the existence of the Jersey Devil, but the sightings are the most substantial pieces of evidence. The sightings have been divided up into 3 time periods, pre 1909, January 16-23, 1909, and post 1909. From the pre 1909 era, few documented records of sightings still exist. The ones that do confirm the existence of the devil. In the early 19th century, Commodore Stephen Decatur, a naval hero, was testing cannon balls on the firing range when he saw a strange creature flying across the sky. He fired and hit the creature but it kept right on flying across the field. Joseph Bonaparte, former king of Spain and brother of Napoleon, saw the Jersey Devil in Bordentown, NJ, between 1816 and 1839 while he was hunting. In 1840-41 many sheep and chickens were killed by a creature with a piercing scream and strange tracks. In 1859-94, the Jersey Devil was seen and numerous times and reportedly carried off anything that moved in Haddonfield, Bridgeton, Smithville, Long Branch, Brigantine, and Leeds Point. W.F. Mayer of New York noticed while visiting the Pine Barrens, most of the locals would not venture out after dark. The devil was sighted by George Saarosy, A prominent business man, at the NJ/NY border. This was the last reported sighting before the turn of the century. In 1903, Charles Skinner, author of American Myths and Legends, claimed that the legend of the devil had run it's course and that in the new century, NJ would hear no more of the devil. New Jersey rested easy with that thought for 6 years, until the week of January 16-23. 1909. During this week, the devil would leave his tracks all over South Jersey and Philadelphia. He was seen by over 1,00 people. This was his largest appearance ever. It all started early Sunday morning, January 16, 1909. Thack Cozzens of Woodbury, NJ, saw a flying creature with glowing eyes flying down the street. In Bristol, PA, John Mcowen heard and saw the strange creature on the banks of the canal. Patrol James Sackville fired at the creature as it flew away screaming. E.W. Minister, Postmaster of Bristol, PA, also saw a bird-like creature with a horses head that had a piercing scream. When daylight came, the residents of Bristol found hoof prints in the snow. Two local trappers said they had never seen tracks like those before. On Monday, the Lowdens of Burlington, NJ, found hoof prints in their yard and around their trash, which was half eaten. Almost every yard in Burlington had these strange hoof prints in them. The prints went up trees, went from roof to roof, disappeared in the middle of the road, and stopped in the middle of open fields. The same tracks were also found in Columbus, Hedding, Kinhora and Rancocas. A hunt was organized to follow the tracks but the dogs wouldn't follow the trail. On the 19th the Jersey Devil made his longest appearance of the week. At 2:30 am, Mr & Mrs. Nelson Evans of Gloucester were awakened by a strange noise. They watched the devil from their window for 10 minutes. Mr. Evans described the creature they saw: It was about three feet and half high, with a head like a collie dog and a face like a horse. It had a long neck, wings about two feet long, and its back legs were like those of a crane, and it had horse's hooves. It walked on its back legs and held up two short front legs with paws on them. It didn't use the front legs at all while we were watching. My wife and I were scared, I tell you, but I managed to open the window and say, 'Shoo', and it turned around barked at me, and flew away.2 Tuesday afternoon 2 professional hunters tracked the devil for 20 miles in Gloucester. The trail jumped 5 foot fences and went under 8 inch spaces. The hoof prints were found in more parts of South Jersey. A group of observers in Camden, NJ, saw the devil. It barked at them and then took off into the air. The next day, a Burlington police officer and the Reverend John Pursell of Pemberton saw the Jersey Devil. Rev. Pursell said, "Never saw anything like it before".3 Posses in Haddonfield found tracks that ended abruptly. In Collingswood, NJ, a posse watched the devil fly off toward Moorestown. Near Moorestown, John Smith of Maple Shade saw the devil at the Mount Carmel Cemetery. George Snyder saw the devil right after Mr. Smith and their descriptions were identical. In Riverside, NJ, hoof prints were found on roof tops and also around a dead puppy. On Thursday, the Jersey Devil was seen by the Black Hawk Social Club. He was also seen by a trolley full of people in Clementon as it circled above them. The witnesses descriptions matched others from the days before. In Trenton, Councilman E.P. Weeden heard the flapping of wings and then found hoof prints outside his door. The prints were also found at the arsenal in Trenton. As the day wore on the Trolleys in Trenton and New Brunswick had armed drivers to ward off attacks. The people in Pitman filled churches. Chickens had been missing all week throughout the Delaware Valley, but when the farmers checked their yards that day, they found their chickens dead, with no marks on them. The West Collingswood Fire Department fired their hose at the devil. The devil retreated at first, but then charged and flew away at the last second. Later that night, Mrs. Sorbinski of Camden heard a commotion in her yard. She opened the door to see the Jersey Devil standing there with her dog in it's grip. She hit the devil with a broom until it let go of her dog and flew away. She started screaming until her neighbors came over. Two police officers arrived at her house where over 100 people had gathered. The crowd heard a scream coming from Kaigan Hill. The mob ran toward the creature on the hill. The Policed shot at it and the devil flew off into the night. The streets of Camden were empty after this. On Friday, Camden police officer Louis Strehr saw the Jersey Devil saw the devil drinking from a horses trough. The school in Mt Ephraim was closed because no students came in. Mills and factories in Gloucester and Hainesport had to close because none of the employees came to work. Many New Jersey residents wouldn't leave their houses, even in daylight. Officer Merchant of Blackwood drew a sketch of the creature he saw. His sketch coincided with the descriptions from earlier in the week. Jacob Henderson saw the devil in Salem and described it as having "wings and a tail"4. The devil was only seen once more in 1909 in February. Since 1909, the Jersey Devil has continued to be sighted by people all over New Jersey. The number of sightings that have been reported to the authorities has dwindled over the years. This could be attributed to the fact that people don't want to be branded as crazy. Even though the number of reported sightings has dropped, there's still a considerable amount of sightings in the post 1909 era. IN 1927, a cab driver on his way to Salem got a flat tire. He stopped to fix the tire. As he was doing this, creature that stood upright and was covered with hair, landed on the roof of his cab. The creature shook his car violently. He fled the scene, leaving the tire and jack behind. Phillip Smith, who was known as a sober and honest man, saw the devil walking down the street in 1953. The characteristic screams of the Jersey Devil were heard in the woods near Woodstown, NJ, in 1936. Around 1961, 2 couples were parked in a car in the Pine Barrens. They heard a loud screeching noise outside. Suddenly the roof of the car was smashed in. They fled the scene, but returned later. Again they heard the loud screech. They saw a creature flying along the trees, taking out huge chinks of bark as it went along. There have been other sightings since 1909, such as the Invasion of Gibbsboro in 1951. The people there saw the devil over a 2 day period. In 1966, a farm was raided and 31 ducks, 3 geese, 4 cats, and 2 dogs were killed. One of the dogs was a large german Shepard which had it's throat ripped out. In 1981, a young couple spotted the devil at Atsion Lake in Atlantic County. In 1987, in Vineland an aggressive german Shepard was found torn apart and the body gnawed upon. the body was located 25 feet from the chain which had been hooked to him. Around the body were strange tracks that no one could identify. The sightings and prints are the most substantial evidence that exists. Many of the theories on the Jersey Devil are based upon that evidence. Some theories can be proven invalid, while others seem to provide support for the Jersey Devil's existence. One theory is that the Jersey Devil is a bird. Mrs. Cassidy of Clayton thought it was an invasion of scrowfoot ducks. The scrowfoot duck is much too small to be mistaken for the devil. Others believe the devil is really a sand hill crane. The crane used to live in South Jersey until it was pushed out by man. The sand hill crane weighs about 12 lbs., is 4 foot high, and a wingspan of 80 inches. It avoids man but if confronted it will fight. It has a loud scream whooping voice that can be heard at a distance. This could account for the screams heard by witnesses. The crane also eats potatoes and corn. This could account for the raids on crops. This theory doesn't explain , however, the killing of live stock. It also doesn't explain why people described the devil as having a horses head, bat wings and tail, all of which the crane doesn't have. Professor Bralhopf said that" the tracks were made by some prehistoric animal form the Jurassic period"5. He believes the creature survived underground in a cavern. An expert from the Smithsonian Institute had a theory about ancient creatures surviving underground. He said the Jersey Devil was a Pterodactyl. The Academy of Natural Sciences could find no record of any creature, living or extinct, that resembles the Jersey Devil. Jack E. Boucher, author of Absagami Yesteryear, has a theory in which he believes the devil was a deformed child. He thinks Mrs. Leeds had a disfigured child and kept it locked away in the house. She grew sick and couldn't feed the child anymore. It escaped out of hunger and raided local farms for food. This doesn't take into account the incredible life span of the devil. The child would have been 174 years old in 1909. It also doesn't account for the sightings of the devil flying. Only a small amount of the sightings and footprints could be hoaxes. The Jersey Devil has been seen by reliable people such as police, government officials, postmasters, businessman, and other people whose "integrity is beyond question."6 As for the hoof prints, even if some were hoaxes, There is still no way to explain most of the tracks, especially the ones on roof tops and tracks that ended abruptly as if the creature took wing. The last theory is the most controversial one. Many people believe that the Jersey Devil could be the very essence of evil, embodied. It is said that the devil is an "uncanny harbinger of war"7. and appears before any great conflict. The jersey devil was sighted before the start of the Civil War. It was also seen right before the Spanish American War and WW I. In 1939, before the start of WW II, Mount Holly citizens were awakened by the noise of hooves on their roof tops. The Devil was seen on December 7, 1941, right before Pearl Harbor was bombed. He was also seen right before the vietnam War. The Jersey Devil's habit of being a forerunner to wars could be because of his possible demonic origins. In 1730, Ben Franklin reported a story about a witchcraft trial near Mt Holly, NJ. One of the origin legends say that Mother Leeds was a witch. The devil's birth could have been a result of a witches curse. Other facts support the supernatural theory are the reports of the death of the devil. When Commodore Decatur fired a cannon ball at the devil, it went through him and he was unaffected. In 1909, a track walker on the electric railroad saw the devil fly into the wires above the tracks. There was a violent explosion which melted the track 20 feet in both directions. No body was found and the devil was seen later in perfect health. In 1957, the Department of Conservation found a strange corpse in a burned out area of the pines. It was a partial skeleton, feathers, and hind legs of an unidentifiable creature. The devil was thought to be dead, but reappeared when the people of New Jersey thought that this time his death was real. Each time he is reported dead, he returns. Sometimes this year. The Jersey Devil will be 260 years old. It seems the devil is immortal, which a supernatural being would be. Another thing that supports this theory is the incredible distances the devil could fly in a short period of time. No animal could travel as fast as the devil did in 1909 when he was sighted in South Jersey, Philadelphia, and New York through out the week. None of these theories can give a definitive answer to what the Jersey Devil was or is, but the sightings prove there is something out there. Whether the Jersey devil is a bird or a demon, is still left ot speculation. The people of New Jersey have definitely seen something out there lurking in the Pine Barrens. [an error occurred while processing this directive]

Vampires: Myth, Legend and Lore

Myth & Lore: A vampire feeds on the life essence of their victims. This usually occurs by drinking the blood of their victim. The reasons that the vampire needs blood to survive varies from culture to culture. Some feel that the vampire needs blood to flow through their veins to keep their bodies animated and limit the damage of decay. Others feel that the beasts feed as a sadistic habit in order to wreak havoc and fear. This theory of course also makes on think that it may not be the blood that animates the vampire, but the fear & pain. Vampires aren't particular they will drink the blood of animals as well as humans. The most obvious characteristic that you think of when referring to the vampire is of course that the creature is dead a yet walks among the living. Most tales of vampirism tell us that these beings have fangs, are afraid of sunlight, they can shape-shift, (i.e. bats and wolves), they cry tears of blood, sleep in a coffin during the day and have extreme levels of strength and speed. Of course it goes without saying that this creature is immortal, unless of course killed using the proper methods. As stated before different cultures have different myths about the vampires. For instancing European beliefs the vampire is dead, zombie like, hideously deformed from death and inherently evil. Whereas the American legend has been handed to us by Hollywood. The creature is a sensual, desirable one. Most of our movies and fiction combine the myth and legend of Europe, but also adds the dash of Americana, making this being a seductive beauty, with brawn as well as brains, and sometimes even a dash of compassion. Who is a vampire? Are you predestined from birth to become one of the undead? In older lore vampires were people who died unnaturally and couldn't face the fact that they were truly dead. In my research I found some really fun and interesting ways of becoming one with the undead. The most common way of becoming is of course being bitten by a vampire. From here on the becoming is very bizarre. Lets start with some of the predisposition's; being conceived on a holy day, being weaned too early, being born the seventh son of the seventh son or receiving a curse. The last two are my personal favorites a mother who did not eat enough salt during pregnancy and a mother being stared at by a vampire while pregnant. Enough of predisposition's, lets move onto ways that you can cause yourself to become a vampire. Common beliefs in older lore include being a witch or were-wolf, being cruel or evil person, committing suicide, being murdered or being the murderer. All these things can make you a vampire upon death. But wait, there are more ways to be a do-it-yourselfer. These are my personal favorites in this category; eating sheep killed by a wolf, leading an immoral life, (i.e. prostitutes & treacherous barmaids), or (for a priest) saying mass while in the state of mortal sin. For the Europeans after death becomings include; wind from the Russian Steppe blowing on the corpse and being buried face up in the grave, the latter of the two believed in certain parts of Romania. Other after death causes of the becoming are; having a cat or other animal jump or fly over a corpse, having a shadow fall on a corpse, no burial or improper burial rites, murder that is unrevenged, having ones brother sleep walk (?), death by drowning and finally stealing the ropes used to bury the corpse. So my research turned up many way to become a vampire. How do you detect that someone is a vampire? Ever wonder if your friends, family or teachers are just Vampires leeching you dry? The following suggestions are taken basically from old myths and lore. If you find a corpse that is bloated, showed blood in the mouth, grew long nails and hair chances are that you are dealing with a vampire. (Of course in modern times we have realized that the previous conditions are all part of decomposition.) To detect a vampire at graveside or in the cemetery, if you are not looking for anyone in particular, first look for fingersized holes around the grave, look for disturbed dirt, constant mists, disturbed coffins, moved or fallen tombstones footprints leading to and from the grave, (just make sure that they aren't your own), no birds singing, dogs barking and refusing to enter the cemetery, geese screaming when near the suspected grave and last, but not least, groaning sounds from under the earth. If you think that someone you know has been a victim of vampirism or might possibly be a vampire here are some ways of detection. If the supposed victim suffers from one or more of the following list chances are that you are dealing with the undead. Things to look for are sleeplessness, nightmares, anemia, bite marks on the neck, (dead give away), exhaustion, nervousness, irritability, sleepwalking, difficulty in breathing, no appetite, weight loss, aversion to garlic, strange dental growths and photosensitivity. All taken together means that you are either dealing with a vampire or a parent of young children. The appearance of the suggested vampire is also important. You should look for the following; fangs, red eyes, long fingernails, paleness, reluctance to enter a house without an invitation, hairy palms and aversion to bright lights. Also look to see if your family and/or friends have a reflection or cast a shadow. Once you have determined that you are dealing with the undead, the following information is to help you prevent, protect and destroy your evil demon. Prevention for pre-burial is fun, here is just a sampling of what I found; destroyed vampire that caused death, close all windows, prevent moonlight from falling on the corpse, cover all mirrors, (keep in mind that these are old rituals used when people still buried their own), place corn or garlic in mouth and cover all standing water. Now for some of my personal favorites; pour incense into eyes, nose and ears of victim. Bind the body of the victim by tying the mouth shut, tying legs or feet together, weld the toes together (?), and then wrap in carpet or net. Decapitate the corpse and place the head under the arm or between legs or bury it in a separate grave. The number one favorite to prevent a loved one from becoming one of the undead, stretch a dead cat or dog across the threshold to the house. If your prevention does not work, then you should try to protect yourself and your loved ones from the same fate. Garlic of course is one well-known method. It can be used on windows, doors, around the neck and under armpits (?); if you mix it with water it can be sprinkled or sprayed throughout an area. Also try fishnets on windows, doors and graves, for some unknown reason vampires are obsessed with untangling objects. Seeds are another way to protect yourself, just sprinkle into yard or walkways; vampires are compelled to count seeds (i.e. the count on Sesame Street). Holy water is yet another popular way of protection. Bells ringing will keep the undead away if ringing constantly. My last suggestion would be placing mirrors on the doors, because, as one author put it, it really annoys the vampire that they cannot see their own reflection. If your prevention does not work, then you should try to protect yourself and your loved ones from the same fate. Garlic of course is one well-known method. It can be used on windows, doors, around the neck and under armpits (?); if you mix it with water it can be sprinkled or sprayed throughout an area. Also try fishnets on windows, doors and graves, for some unknown reason vampires are obsessed with untangling objects. Seeds are another way to protect yourself, just sprinkle into yard or walkways; vampires are compelled to count seeds (i.e. the count on Sesame Street). Holy water is yet another popular way of protection. Bells ringing will keep the undead away if ringing constantly. My last suggestion would be placing mirrors on the doors, because, as one author put it, it really annoys the vampire that they cannot see their own reflection. Now that I have given you the information to detect, prevent and protect yourself from the evil critters, lets move onto Myths of the creation of the vampire. Many authors have written about vampires and their creation, but the story or myth that is my favorite is the "Myth of Merrydeath" by an unknown author. The tale tells of a beautiful queen ruling for her children in ancient times. Keep in mind that this is a time when men were still new to the earth. Queen Meredith had taken a lover after years of being alone due to the king's death. Her lover was Mambayan, a warrior chieftain and close friend of the king. Well as all good love stories go, her lover was wounded in battle. Also around the same time a vampfara was imprisoned in the castle keep. Meredith tried everything in her power to save Manbayan, but to no avail. Death was imminent. An old crone suggested that since the vampfara appeared to be able to heal itself, maybe they should try the blood of the vampfara to heal Manbayan. Meredith formed an idea in her mind to visit the vampfara and request his help. That very same night she did visit the vampfara. When she requested his blood to save her lover. The vampfara thought about her request and he requested his freedom in return. He told her that she must carry his blood inside of her, as it had to be kept warm. He bit her and drank her blood greedily and just as she was about to die he sliced his wrist and held it to her mouth, making her drink his blood. Then he told her that in order to save her lover she must repeat the same procedure. Of course they have now died and been made into vampires. The kingdom rebelled against the lovers who now walked with the undead and cast them out. As the story goes they are still roaming the night together and the vampfarant was freed as per agreement. That is the myth of Queen Merrydeath. History: When you think about vampires usually the first name that you think of is Dracula. Bram Stoker is the man who penned the famous novel "Dracula". It is thought this story that most of us are introduced to vampires. "Dracula" was actually based on a true Romanian Prince named Vlad Tepes, (pronounced Tzepesh). He was seen as a hero by his countrymen. According to most legend he was considered a fair, but very cruel man. Most of the information about this prince has been handed down to us by verbal tradition in his homeland, and by Russian and German pamphlets printed shortly after his death. The verbal form tells us of his conquests for his country, whereas the pamphlets portrayed him as an evil demon. The name Dracula (draculaea) simply means son of the Dracul. The name Dracul seems a little harder to decipher. Some say that it means demon or devil, while other historians assert that Vlad the II belonged as a knight of the order of the dragon, hence the surname dracul- dragon, the insignia of the order was a dragon being knocked down by a cross. The knights were a group of Slavic rulers and warlords sworn to uphold the Christian faith against the Turks. The name Tepes is also report to mean "the impaler". So that was the history of the name, but who was this man so closely connected to the vampire. His life started off well as the son of the prince of Wallachia. At a young age he was captured by the Turks and imprisoned by the Sultan. It has been suggested that Vlad developed his sadistic tendencies during his captivity, as he would not convert his allegiance to the Sultan. Vlad was eventually released as the Turks thought him subdued. Vlad the III actually ruled Wallachia three separate times as the prince or voevod (warlord). He first ruled in 1448, he left the throne the same year because he realized that at that moment in time he was not strong enough to defeat the Turks. His second term as ruler began in 1456. He ruled well with the help of his allies, he ensured peace in his country. He was always depicted as a sever ruler. He was ousted by his brother with the help of the Turks, in 1462. His third and final rule only lasted a month in 1476. At this time he was beaten in battle by the Turks and killed afterward. His head was presented to the Sultan as proof of his death and his body buried in a monastery. An interesting footnote to this story is that when Dracula- Vlad Tepes the III's grave was later opened all that was found was a pile of horse bones. Of course there were reasons why the Turks were afraid of Dracula and his countrymen considered him so severe in his punishments. Vlad the III was known as the impaler because that is how he killed many of his opponents. There are numerous stories that tell of the atrocities committed by the man. One story tells of how he impaled his victims in geometric patterns, the height of the stake indicated the rank of the victim. The corpses were often left rotting for months as a deterrent to the Turkish armies. Vlad was not just an impaler, he also had a few other tortures that he seemed to favor such as, nails in the head, cutting off limbs, blinding, strangulation, burning, mutilation of sexual organs, scalping and skinning. The list seems to go on and on, too morbid to continue. He did not like the noblemen of his country, because they were untrustworthy, and he often employed his methods of torture against them as well as his enemies. At one point he even had his noblemen building Dracula Castle. It has also been reported that he was not fond of the ailing or poor. To rid his country of these people he held a feast for them. At the end of the feast ordered his soldiers to bar up the exits and burn the great hall to the ground. His reason for this was so that the poor and invalid would no longer be a burden to his countrymen. There is never any mention of Vlad the III being a Vampire, just a sadistic ruler. Vlad was a hero to his people, even though his methods of his punishment were unequivocally severe and cruel. He helped defeat the Turks and kept them out of Romania for many years. I have used many different sources for this history and all tell the tale a little differently, but the same basic premise is the same throughout all sources. (See acknowledgements at the end of the article.) There are other famous people in history that were considered vampires. In the next few paragraphs I will tell of Elizabeth Bathory, the Vampire of Croglin Range, Arnold Paole, John George Haige, Fritz Haarmann, Martin Dummolard and Peter Kurten. Elizabeth Bathory was a Transylvanian noblewoman born in 1560. She was married to Count Ferencz Nadasdy. By the age of 25 years old she became obsessed with her beauty and terrified of growing old. When her husband died in 1604 Elizabeth moved back to her family lands in Vienna. She began to practice certain forms of sorcery, which included attending rituals that sacrificed animals. Elizabeth became obsessed with blood by accident. She was correcting a servant girl for not performing her duties to the satisfaction of the countess. Elizabeth went after the young girl with a pair of scissors. Her blood was splayed over Elizabeth, whom upon cleaning discovered that it made her skin more youthful. This started her descent into hell; it is thought that she participated in the murders of over 600 young girls. She preferred the blood of younger girls and considered them to be her fountain of youth. She would torture her victims for weeks and sometimes month before actually killing them. By December of 1610, only six years after the death of her husband, she was brought to trial for her atrocities and found guilty. Due to the fact that she was a noblewoman she would not be put to death for her crimes. She was sentenced to life imprisonment in her own home. She was placed in a small room with no windows or doors, only an opening for food to passed through and slits for air. The documents of her trial were sealed, when later found they were not completely intact. The rumors still circulated that not only did she bath in the blood of her victims, but she also drank it as well. The vampire of Croglin Range is another interesting story. There is no exact name given to this creature, but when chased by one of the victim's families, it disappeared into an old family crypt that had been in the town for hundreds of years. When the vault was opened by the town's people it was discovered that all the coffins but one had been destroyed. Inside the remaining coffin was a mummified corpse with a fresh bullet wound. The villagers disturbed by this sight of the corpse removed the vile being and burnt it on a funeral pyre. That vampire visits the town of Croglin Range no more. Arnold Paole is another unique character in history. This story is actually documented and can be found in a few history books from the area. Arnold Paole was from Medvenga, near Belgrade. The story goes that he returned home from Greece in 1727, where he had served in the army. Upon his return he married a local girl. He often told her that he feared an early demise. Sure enough, while working on his farm he fell from a great height and was returned home, he from internal injuries within a few days. After a month townspeople had begun reporting that they had seen Arnold in their homes. These people soon turned up dead from reasons unknown. Arnold's body was exhumed. When the coffin was opened they found the body had experienced no decomposition, old skin and nails had been replaced by new. There was even fresh blood on his lips. A member of the group that had exhumed the body staked Arnold. The corpse sat up and screamed, fresh blood flowed from the wound. The group then began to do the same to all of Arnold's victims, careful to surround the bodies with garlic. All was quiet until 1732 when there was another group of unexplained deaths. The town took no chances this time and exhumed all of the corpses to investigate. Again they found no decomposition among the bodies, so they performed the ritual again. One theory explaining the second outbreak was that Arnold had also attacked cattle as well as people and when the cattle was slaughtered for meat and consumed the vampire qualities were passed on to the innocent victims. John George Haige was another character in history whose claim to fame was vampirism. In 1944 the "Acid Bath Vampire" was born. John had a troubled youth in Wakefield, England. He claimed to have a reoccurring dream about a forest of crucifixes, the crucifixes would turn into trees dripping blood. There was a man there to collect the blood and offer it to John, but that was when he would wake up, never tasting the offering. He would later rent a basement workshop and shortly thereafter commit his first murder. He only drained enough fresh blood from his first victim to fill a cup, which he would drink. Then he would dispose of the body by dumping it into a bathtub and pouring acid on it, letting it melt until only sludge would remain. Then he would gather the sludge and dump it down a manhole located in the workshop. He killed many victims this way and was caught because of his increasing acid orders. This led to his arrest, where he confessed everything. It only took a Jury 15 minutes to deliberate and return with a guilty verdict. He was hung on August 10, 1949. Another fun character was Fritz Haarmann. He and two accomplices committed many grisly murders. Fritz was into cannibalism and like biting his victims on the throat. His other good qualities consisted of being a child molester and selling the flesh of his victims to unsuspecting customers in his cook-shop. Fritz was beheaded in April of 1925. His brain was donated to science for research. Martin Dummolard was a man possessed by a woman. He was called the "Monster of Montluel". Martin met his mistress Justine Lafayette when he moved into her boarding house. Martin would drink the blood of his victims and take the fleshier parts home for Justine to eat. They murdered close to eighty girls before being caught in 1888. Justine was beheaded by the guillotine, and Martin spent the remainder of his life in an asylum for the criminally insane. Our final story takes place in Germany and is about a man named Peter Kurten. The "Vampire of Dusseldorf" as he was known, was the son of an alcoholic father and a mother who just didn't care about anything. He was a truck driver, a bespectacled little man, very unassuming, however, this man was able to assault or murder twenty-nine people during his reign of terror. His victims were strangled, raped and then he would slit their throats so that he could drink their blood. He married, hoping that it help him to control his urges. This did not work. He was a devoted husband by day and an evil creature by night. Eventually, he confessed his crimes to his wife, who then turned him in to the police. He was convicted and sentenced to death in 1931. He wrote letters to the families of his victims, stating with no remorse that some people crave alcohol, where as, he craved blood and apparently needed some kind of sexual fulfillment. Of course these are just a small sampling of those in history that were considered vampires. These people needed or craved blood to survive just as our Vampires of lore needed blood to survive. Are there really vampires? That is for you the reader to decide. Those who lust for blood must have some reason for this need, but again that is for you to decide.If you have any questions please contact me at I will do my best to answer them.

Ghost Hunting 101

Definitions Ghost Hunt - going to a place were there have been no sightings of ghosts and trying to catch some on film (video and photos), sounds, eyewitness, etc. (graveyards are the number one place to start, churches, schools and older buildings too) Ghost Investigation - going to a known haunted place and recording data (video, photos, audio, temperatures), notes, interviews and other evidence to prove/disprove the haunting and to assist the owners and the spirits in moving on and leaving the place if they want that. The assistance can be either you directly assisting the owner with the situation or putting them in contact with experienced groups or individuals that will try to resolve the situation. Your assistance can be something as simple as educating them on what is going on and their options. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What you may Encounter: There are generally 2 types of spirits you may encounter. One was a human at one time and it has remained on this level for some reason. It may not know it's dead, may be held here by unfinished business, guilt, etc. These spirits are like the person was when they were alive, so they could be good or bad, just like the living, but not normally dangerous. This human spirit is the type you will encounter 95% of the time. You could also witness a residual haunting which is just a playback of a past event. This is just like watching a video from the past playing over and over. The other type of spirit you may encounter were never human and are generally bad news. You must be aware of this type but not obsessed with them, the chances that you will encounter them in a regular ghost hunt are slim. I have experienced both types and I just want to make you aware of their existence. So be aware and protect yourself and you should have no problem. General Tips This is information you need to consider before you go out on the ghost hunt: Check out the area in daylight so you are familiar with the area. Look for dangerous places and obstacles that you will not be able to see in the dark. Look for no trespassing signs. Make sure you are not trespassing. If you are on private property you are risking getting a ticket or arrested in some areas. You can get permission from many owners and or caretakers. We will often notify the local Police that we will be in a grave yard "taking pictures" so they are aware of our presence. If you are asked to leave do so immediately, you will not win this argument and you make other investigators look bad if you make a scene. Make sure you bring you ID. (drivers license, etc.) so if you are questioned by the police you can prove who you are. Never go alone. This is just common sense. If you get hurt, who will get help? The best times are from 9pm to 6am, these are the psychic hours, but anytime can produce results. Photos have historically been better in the dark but don't let that discourage you from taking them during the day. Find out all you can about the history of the locale. Newspapers, town historians, WWW and books can be helpful finding folklore or hard facts about the site. The books and web pages dealing with this type of info is enormous. We have a haunted places listing here with over 1000 places listed. What to Bring The Basics: * Camera - Nothing fancy with at least 400 speed film. 800 speed film seems to get the best results outside l and black and white is also something good to try. If you are more experienced photographer you may want to try infrared film. I have seen results from Polaroids but I suggest you only use these along with a 35 mm cameraso you can compare the results. If you use a digital camera make sure you have one with a good flash or a slave flash. I use a 35 mm Canon Sureshot 80 and a Olympus 450 Zoom digital camera on investigations. I have used Fuji film primarily but I have also used Kodak and a department store brands with similar results. When you develop them you don't need to go to a camera shop, the local drug store or department store is fine. Let them know you want all the pictures developed so that you get the pictures that they might think are bad ones. These "bad ones" are normally your best ectoplasm mist photos. * Flashlight w/ spare batteries - a common sense item. Remember to bring spare batteries for everything. Due to spirit activity, batteries often run down very fast and you don't want to miss anything because of dead batteries. I recommend using a red lens flash light to help preserve your night vision. More info on red lenses and how to make your own here * First aid kit - just in case, it's very easy to trip in the dark and get cut. * Notebook w/ pens and pencils- you need to write and log in everything that happens. If you don't then you really don't have much research information. An example of this is one investigator gets a EMF reading that's high and never writes it down. Another investigator takes a picture of the same area but is not aware of the reading and gets a anomalous image. Without that EMF reading the picture may be good evidence, but with a report noting the reading, the picture greatly increases in evidence value. Many investigators use a pocket tape recorder in stead and that is fine, just make sure you have spare batteries and tapes. * Jackets or weather appropriate clothes - if you are cold you are not at your best and your observation skill could suffer, pretty common sense. * Watch - so you can log in the times of events and your arrival and departure. Advanced and Optional * Video camera (optional tripod) - A regular camcorder can be used for video taping in lighted or day light conditions. The Sony line of camcorders has an infrard nigth shot feature that enables you to video tape in complete darkness and see beyond what the human eye can see. * Tape recorder w/ external microphone and high grade tapes - You have to use a external microphone when recording EVPs (ghosts voices). If you rely on the internal microphone you will also be recording the internal gears and motors and this will make your tape worthless. Any sound you hear on the tape could not be used as evidence because of this, so use the external mic, they are pretty inexpensive. The type of tape that is most often recommended is high bias tapes or metal tapes. * Digital audio recorders - This recored is small and easy to carry. You can also use the voice activation feature so there is less audio to review. I use this for my notes as well. Most units record teh time of the recording as well which is very useful. * EMF Detector - These meters read the electromagnetic fields in an area. It is a common theory that spirits disrupt this field in such a way that you can tell one is present by higher than normal readings with this meter. There are many types and price ranges. You need to be aware of the natural readings in an area or building before you assume that your reading a ghosts presence. Make sure that you know where power lines, electrical line, major appliances and electronics are before you begin your readings with this useful and easy to use tool. You can try using a compass in place of this , the needle compass would move or shake when something was interfering with electromagnetic field the compass relies on the work properly. SJGR training sheet I give all my new trainees on EMF meters. * Night Scope - This tool may be useful in viewing some spirit activity and many groups , including mine, have reported some success with them. They are pricey and a good one can run into the 1000's of dollars. * Cellular phone - if you have one it can come in handy in case of an emergency. * Candles & matches - batteries often run low during hunts so you may run out of them and still need a light source. Another good idea is a camping lantern that runs on lamp oil. Be careful using the candles around motion detectors, they will set them off. * Motion Detectors - these can be used to sense movements by often unseen forces or spirits. You can get battery operated ones for about 20 dollars and they are great for inside but I have seen them used successfully outdoors as well, just watch the placement. you don't want a tree branch setting it off. * Thermometer or Thermal Scanner - You can use a digital thermometer that you can get for 25-50 dollars or spend a bit more to get a point and shoot thermal scanner. All of these are good for detecting cold spots that are often found in haunted places. I recommend using the thermal scanner guns in indoor areas because they shoot out a beam that reads the temperature of whatever it hits. It's easier to keep track of areas indoors with this type. A regular digital or analog thermometer works better out side because it is detecting the air that is currently in, so if you hold it in a cold spot and them move away, you would get a temperature increase and that would give you a truer reading of the temperature difference. A training sheet on IR Thermometers. * Hand Held Radios - Or Walkie Talkies are very useful in a large outdoor area and a building with groups spread out in various rooms. They could be great in emergency situations or just to rotate groups. Be sure to be aware they could interfere with your EVP recording though. Step by Step Procedures Here's a condensed version the most popular procedures for conducting outdoor ghost hunts: 1. Have everyone meet near the location and decide who will work each piece of equipment and divide into teams if necessary. Pick a person or leader that will talk to anyone who comes in contact with the group (i.e. Police, Reporters, etc.) Do not load film or tapes yet. 2. Enter the site and either privately or as a group ask for blessing or protection for the duration of the hunt. I do encourage everyone to take the 10 seconds this takes and do this. What can it hurt? It's better to be safe than sorry. Many experienced groups believe that there are evil spirits in many areas such as cemeteries and by saying a 10 second prayer you can safely go about your business without worrying about them. An experienced demonologist will tell you that by doing this in the name of God or whatever good deity you worship, you will keep any non human spirits at bay since they have to leave you alone when told so in this manner. You will not provoke an attack by doing this and I say it's just as simple as saying your prayers at night. 3. Walk around the area to get a feel for the surroundings and allow the spirits to get a feel for you. Do this for about 20 minutes. Log in your start time and weather conditions and any other relevant information. You can also begin to set up any stationary equipment like camera on tripods or motion detectors. Make note of any areas that may cause you to get false readings or false positive pictures. 4. Now you can open all your film and tapes and load the cameras and recorders. Now go out there and get some pictures and recordings. Be sure to note anything unusual that happens especially meter and temperature readings, visual sightings and strange sounds. Also make notes of any feelings or emotions you feel that may be odd or out of place. You can compare notes after the hunt and look for similarities in readings and feeling in certain areas or at certain times. 5. Whether you stake out a spot or you walk around try to give everyone the opportunity to try everything and be everywhere. This keeps every one fresh and at attention. Rotate a few times during the investigation. 6. When you are done have everyone meet in one spot and ask the human spirits here not to follow you home and to remain here. Tell the others they must remain here in the name of God (or other good deities). Again this takes 4 seconds, it's simple and it can save you some problems down the road. If we are wrong about these prayers at the beginning and end of the hunt and they are not necessary then you wasted 14 seconds of your time. If we are right about them, you saved yourself from allot of problems and grief. See anything I missed, email me with suggestions. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Additional steps for a house or building ghost hunt/investigation * Every investigator or team should keep a log of events/times - everything needs to be logged, not matter how trivial. You sneeze, log it in, it may have sounded like something else to another member elsewhere in the building. * All members and clients if possible, walk through the location. One members map location noting: air vents, heater, electrical appliances, fuse boxes, computer, etc. Mark down the temperatures in the rooms and any EMF reading you get during this walk through. One member take 5-10 test photos during the walk through. Do not discuss the details of the case during this walk through. * Any witnesses that have not been interviewed before should be interviewed by 1-2 investigators and taped/videoed if it’s ok with the witness. The other members should walk around the location and record any feelings or observations. Only the interviewers will know the location of events and sightings. * Make no conclusions. Share no conclusions or opinions with the witnesses or owners until all the reports, photos and tapes are reviewed. You need to see the evidence and corelate it before you can give an educated opinion. Taking Pictures * Open your film and load your camera after walking around the location for about 20 minutes first. * Use at least 400 speed 35 mm film. 400 and 800 speeds work the best. 1000 speed film develops too grainy and I would avoid using it although many investigators do have success with it. Black and White film also works well. * If you are an experienced photographer, you may want to try infrared film which also has had excellent results in the past. * Make sure you note any other lights in the area so when you view your developed pictures you will not think a street light is an orb. * Make sure you clean your camera's lens regularly. * no smoking at the location, this can appear like mist on the photos so you don't want to contaminate your evidence. * Watch for dust or dirt being stirred up in the area you are photographing. They can give flase positive pictures. * All long hair should be tied back or under a hat, again this is to eliminate any false positive pictures and to give the skeptics less ammunition. * Remove or tie up any camera straps so you don't take a picture of that, it looks like a vortex when photographed. * Watch for reflective surfaces and make notes of them. The flash reflected off shiny surfaces such as windows, polished tombstones, etc. can look light an orb or other anomaly. Make note of street lights and any other light source that may appear on the film. * Let fellow investigators know when you are taking a photo so that you don't get double flashes and the night scope operators can look away. If you think you have a double flash photo or any other false positive, log the picture number so you can exclude that photo from the batch when they are developed. Night scope operators can get eye damage if they are looking at a flash through the scope so this is important. * In cold weather be conscious of your breath so you don't photograph that, it'll look like ectoplasm mist. If you think you may have, log that picture number and discard it when you develop the pictures. * Many people like to ask the spirit if they can take their picture , it can't hurt. * Take pictures anywhere and everywhere. If you feel some thing or someone else does, take a picture. Did you think you saw something, take a picture. * Sometimes you will see an orbs, mist or sparkles in your flash or others flashes, take more pictures right there, you are near a spirit. * You may only get about 1- 2 pictures for every 50 you take, that's about the average, so don't get discouraged. I've been at sites where I didn't get any and others where 30% of the ones we took were positive. * Don't pay for fancy developing , you can get them developed anywhere. Just let them developers know to process and print every photo. I use the local discount stores photo service. Audio and Video Recording * Load the tapes when you are loading the film so you've given any spirits in the area a chance to get used to you. * You can set up stationary recorders and just let them run or you can walk around with them. During audio recording, ask questions whether general ones or one specific to a certain spirit. You can find a few ideas of question on or near the gravestones (i.e. how did you die, ask who left flowers, etc.) * Make sure you view or listen to the whole tape. EVPs are usually not heard at the time of recording but are heard only after the tape is reviewed. * Review notes where you should have recorded any normal sounds as well as unexplained ones (dogs barking, cars, etc.) This way you can tell what a sound is that wasn't heard by you at the time but is now on the tape. Forms and Questionnaires This form is just something for you to build on. It based on the form my group uses for outdoor investigations. Feel free to download and use it. I have a preview page of it and you can download it there. Add to it , change it to suit your needs, it's just a starting point. Sample Interview Questionaire Outdoor Investigation Form Sample Proposal Letter for Access to a Site for an Investigation Sample Release Form for Access to a Site Sample Release Form for Confidentiality and Release of Information Download an entire kit of forms here: Ghosts and Hauntings Society Where to Look These are some places you can start your ghost hunting at. These are suggestions and you should not limit yourself to just these, spirits can be anywhere. Don't let the age of a building or area fool you. The house I lived in for 29 years which had ghostly activity in for 26 years is only 70 years old but it is built on land that was settled and lived on in 1685. Also, remember, do not trespass. * Cemeteries - The age of the cemetery doesn't matter but the older it is, the more time it has had to accumulate restless spirits. Why cemeteries? Well there are theories such as they are portals to the other side or that some spirits are drawn to their former bodies. * Schools - Schools and former sites of schools may have the build up of psychic energies and imprints of all the highly emotional events that have transpired there. * Theaters - The actors have run the gambit of human emotions inside the walls of a theater plus many have interesting hauntings attached to them. * Battlefields - These are great locations simply because of their nature. Many violent deaths in one area will always hold some spirits and psychic energy there. * Churches - There is a long history of the faithful returning to the church they worshipped at. They may be looking for the salvation they were promised and cannot find. * Hotels/Motels/Boarding houses - Many dark dealing and highly emotional events take places in these rooms. * Historic Locations - Many historic buildings, because of their age, have had more time to have spirits attach to it. These buildings are often open the public and can give you a easy place to start. Many even have known histories of hauntings and you may be able to gain access to the building after hours after speaking with the caretakers. More Tips * If it is is raining, snowing or foggy and you are scheduled to do an out door ghost hunt, reschedule it. You cannot conduct a proper investigation in these conditions. * Keep an open mind, any negative feelings may drive the spirits away.Be respectful of the locations and the dead. * Be skeptical, look for causes for any phenomenon such as natural or man made causes. As an investigator you have to make sure your final evidence will stand up to scrutiny. By eliminating all other explanations, your evidence becomes stronger proof. * No smoking, alcohol or drugs at an investigation for mostly obvious reasons. * No whispering, it can taint your recording results. * The Tax Assessors Office can give you historical info on many locations you visit. * Do not wear perfume, cologne or anything else with a very noticeable scent. This is so someone does not mistake the smell for a supernatural occurrence. Spirits often use scents and smells to get our attention. * Make sure you let someone know where you will be so they will know in case of emergency. * Download / View the opening and closing prayers my group, as well as many others, use here. Final Notes Keep in mind that many of the people who will request an investigation will want to be comforted, educated and they may even want the spirits to leave. Whatever your approach or beliefs, be prepared for this and if you are not willing or cannot help the people in the way they would like, at least provide them with names of people who may help them. Also try to educate them so they understand what is occurring. After explaining what is happening to a witness, many will no longer be frightened or as concerned and you will have done them a great service. If you are a person or group that does offer more assistance through psychics, spirit rescues, etc. remember that the well being and the feelings of the living come first. As with most of the page in the Shadowlands, this one will rely on others to help it grow. So if you have a tip, procedure or suggestion to add let me know. I am counting on the more experienced investigators out there to assist us here so we can all share the info and further this field of study in a professional and respectable manner. I also hope that you all will consider sharing some of your investigation with us in a new section of the web site , Ghost Hunters at Work. It will feature a brief summary of a individuals or group investigation and feature a few photos from that investigation. All feature groups will retain the rights to their material. It gives the ghost hunter another forum to show the world how professional and scientific we are in this field. If you are interested in being featured contact me. thanks.

Mysteries of the Pyramids

We hope to provide you with a little of the who, what and why's of the various pyramid mysteries on this page. There are many controversies and theories concerning these wonders of architecture and engineering. This page will also deal with mysteries and legends of ancient Egypt. We will be adding more as time goes on, like all the pages here at The Shadowlands, it's a works in progress and is constantly updated. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents Hidden Chambers? Ancient Egypt-History or Future? Mummy Curses New 6-1-99 Related Links -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hidden Chambers? Some recent news may make recent pyramid discussions redundant! What seems to be a hidden chamber has been discovered in the Great Pyramid. (I had to read it a couple of times to convince myself it was bona fide.) The German Archaeological Institute in Cairo was engaged in a project to improve the ventilation of the Great Pyramid. The plan was to clear the two small passages leading from the King's Chamber, which had become clogged by rubble: German engineer and roboticist Rudolf Gantenbrink was given the task, achieved by the simple expedient of attaching a point to an old lorry axle and dropping it down the shafts; after which he used a small, tracked robot with a video-camera to study the shafts before fans were installed. He next requested permission to use his robot to explore a similar passage leading from the Queen's chamber, which lies lower down in the pyramid. And this is where the story gets interesting. The passageway is 20cm square and rises from the Queen's Chamber at an angle of 45 degrees. It was previously thought to extend no more than eight metres, but Gantenbrink sent his robot up and it just kept on going (very slowly) for 65 metres. Over the last couple of metres, the walls of the passage changed from rough to finely polished limestone, and then the robot came to a door. This is possibly of alabaster or yellow limestone, with tongue and groove fittings suggesting that it might be raised or lowered. The door has two copper fittings near the centre, which have been variously described as handles or just plain strips. A gap exists at the bottom of the door, too small for the camera to see through, and in front of this lies a scatter of black dust. The robot is to be refitted with a fibre-optic lens and light-source later this year, which should be able to peer through the gap and show what lies beyond the door. What's behind the door? From: (Martin Stower) Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors Subject: Hidden Chamber (really!) Date: 17 Aug 93 17:31:44 GMT Organization: Computer Science, Liverpool University -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ancient Egypt-History or Future? By The Pyramids have been studied for centuries, by the greatest scholars, scientists, mathematicians, astronomers, historians, architects and physicists the world has ever known. So when I was asked to write about them, I must admit, I was more than a little intimidated! People have dedicated their entire lives to unlocking the secrets of these incredible structures and the people who built them. Although I’ve always been fascinated by them, I’m just a writer. I research a subject, and come up with an opinion and then I communicate it. The closest I have come to the pyramids is visiting the Ramses exhibit when it came to Dallas almost 10 years ago. Other than that, I’ve seen tons of shows on The Discovery Channel and The Learning Channel. (There is also some extremely good data right on this website!) We know that the Pyramids of ancient Egypt were built as burial tombs for Egyptian royalty. They believed that when you die, you take it all with you. So everything belonging to the deceased was placed in the tomb as well. They were built in such a way that they line up with certain stars and planets at certain times. It’s really amazing! But HOW did they do it?!? I mean, these people lived 3,000 years ago! And we STILL can’t duplicate what they were able to accomplish! Let alone figure out HOW they did it. So what if they really were far more advanced that we are? I believe we have STILL barely scratched the surface of this incredible culture. There is a lot more there to be discovered. If they were indeed that far advanced, where are their weapons? Did they have computers? Did they also have a much more technically advanced energy source? Think about it, what if they were able to use nuclear energy? Seems to me it could be used to move 10 ton stones. (Yes, I realize a lot people believe that they were able to harness mind power and that is how they moved those stones into place. I am very much open to that possibility, but for the purposes of this particular article, I chose not to go down that path.) And the way they aligned the pyramids with the stars and specific planetary configurations, where are the instruments they used to measure all of this? If everything, from the life story of the pharaoh to what they ate, to how they ruled and all of their belongings and how they were used is written in hieroglyphics, why don’t we know HOW they built the pyramids? I have a theory! You know how when you were a kid, and you watched Bugs Bunny cartoons? They were funny and seemed innocent enough, I mean, they were written for kids, right? Have you seen them as an adult? They are totally different cartoons! There are many sexual references! In one cartoon, Bugs Bunny is hung over! You don’t notice these things when you’re a kid. It goes right over your head. It’s not in a child’s capacity to understand these references and undertones, they’re much too young and immature. Even though they are right there in front of you, in the cartoon. But as an adult, with the knowledge and maturity gained, you suddenly see what you’ve been missing and see the cartoon completely different. What if the secrets to the pyramids are the same principal? What if it’s ALL there written in hieroglyphics, but we are not advanced (mature) enough to fully understand and comprehend what they are saying? What if there are no secrets? What if the real mystery is WHEN are we going to be advanced enough to understand who they were, where they came from, what happened to them, etc., etc. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mummy Curses by #1 - The year was 1910. Egyptologist Douglas Murray was sought out by a diseased and ragged looking American. He told Murray he had an offer that would most likely be the most priceless and important find of his whole career, a mummy case, complete with mummy, of an ancient Egyptian high priestess of the temple of Ammon-Ra who supposedly lived in Thebes around 1600 BC. Murray was quick to write the American a check, drawn from the Bank of London, but the check was never cashed. The American died that night. A colleague of Murray's told him the legend behind his new purchase. The ancient high priestess had held high office in the then feared Cult of the Dead, helping to turn the once rich and fertile land in the Valley of the Nile into a bare wasteland, a truely desolate place. Inscribed on the walls of her tomb were warnings of death and terror for anyone disturbing her resting place. Believing it was a load of poppycock, Murray laughed at the warning. 3 days later, while on a hunting trip. his gun exploded in his hand, causing him months of almost constant pain spent in hospital. The wound eventually became infected, and fearing the gangrene would spread, his arm was amputated at the elbow. When his health returned he set sail for England, mummy case and all. During the trip, 2 Egyptian servants who had handled the mummy case were found dead. They were considered to be young, strong, healthy men, so their deeaths came very unexpectedly. Upon arriving in London, Murray took a good long look at his acquisition, and while examining the carved gold and painted image of the priestess, he later told friends that "the face seemed to come alive with a stare that chilled to the bone." Murray decided t was time to get rid of the mummy case. A lady friend of his persuaded him to sell it to her, and within weeks her mother died, her lover left her, and she herself was diagnosed with what could only be called a 'wasting' disease. Was it perhaps the same disease to plague the American? Whatever it was, she insisted that Murray take it back. He then gave it to a British museum, and it seemed that the 'curse' was no less effective there, either. A photographer dropped stone cold dead while photographing the mummy case, and the man in charge of the cases exhibit was soon found dead in his own bed. In light of these events, the museums head honcho's met privately and unanimously decided to give it to a prestigious New York museum. The case was sent with no fanfare, but the case never reached it's destination, for it sunk to the bottom of the sea along with the Titanic and almost 1500 souls in April of 1912. # 2: - In 1357 BC, King Akhnaton of Egypt, ( the tyrnnical father-in-law of Tutankhamen) had his own daughter raped and murdered by his temple priests. To add eternal insult to injury, they cut off her right hand and buried it in a secret location in the Valley of the Kings. According to the beliefs of ancient Egyptians, anyone who was not buried whole would forever be barred from entering paradise in the afterlife. Centuries later in 1890, Count Louis Hamon cured a well-to-do sheik of malaria. The sheik insisted that he accept a gift as a token of his thanks, the mummified right hand of an Egyptian princess! Despite its gruesome nature, Hamon accepted the gift, though reluctanly, and brought it home to England. His wife was instantly horrified by the dry, shrivelled hand. Hamon tried to give it to an England museum, but they would not accept it. His wife then insisted they keep it locked up in a safe at their home. 32 years later, in October of 1922,, the safe was opened and to their horror the hand was plump with new tissue! Hamons wife demanded the hand be disposed of, and Hamon agreed, however, it was to have the best funeral he could give it. So on Halloween night, Hamon read aloud a passge from the Egyptian book of the dead. He later wrote to his longtime friend, Lord Carnarvon, that while he read from the ancient book he placed the hand into a blazing fire in the fireplace and then shut the book. As soon as he closed the book thunder rocked the house and all the lights went out, The door was then flung open accompanied by a blast of freezing cold air. In Hamon's own words, "the figure of a woman entered wearing the royal apparel of ancient Egypt, her headdress bore the image of the Serpent of the House of Pharoahs." The womans right arm ended in a stump. The apparition went to the fireplace where the hand was burning, bent over, and then diappeared, along with the hand. 4 days later, Hamon learned that the party his old friend Lord Carnarvon had been funding had finally found the tomb of King Tutankhamen after what had seemed like endless, fruitless searching and that they, despite the curse written at the entrance of the tomb, planned to enter it. Count Hamon and his wife were in hospital being treated for severe shock. It was from there that he wrote his friend, Lord Carnarvon, begging him to reconsider opening the tomb. He wrote, "I know now that the ancient Egyptians had knowledge and power of which today we have no comprehension. In the name of God, I beg you, take care!" The letters warning went unheeded and Lord Carnarvon told his party to go ahead and enter the tomb. Soon afterwards, Lord Carnarvon was dead of an infected mosquito bite. But that was only the beginning, more deaths were to follow, giving rise to what could most probably be the worlds most infamous curse, the Curse of the Pharoahs. References: The Worlds Greatest Ghosts Nigell Blundell & Roger Boar Land of the Pharoahs Dr. Thomas Hartly A&E tv special

Spontaneous Human Combustion

Spontaneous human combustion is the mysterious phenomenon of a person bursting into flame for no apparent reason. The flames burn very hot and are very localized. They destroy most of the body but leave objects in close proximity to the person relatively unburned. These are the remains of Dr. John Bentley (on left)who died of spontaneous combustion in Pennsylvania in 1966. The spot where the body lay is burnt, but the rest of the room, including the toilet, was not even scorched. This shows a quick, hot flame that devoured the body in seconds. Only the bottom of one leg remained to identify this as a person. On the right is a picture of workers cleaning up the remains of Mrs. M H Reeser of Florida who apparently died of spontaneous combustion in July of 1951. The only remains found was her skull, shrunken to the size of an orange. There are theories on this occurance but no one is sure how or why it happens. It does happen even without scientific explanation. One theory is ball lightning which would produce similar results, but many of these instances seem to rule out this possibility just by the location of the death. A majority of these deaths have the opposite characteristics that one would see if a person was burned to death, such as the shrinking of the skull. Crematorium Specialist have viewed photos of combustion victims and say they cannot duplicate the complete destruction of bones in such a short period of time. They find it even harder to believe that this could happen so completely in ordinary rooms such as living rooms, bathrooms, etc. There are over 100 unexplained fire deaths a year just in England. If just ten of these deaths are spontaneous combustion, then the number world could be well over 100. Does the body have chemical reactions that science has yet to discover ? It seems that an internal reaction of some kind is the most likely explanation for these deaths, but what triggers it ? Can it be detected ? Avoided ? This picture is another case of spontaneous combustion that occurred in London in 1964. One compiled database states the following statistics on possible reported cases: 1950's - 11 cases 1960's - 7 cases 1970's - 13 cases 1980's - 22 cases More Cases of SHC 1932: Mrs. Charles Williamson suddenly burst into flames on a Janurary morning in 1932. She lived in Bladenboro, North Carolina. She had not been beside any kind of fire, and her dress had not been in contact with any cleaning fluid or other flammable substances. Her husband and daughter ripped the dress off her with their bare hands, but not any of them were burned by the flames. Not to soon after a pair of her husbands pants caught fire while hanging in the closet. The same thing happened to a bed, and curtains in an unoccupied room. Although the house was inspected by special investigators from gas and electric companies, arson experts, and police, there could be found no logical explanation for the sudden fires. The family described the flames as 'bluish, jetlike', and other adjacent objects were not affected. There was no smell, and no smoke and until the object was consumed the fire would not stop. - sent in by jsoverei@schreiber.Lakeheadu.Ca Jan. 13, 1943: 52 year old Allen M. Small was found burned to death in his Deer Isle, Maine home. The carpet beneath his body was scorched, but there was no other sign of fire in the house. Small's pipe was unlit and on a shelf, and his stove lids were all still in place. - sent in by jsoverei@schreiber.Lakeheadu.Ca March 1, 1953: Waymon Wood's body was discovered in the front seat of his closed car in Greenville, South Carolina. His car was stationed on the site of Bypass Route 291. Little remained of Wood, but his car was basically untouched, even though it contained half a tank of gas. The windshield was the only damaged area; it had bubbled and sagged inward, an affect from the intense heat. - sent in by October, 1964: Mrs. Olga Worth Stephens, 75 years and a former actress suddenly burst into flames while waiting in her parked car. The burns were fatal, and she was killed before anyone could come to her aid. Firemen later concluded that nothing in the car could have started the blaze, and her car was undamaged. - sent in by


Here are just a few of the many unknown, undiscovered, mysterious animals that are out there. There are many remote parts of the world where humans rarely travel through that can hide a species that hasn't been discovered yet. Some others may be genetic mutations of a species or just a single mutated animal. There are new species being discovered every year and these animals may have been thought rumor and myth at one time, but now they are accepted as genuine animal species. The mountain gorilla, giant pandas and giant squids are just a few creatures we now know exist, but were once considered myths and legends. The coelacanth was thought to be extinct for 70 million years until it was discovered alive and well in 1938. The fish is no longer on the extinct list. If this fish could survive all those years undetected, why can't other prehistoric giants have done the same thing. Every year unknown animals or animals that were thought extinct are discovered. In December of 1997, a new species of monkey was discovered in the Amazon (story here). In April of 1998 a new species of bird was discovered in Brazil (story here). Because most of these animals don't fall into the "monster" category, there is very little written about them that a lay person would see. The creatures below are considered myths or unexplainable sightings. Which one will be the next to be discovered and accepted in the known animal kingdom ? Which ones will proven to be figments of imagination or frauds ? Read on to find out..... Click Here For The Most Complete Guide to Cryptozoology
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Famous Hauntings

The REAL Ghosts in Disneyworld's Haunted Mansion

Hundreds of people visit the Haunted Mansion in Disneyworld every day. In fact, it holds a record for being the most visited Dark ride and Disney Imagineers worked hard using old magician tricks to create these illusions. What they may not have known was that there are now several real ghosts haunting the place. In the early 1950s Walt Disney and one of his top Imagineers Ken Anderson began working on the idea of a walk through haunted house. The inspiration came from a Disney cartoon about the Headless Horseman. The visitor was to enter a New England style house and follow the story through the attraction until it reached a climax in a graveyard scene. Anyone who has visited the attraction knows that ideas changed and Disney and Anderson developed a New Orleans style house that the visitor rides through on a "Doombuggy". It does, however, retain the graveyard scene form the original plans. Construction of the building was put on hold in 1962, but halted in 1966 when Walt Disney died. The designers were in a quandary as Walt had not finished the planning. For a few years the public could see the frame of the building poking over the construction fence. Urban legends surfaced about how the ride was being re-designed because it was so scary that it supposedly caused a man to have a heart attack. The attraction finially opened in 1969. While the building was built on property that had no previous construction on it, it did manage to attract someone who had died nearby. In the 1940s a man who had been piloting a small plane crashed in a lake near where the park was to be built later. His ghost has settled into the Haunted Mansion. Referred to by Cast Members (employees) as "the man with the cane" he is often seen late at night, especially after closing. "The man in a tuxedo" is another spirit, though no one really knows who he is. One day an employee was working in the area where passengers disembark. There is a mirror there, so the attendant can see when the riders come up behind her. She kept seeing a shadow in the mirror, and when she turned around no one was there. The figure seemed to be wearing a tuxedo. Then, she felt a chill and a hand placed on her shoulder. Of course, she turned to find no one there. The woman ran out of the Haunted Mansion and soon quit her job. There is a legend concerning a woman who wanted to scatter her young son's ashes inside the Haunted Mansion, but was forbidden by Disney officials. She snuck the ashes inside and covertly scattered them. Apparently, this was NOT her son's last wish as since she did that people have sometimes seen the apparition of a crying boy sitting near the exit. Though there have been many stories circulated, one person ever actually died in the Haunted Mansion. Each year Disneyworld sponsors "Grad Night", which is for high school seniors. Two teenage boys were riding along in a Doombuggy when one of them decided that he wanted to see the room called "Séance Circle" up close. The young man stepped out on to the black painted walkway that was next to the tracks. What he did not realize was that there was a gap between the walkway and the platform on which the display sat. He stepped off the walkway and plunged fifteen feet to the floor, breaking his neck. "Séance Circle" has been odd since the beginning. A sound designer was setting up equipment in the area before the attraction was open to the public. He kept hearing music coming from behind one of the new walls. He surmised that a radio had been walled up accidentally. After several days the music had never ended and no radio announcer ever came on. The man could never find the source of the sound, so he arranged for a speaker to go in the area and drown it out. There have been many legends associated with the Haunted mansion. If you ever visit, keep your eyes open. You may just spot a real ghost!

Spirits of Alcatraz

Welcome to HAUNTED ALCATRAZ!---or Hellcatraz as it was called by some inmates. The history does not begin or end with the use of Alcatraz as a prison and penitentiary, for it was known to Native Americans, and avoided as a place that contained evil sprits. The energy of those who came to "The Rock" and never left, still remains for visitors from around the world to see, feel, and even hear. Alcatraz is a portal to another dimension, where unexplainable events continue to occur. Whoever, or whatever lurks in the shadows can be heard, seen, and felt. As parapsychologists suggest, where so much trauma and negative emotion have occurred, there is bound to be residual energy---and Alcatraz has the feel of an immense haunted house, complete with fog, and restless spirits. Although the candle may have burned out for Alcatraz long ago, its legend never did. Prior to its discovery by Europeans, Alcatraz was viewed as a barren white rock---white because it was covered with pelican droppings--thus receiving the name of La Isla de los Alcatraces or "The Island of the Pelicans," by the Spanish. However, it wasn't until the 1850s, that the importance of this tiny island as a defensive position was realized. Finally, the military decided to build a fortress in case an unfriendly ship might decide to enter the Golden Gate. The Army Corps of Engineers began to construct an impenetrable and imposing structure in 1854. The original construction estimates of $300,000 did not take into account the wind, rain, fog, strong ocean currents, lack of water, lack of vegetation, and the fact that there was only one possible spot to land equipment and supplies. Construction began with the erection of a temporary wharf for supplies. This was followed by wooden shops, storehouses, barracks and offices. Those who couldn't make it in the gold fields, became reluctant laborers on Alcatraz. The labor force carved out roadways and other features as the fortress slowly took shape. It was only a matter of time before Alcatraz began taking human life. During 1857, while a crew was excavating along the roadway between the wharf and the guard-house, a 7,000 cubic-yard rock landslide buried a team of laborers: Daniel Pewter, age 50, of Ireland and Jacob Unger, 25, of Germany were the first known deaths on Alcatraz. On a cold December day in 1859, the Third Artillery arrived on Alcatraz with a group of eleven anonymous soldiers of Company H---the first prisoners to be incarcerated in irons in the basement cellroom of the guardhouse for crimes not recorded in the army files. Alcatraz was now a fully operational fortress and prison. By Aug. 27, 1861, Alcatraz was designated as the official military prison for the entire Department of the Pacific. Living conditions were grim. Men slept side-by-side, head-to-toe, lying on the stone floors. There was no running water or heat in the cells, sanitary facilities were almost non-existent, and disease was rampant. After the Civil War, confederate sympathizers caught celebrating the death of President Lincoln were sent to Alcatraz. In 1868, the Army designated Alcatraz Island as a prison for military convicts and malcontents of society. By the late 1800s-early 1900s, Indian chiefs and tribal leaders of Arizona and Alaska were incarcerated along with some of the worst thieves, deserters, rapists, and repeated escapees from the Army. Alcatraz again became a disciplinary barracks for U.S. Army military incorrigibles, as well as a health resort when soldiers returning from the Spanish American war convalesced there. On the morning of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, Alcatraz shook, but sustained little damage. That same year, four prisoners tried to paddle to the mainland on a butter vat, only to have strong currents bring them back. Driftwood was used during escape attempts in 1912, 1916, 1927 and a ladder was used during a escape attempt in 1929. All of the men were captured or surrendered, victims of the cruel currents, and cold water. In 1911, Alcatraz was officially named the United States Disciplinary Barracks---an official Army Prison which included both U.S. Army prisoners as well as German seamen who became prisoners of war. The social upheaval of the 1920's and 30s, and rampant crime sweeping American provided Alcatraz with new life. Daring escapes, gang-related murders and mass rioting were a menace to an orderly prison. Attorney General Homer Cummings supported J. Edgar Hoover in creating a facility which would instill fear in would-be criminals by creating a place where prisoners could be safely controlled and could not escape. In 1933, the prison facility was formally turned over to the Federal Bureau of Prisons. During 1934, Alcatraz became a an escape-proof, maximum security prison, where only the most hardened convicts were brought. The first residents of newly created Alcatraz, received numbers 1- 32, with Frank Bolt having the distinction of being Federal Prisoner #l while serving a five-year sentence for sodomy. He was followed by Charles Copp (Robbery and Attempted Assault), Leon Gregory (Robbery, Assault, and AWOL), Joseph Harrison (sodomy), Forrest Henry (Robbery and Assault), Clyde Hicks (Sodomy), Ralph Hills (Robbery and Assault), Albert Hoke (Robbery), Alan Hood (Sodomy), and Frederick Holme (Sodomy and False Enlistment) to round out the first ten inmates. AL Capone was the first celebrity on the first train to Alcatraz, arriving in August 1934---He was given the number 85. Guards armed with machine guns, ensured that there were no escapes. Many convicts found Alcatraz the end of their career in crime, as well as the end of their lives. For twenty- nine years, the fog-enshrouded island, with its damp, cold winds, and isolation made Alcatraz one of America's safest prisons. The shell of steel and reinforced concrete confined ruthless men to a life of deprivation, rules, and routines that proved almost intolerable. When one adds the fact that the convicts could hear party boats pass by, and see the San Francisco city lights, it is little wonder that some preferred death to this kind of isolation. Failure to acquiesce to prison rules resulted in confinement in "D" Block, the treatment unit. Here, men could leave their four- by-eight-foot cells only once in seven days for a brief ten-minute shower. Life was hard on Alcatraz, just the way Warden Johnston envisioned it. His motto was, "Take each day of your sentence, one day at a time. Don't think how far you have to go, but how far you've come." For many prisoners, Alcatraz became synonymous with hell. There were a number of escape attempts from Alcatraz, but the bloodiest occurred on May 2, 1946 involving, Bernard Coy, Joseph Cretzer, Sam Shockley, Clarence Carnes, Marvin Hubbard, and Miran Thompson. It cost the lives of three inmates and two guards, with 17 guards and one prisoner wounded. The trial afterward, resulted in the execution of two more convicts who took part in the aborted escape. Attorney General Robert Kennedy officially closed the doors of Alcatraz on March 21 , 1963. From 1963 until 1969, the prison was unoccupied. Today it is maintained by the Golden Gate National Recreation Area where almost a million visitors per year pay to see "The Rock". To get there, take a seat aboard the Red & White Fleet ferry service. Reservations can be obtained by contacting (800) 229-2784. The reputation of Alcatraz, like the solid ground it was built on, represents a lasting reminder, that no man is above the law, and for some, it is an eternal payback for their crimes against humanity---kind of an paranormal prison. Here are some of the stories. During a Sightings visit in 1992, several of the Park Service staff confirmed the haunted history of Alcatraz. Many rangers had experienced unexplainable crashing sounds, cell doors mysteriously closing, unearthly screams, and intense feelings of being watched. Sightings called on psychic investigator Peter James to walk through portions of the abandoned prison to get his impressions. James began to pick up on the voices of the tortured souls driven mad since it's inception as a prison. He also sensed unusual vibrations of abuse, mistreatment, fear, and pain. His overall impression of Alcatraz was, that it had an energy like no other he had ever experienced---a persistent and overwhelming intensity that engulfed the island. Some of the more haunted locations on Alcatraz appear to be the Warden's House, the hospital, the laundry room, and Cell Block C utility door where convicts Coy, Cretzer and Hubbard died during their escape attempt in 1946. The most haunted area on Alcatraz, is the "D" cell block, or solitary, as it was often called. To most who go there, a feeling of sudden intensity pervades the cells and corridor. Some rangers refuse to go there alone. It is intensely cold in certain cells, far colder than normal---especially cell 14-D. This cell is oftentimes so cold, that wearing a jacket barely helps---even though the surrounding area is twenty degrees warmer. It is no wonder the area was called "The Hole." When authors, Richard Winer and Nancy Osborn visited Alcatraz, they ventured down to solitary with a park ranger. As Osborn entered cell 14-D, she immediately felt strong vibrations coming from within. Winer and the ranger followed Osborn, and within seconds, each of them experienced an intense tingling sensation in their hands and arms---they were convinced that something or someone was in there with them. The far corner of the cell where they were standing, and feeling the intense energy, was the exact spot where the naked, shivering prisoners would huddle, night after night, in the unforgiving darkness. Osborn said that she had never felt so much energy before in one spot. Renowned ghosthunter Richard Senate, and a psychic spent the night on Alcatraz as part of a KGO radio promotion. They chose Al Capone's cell as a place of temporary refuge. According to Senate, emotions seemed to drip from every corner of Alcatraz as the long night progressed. He and the psychic visited the spots where rangers said they heard marching footsteps, and clanking metal; however, nothing happened. Finally, Senate locked himself in cell 12-D, where an evil and persistent ghost is rumored to dwell. As the thick, steel door was closed, Senate immediately felt icy fingers on his neck, and his hair stood on end. He knew he was not alone. Additionally, the psychic picked up on the twisted and dismembered bodies of uniformed men. Both left the island convinced that Alcatraz had its own special energy. According to Antoinette May, much of the paranormal activity on Alcatraz occurs around areas associated with the penitentiary's worst tragedies. One of them is the Block C utility corridor, Cell Blocks A and B, with the eeriest area centering around cell 14-D---where it is always cold. According to May, gifted psychic Sylvia Brown accompanied by a CBS news team, investigated parts of Alcatraz. As Brown toured the prison hospital she picked up cards and notes tacked up on a wall, and the letter "S." A ranger confirmed that the "S" probably stood for Robert Stroud who spent ten-and-a-half years in the hospital, in the very room they were standing. He also had hundreds of notes and cards tacked up all around him. Brown sensed strong energy in what used to be the therapy room, and the prison laundry room, where at least one prisoner was murdered. Co-author, Michael Kouri, visited Alcatraz Island in July of 1984 with his uncle. After several preliminary psychic impressions, Kouri reached cell 14-D, and entered. He first felt a "tingling sensation", which began at his fingertips; then, a very intense feeling of cold engulfed him. In a slight trance, he began to communicate with the spirit of a man of small stature; who had his head shaved and was left in "The Hole." The spirit, in obvious pain, "told" a horrifying tale of being beaten, his leg broken by guards, and left in solitary confinement---he had squealed on a fellow inmate---the year was 1939. Kouri then tried to lead the poor soul to the light. [Note: Kouri's other unique experience with a visitor, is truly remarkable, as well as an interview with the wife of an ex-warden---but you'll have wait until the book comes out]. A former guard related his stories about Cell Block D (particularly cells 12 and 14), and the frightening remnant energy lingering in the subterranean portion of the prison. During his stint during the mid-1940, convicts were often confined in one of the 14 cells in "D" Block (cells 9-14 were called "The Hole," because they contained no windows, and only one light which could be turned off by the guards. The darkness made it seem like a hole in the ground---hence the name. On one occasion, an inmate was locked in "The Hole". Within seconds, the inmate began screaming that someone with glowing eyes was in there with him. Tales of a ghostly presence wandering the darkened corridors in clothing from the late 1800,s were a continual source of practical joking among the guards, so the convict's pleas of being "attacked," were ignored. The man's screaming continued well into the night, until there was silence. The following day, the guards inspected the cell---the convict was dead, a horrible expression etched on his face, and noticeable hand marks around his throat. The autopsy revealed that the strangulation was not self-inflicted. Some say he was strangled by a guard who had enough of the man's screaming---although no guard ever admitted it, even to the other guards. Others believed it was the restless, evil spirit of a former inmate who exacted his vengeance on yet another helpless soul. To add to the mystery, the day after the tragedy, several guards, performing a routine lineup of the convicts, counted one too many people. At the end of the line, the guards witnessed an extra body---that of the recently deceased convict. As everyone looked on in stunned silence, the figure of the ghostly convict vanished into thin air! A number of guards from 1946 through 1963, experienced something out of the ordinary at one time or another. From the outer rim on the grounds to the deepest caverns, there was constant talk of people sobbing and moaning, horrible smells, cold spots, and seeing the "thing" with glowing eyes. Even groups of phantom prisoners and soldiers have appeared in front of startled guards, guests, and the families who lived on the island. Sometimes the old lighthouse (long since demolished) appeared out of a dense fog, accompanied by a ghostly whistling sound, and a great flashing light which passed slowly around the entire island, just as if the Lighthouse was still active. The spectacle would then vanish before the startled eyes of guards and visitors. Phantom cannon shots, gun shots, and screams oftentimes sent seasoned guards falling flat on their stomachs thinking that prisoners had escaped and obtained weapons. Each time, there was no explanation. A deserted laundry room would sometimes emanate a strong scent of smoke, as if something was on fire. The sensation of the choking smoke would drive guards out of the room, only to return a few minutes later, the area now completely smoke free---the phantom smoke occurred many times over the years. Even Warden Johnston, who didn't believe in ghosts, encountered the unmistakable sounds of woman sobbing, as if coming from inside the walls of the dungeon while he accompanied a number of guests on a tour of the facility. As if that weren't enough, an icy, cold gust of wind blew through the group, chilling them to the bone, just as the sobbing stopped. The now burned-out shell of the Warden's House, has also been a focal point for sightings since the 1940s. During a Christmas Party, several guards witnessed the chilling apparition of a man wearing a gray suit, brimmed cap, and mutton chop side burns. When the men saw the apparition, the room turned deathly cold, the fire in the Ben Franklin stove was extinguished, and after less than a minute, the man vanished. These are but a few of the "Haunted Alcatraz" stories. When you visit and journey down the now deserted corridors of this world famous penitentiary, keep your wits about you, and all your five senses in tuned, and perhaps your sixth sense will help you encounter some of the many spirits who inhabit Alcatraz. The next story you read in an updated version of this book, maybe yours... Happy haunting!

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Military Aircraft Specifications

<1930 - 1940 BF-109 Messerschmitt, Hawker Hurricane, A6M Zero, Fokker G.I, JU87 Stuka, Fokker D21

1940 - 1950 Supermarine Spitfire, P47 Thunderbolt, P51 Mustang, Mosquito, F4U Corsair, P38J Lightning, F86 Sabre, P40 WarHawk, FW190 Focke Wulf, Messerschmitt ME262, F6F Hellcat, P80 Shooting Star, B25 Mitchell, F8F Bearcat, Mig15 Fagot, A1 Skyraider, Macchi M.C.205 Veltro, Gloster Meteor F Mk.8, B-17 Flying Fortress

1950 - 1960 MiG21 Fishbed, F104 Starfighter, F8 Crusader, B52G Stratofortress, CF-105 Avro Arrow, F106 Delta Dart, F-84F Thunderstreak, MiG17 Fresco, F105 ThunderChief, F100 Super Sabre, J32 Lansen, F101 VooDoo, B58 Hustler, MiG-19 Farmer, J29 Tunnan, Super Mystere B2, Hawker Hunter

1960 - 1970 Buccaneer, F4 Phantom II, SR71 Blackbird, A7D Corsair II, Hawker Harrier, Mirage F1, A6 Intruder, U2 Dragon Lady, J35 Draken, Avro Vulcan, A4 Skyhawk, SU17/22 Fitter, English Electric / BAC Lightning, A-5 Vigilante, Mirage III, XB-70 Valkyrie

1970 - 1980 F14 Tomcat, F15 Eagle, F5E Tiger II, MiG27 Flogger, Jaguar GR1, SU24 Fencer, MiG25 Foxbat, A10 Thunderbolt, F16 Falcon, Alpha Jet, SU25 Frogfoot, Super Etandard, JA37 Viggen, F21 Kfir, BAe Hawk

1980 - 1990 EF111 Raven, F18 Hornet, Panavia Tornado, Mirage 2000, Mirage 4000, MiG29 Fulcrum, SU27 Flanker, MiG31 Foxhound, F117 NightHawk, B1-B Lancer, F20 Tigershark, AMX, Tupolev Tu-160 Blackjack

1990 - 2000 SU35 Super Flanker, Yak141 Freestyle, JAS-39 Gripen, Rafale, B2 Spirit, YF23, Ching-Kuo Indigenous Defense Fighter (IDF)

2000 - F/A-22 Raptor, LCA, EuroFighter 2000 Typhoon, SU47 (S37 Berkut), SU37 Terminator, MiG/MAPO 1.42 MFI, Aurora, FA-18E Super Hornet, X35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF F-35), Chengdu J-10

Plane Specifications in Year Order

1936 - Holland Name: Fokker DXXI / D21 Constructor: Fokker Armament: 4*mg 7.9 mm Length: 8m20 Max Speed: 460 km/h Ceiling: 11000 m height: 2m95 Weight Max: 2050 kg Range: 950 km Span: 11m00 Crew: 1 Engines: 1

1937 - UK Name: Hawker Hurricane Constructor: Hawker Armament: 8*mg 7.7 mm Length: 9m59 Max Speed: 520 km/h Ceiling: 10900 m height: 3m96 Weight Max: 3000 kg Range: 965 km Span: 12m20 Crew: 1 Engines: 1

1938 - Holland Name: Fokker G.IA. Constructor: Fokker Armament: 9*mg 7.9 mm 400 kg Length: 11m50 Max Speed: 475 km/h Ceiling: 9300 m height: 3m40 Weight Max: 4800 kg Range: 1520 km Span: 17m15 Crew: 2-3 Engines: 2

1938 - Germany Name: JU87B-1 Stuka Constructor: Junkers Armament: 3 * mg 7.9 mm 1000 kg payload Length: 11m10 Max Speed: 385 km/h Ceiling: 8000 m height: 3m90 Weight Max: 4254 kg Range: 600 km Span: 13m80 Crew: 2 Engines: 1

1939 - Germany Name: BF 109E-3 Constructor: Messerschmitt Armament: 2 cannons 20 mm 2 * mg 7.9 mm Length: 8m64 Max Speed: 560 km/h Ceiling: 10500 m height: 2m50 Weight Max: 2665 kg Range: 660 km Span: 9m87 Crew: 1 Engines: 1

1940 - Japan Name: A6M-5 Zero Constructor: Mitsubishi Armament: 2 cannons 20 mm 2 * mg 7.7 mm 2 * bomb 60 kg Length: 9m07 Max Speed: 557 km/h Ceiling: 10698 m height: 2m79 Weight Max: 2742 kg Range: 1570 km Span: 11m00 Crew: 1 Engines: 1 1940-1950

1941 - USA Name: P-40 WarHawk Constructor: Curtiss Armament: 2 machine guns 12.7 mm 4 machine guns 7.62 mm Length: 9m66 Max Speed: 555 km/h Ceiling: 8990 m height: 3m22 Weight Max: 3655 kg Range: 1287 km Span: 11m37 Crew: 1 Engines: 1

1943 - USA Name: B-17G Flying Fortress Constructor: Boeing Armament: 13 * mg 12.7mm 9453 kg payload Length: 33m66 Max Speed: 462 km/h Ceiling: 10850 m height: 5m82 Weight Max: 29710 kg Range: 5080 km Span: 31m62 Crew: 10 Engines: 4

1943 - USA Name: B-25J Mitchell Constructor: North American Armament: 13 * mg 12.7mm 1800 kg payload Length: 16m13 Max Speed: 438 km/h Ceiling: 7375 m height: 4m98 Weight Max: 15876 kg Range: 2170 km Span: 20m60 Crew: 6 Engines: 2

1943 - USA Name: P-38J Lightning Constructor: Lockheed Armament: 1*g 20 mm 4 mg 12.7 mm 2 bombs 726 kg Length: 11m53 Max Speed: 666 km/h Ceiling: height: 3m91 Weight Max: 9806 kg Range: 3025 km Span: 18m85 Crew: 1 Engines: 2

1943 - USA Name: P-47D Thunderbolt Constructor: Republic Armament: 8 mg 12.7 mm 1135 kg Length: 10m99 Max Speed: 687 km/h Ceiling: 12800 m height: 4m44 Weight Max: 7900 kg Range: 2900 km Span: 12m42 Crew: 1 Engines: 1

1943 - Italy Name: Macchi M.C. 205 Veltro Constructor: Macchi Castoldi Armament: 2 mg 12.7 mm 2*cannon 20 mm Length: 8m85 Max Speed: 650 km/h Ceiling: 11350 m height: 3m04 Weight Max: 3408 kg Range: 1040 km Span: 10m58 Crew: 1 Engines: 1

1943 - USA Name: F4U-1A Corsair Constructor: Vought Armament: 6 mg 12.7 mm 2 bombs 450 kg Length: 10m16 Max Speed: 671 km/h Ceiling: 11245 m height: 4m90 Weight Max: 6350 kg Range: 1640 km Span: 12m50 Crew: 1 Engines: 1

1943 - UK Name: Mosquito FB Mk-VI Constructor: de Haviland Armament: 4*g 20mm 4 mg 7.7 mm 905 kg payload Length: 12m47 Max Speed: 611 km/h Ceiling: 11000 m height: 4m65 Weight Max: 10115 kg Range: 1940 km Span: 16m51 Crew: 2 Engines: 2

1944 - UK Name: Spitfire Mk XIV Constructor: Supermarine Armament: 2 cannons 20 mm 4 machine gun 7.7mm Length: 9m96 Max Speed: 721 km/h Ceiling: 13560 m height: 3m86 Weight Max: 3856 kg Range: 1368 km Span: 11m23 Crew: 1 Engines: 1

1944 - USA Name: P-51D Mustang Constructor: North American Armament: 6 mg 12.7 mm 2 bombs 454 kg Length: 9m83 Max Speed: 703 km/h Ceiling: 12800 m height: 4m16 Weight Max: 5493 kg Range: 3350 km Span: 11m28 Crew: 1 Engines: 1

1944 - US Name: F6F-5 Hellcat Constructor: Grumman Armament: 6 machine guns 12.7 mm 2 bombs 454 kg Length: 10m24 Max Speed: 611 km/h Ceiling: 11400 m height: 4m11 Weight Max: 6991 kg Range: 2100 km Span: 13m06 Crew: 1 Engines: 1

1944 - GERMANY Name: Messerschmitt Me262 Constructor: Messerschmitt Armament: 4 * gun 30mm Length: 10m60 Max Speed: 870 km/h Ceiling: 11450 m height: 3m84 Weight Max: 6400 kg Range: 1050 km Span: 12m48 Crew: 1 Engines: 2

1944 - GERMANY Name: FW 190D Constructor: Focke Wulf Armament: 2*mg 13mm 2*g 20mm 500 kg payload Length: 10m20 Max Speed: 685 km/h Ceiling: 12000 m height: 3m35 Weight Max: 4840 kg Range: 835 km Span: 10m50 Crew: 1 Engines: 1

1945 - US Name: F-8F Bearcat Constructor: Grumman Armament: 6 machine guns 12.7 mm 2 bombs 454 kg Length: 8m61 Max Speed: 678 km/h Ceiling: 11800 m height: 4m22 Weight Max: 5873 kg Range: 3160 km Span: 10m62 Crew: 1 Engines: 1

1945 - USA Name: P-80 Shooting Star Constructor: Lockheed Armament: 6 mg 12.7 mm 2*bomb 454 kg Length: 10m49 Max Speed: 967 km/h Ceiling: 14265 m height: 3m43 Weight Max: 7646 kg Range: 1328 km Span: 11m81 Crew: 1 Engines: 1

1947 - USA Name: A-1H Skyraider Constructor: Douglas Armament: 4*g 20 mm 3630 kg payload Length: 11m84 Max Speed: 518 km/h Ceiling: 8685 m Height: 4m78 Weight Max: 11340 kg Range: 2126 km Span: 15m25 Crew: 1 Engines: 1

1948 - Soviet Union Name: MiG-15 Fagot Constructor: Mikoyan-Gourevitch Armament: 1*g 37mm 2*g 23mm b500 kg Length: 10m86 Max Speed: 1075 km/h Ceiling: 15500 m height: 3m70 Weight Max: 6045 kg Range: 1860 km Span: 10m08 Crew: 1 Engines: 1

1948 - USA Name: F-86A Sabre Constructor: North American Armament: 6 mg 12.7 mm 2 bombs 454 kg Length: 11m43 Max Speed: 1089 km/h Ceiling: 14630 m height: 4m50 Weight Max: 7359 kg Range: 2050 km Span: 11m31 Crew: 1 Engines: 1

1950 - UK Name: Gloster Meteor NF.11 Constructor: Gloster / Armstrong Whitworth Armament: 4*g 20mm Length: 14m78 Max Speed: 871 km/h Ceiling: 12800 m height: 4m24 Weight Max: 8976 kg Range: 1530 km Span: 13m11 Crew: 2 Engines: 2

The Kennedy Assasination

It's the most controversial case in modern American history. Did Lee Harvey Oswald kill John Kennedy by himself, or did a conspiracy do it? And if a conspiracy did it, did the conspiracy include Oswald? If you are like most Americans, you believe that a conspiracy killed Kennedy. And if you are like most Americans, you have heard a vast number of bogus factoids about the case.

This web site is dedicated to debunking the mass of misinformation and disinformation surrounding the murder of JFK. If you are believer in Oswald as a lone gunman, you are likely to enjoy this web site, since most of that misinformation and disinformation has come from conspiracists. But if you are a sophisticated conspiracist, you likely understand that the mass of silly nonsense in conspiracy books and documentaries does no service to the cause of truth in the assassination, and simply buries the "case for conspiracy" under layers of bunk.

This link will take you to a page where the truth behind the Kennedy assasination might be found.

Click Here to Find the TRUTH!

Now that you have seen all of the theroies from the researchers you can see the Warren report in it's entirety.Click Here

-= "The Simpsons" from "The Tracey Ullman Show" =-

Season One (1987) - 7 Shorts

MG01 Good Night MG02 Watching Television MG03 Bart Jumps MG04 Babysitting Maggie MG05 The Pacifier MG06 Burp Contest MG07 Eating Dinner

Season Two (1987-1988) - 22 Shorts

MG09 Making Faces MG14 The Funeral MG10 Maggie's Brain MG08 Football MG12 House Of Cards MG15 Bart & Dad Eat Dinner MG13 Space Patrol MG18 Bart's Haircut MG20 World War III MG16 The Perfect Crime MG17 Scary Stories MG19 Grandpa & The Kids MG11 Gone Fishin' MG21 Skateboarding MG22 The Pagans MG23 The Closet MG24 The Aquarium MG25 Family Portrait MG26 Bart's Hiccups MG27 The Money Jar MG29 The Art Museum MG28 Zoo Story

Season Three (1988-1989) - 19 Shorts

MG30 Shut Up Simpsons MG35 The Shell Game MG38 The Bart Simpson Show MG33 Punching Bag MG40 Simpson Christmas MG39 The Krusty The Clown Show MG34 Bart The Hero MG41 Bart's Little Fantasy MG37 Scary Movie MG32 Home Hypnotism MG31 Shoplifting MG36 Echo Canyon MG44 Bathtime MG45 Bart's Nightmare MG46 Bart Of The Jungle MG47 Family Therapy MG42 Maggie In Peril - Chapter One MG43 Maggie In Peril - The Thrilling Conclusion MG48 TV Simpsons

-= "The Simpsons" =-

Season One (1989-1990) - 13 Episodes

7G08 Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire 7G02 Bart the Genius 7G03 Homer's Odyssey 7G04 There's No Disgrace Like Home 7G05 Bart the General 7G06 Moaning Lisa 7G09 Call of the Simpsons 7G07 The Tell-Tale Head 7G11 Life on the Fast Lane (aka Jacques to be Wild) 7G10 Homer's Night Out 7G13 The Crepes of Wrath 7G12 Krusty Gets Busted 7G01 Some Enchanted Evening

Season Two (1990-1991) - 22 Episodes

7F03 Bart Gets An F 7F02 Simpson and Delilah 7F04 Treehouse of Horror 7F01 2 Cars in Every Garage, 3 Eyes on Every Fish 7F05 Dancin' Homer 7F08 Dead Putting Society 7F07 Bart vs. Thanksgiving 7F06 Bart the Daredevil 7F09 Itchy & Scratchy & Marge 7F10 Bart Gets Hit By A Car 7F11 One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish 7F12 The Way We Was 7F13 Homer vs. Lisa and the 8th Commandment 7F15 Principal Charming 7F16 Oh Brother, Where Art Thou? 7F14 Bart's Dog Gets An F 7F17 Old Money 7F18 Brush with Greatness 7F19 Lisa's Substitute 7F20 War of the Simpsons 7F21 Three Men and a Comic Book 7F22 Blood Feud

Music Videos (do not count towards total number of episodes)

7F75 Do The Bartman 7F76 Deep, Deep Trouble

Season Three (1991-1992) - 24 Episodes

7F24 Stark Raving Dad 8F01 Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington 7F23 When Flanders Failed 8F03 Bart the Murderer 8F04 Homer Defined 8F05 Like Father, Like Clown 8F02 Treehouse of Horror II 8F06 Lisa's Pony 8F07 Saturdays of Thunder 8F08 Flaming Moe's 8F09 Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk 8F10 I Married Marge 8F11 Radio Bart 8F12 Lisa the Greek 8F14 Homer Alone 8F16 Bart the Lover 8F13 Homer At The Bat 8F15 Separate Vocations 8F17 Dog of Death 8F19 Colonel Homer 8F20 Black Widower 8F21 Otto Show 8F22 Bart's Friend Falls in Love 8F23 Brother Can You Spare Two Dimes?

Season Four (1992-1993) - 22 Episodes

8F24 Kamp Krusty 8F18 A Streetcar Named Marge 9F01 Homer the Heretic 9F02 Lisa the Beauty Queen 9F04 Treehouse of Horror III 9F03 Itchy & Scratchy: The Movie 9F05 Marge Gets a Job 9F06 New Kid on the Block 9F07 Mr. Plow 9F08 Lisa's First Word 9F09 Homer's Triple Bypass 9F10 Marge vs. the Monorail 9F11 Selma's Choice 9F12 Brother from the Same Planet 9F13 I Love Lisa 9F14 Duffless 9F15 Last Exit to Springfield 9F17 So It's Come To This: A Simpsons Clip Show 9F16 The Front 9F18 Whacking Day 9F20 Marge In Chains 9F19 Krusty Gets Kancelled

Season Five (1993-1994) - 22 Episodes

9F21 Homer's Barbershop Quartet 9F22 Cape Feare: Not Affiliated with the Film "Cape Fear" 1F01 Rosebud 1F02 Homer Goes to College 1F03 Marge on the Lam 1F04 Treehouse of Horror IV 1F05 Bart's Inner Child 1F06 Boy Scoutz N the Hood 1F07 The Last Temptation of Homer 1F08 $pringfield (or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Legalized Gambling) 1F09 Homer the Vigilante 1F10 Homer and Apu 1F11 Bart Gets Famous 1F12 Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy 1F13 Deep Space Homer 1F14 Homer Loves Flanders 1F15 Bart Gets an Elephant 1F16 Burns' Heir 1F18 Sweet Seymour Skinner's Baadasssss Song 1F19 The Boy Who Knew Too Much 1F21 Lady Bouvier's Lover 1F20 Secrets of a Successful Marriage

Season Six (1994-1995) - 25 Episodes

1F22 Bart of Darkness 1F17 Lisa's Rival 2F33 Another Simpsons Clip Show 2F01 Itchy & Scratchy Land 2F02 Sideshow Bob Roberts 2F03 Treehouse of Horror V 2F04 Bart's Girlfriend 2F05 Lisa on Ice 2F06 Homer Bad Man 2F07 Grampa vs. Sexual Inadequacy 2F08 Fear of Flying 2F09 Homer the Great 2F10 And Maggie Makes Three 2F11 Bart's Comet 2F12 Homie the Clown 2F13 Bart vs. Australia 2F14 Homer vs. Patty & Selma 2F31 A Star is Burns 2F15 Lisa's Wedding 2F18 Two Dozen and One Greyhounds 2F19 The PTA Disbands 2F32 'Round Springfield 2F21 The Springfield Connection 2F22 Lemon of Troy 2F16 Who Shot Mr. Burns? (Part One)

Season Seven (1995-1996) - 25 Episodes

2F20 Who Shot Mr. Burns? (Part Two) 2F17 Radioactive Man 3F01 Home Sweet Home-Diddily-Dum-Doodily 3F02 Bart Sells His Soul 3F03 Lisa the Vegetarian 3F04 Treehouse of Horror VI 3F05 King-Size Homer 3F06 Mother Simpson 3F08 Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming 3F31 The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular 3F07 Marge Be Not Proud 3F09 Two Bad Neighbors 3F10 Team Homer 3F11 Scenes from the Class Struggle in Springfield 3F12 Bart the Fink 3F13 Lisa the Iconoclast 3F14 Homer the Smithers 3F15 A Fish Called Selma 3F16 The Day the Violence Died 3F17 Bart on the Road 3F18 22 Short Films About Springfield 3F19 Raging Abe Simpson and His Grumbling Grandson in "The Curse of the Flying Hellfish" 3F20 Much Apu About Nothing 3F21 Homerpalooza 3F22 Summer of 4 Ft. 2

Season Eight (1996-1997) - 25 Episodes

4F02 Treehouse of Horror VII 3F23 You Only Move Twice 4F03 The Homer They Fall 4F05 Burns, Baby Burns 4F06 Bart After Dark 4F04 A Milhouse Divided 4F01 Lisa's Date with Density 4F07 Hurricane Neddy 3F24 El Viaje Misterioso de Nuestro Jomer (aka The Mysterious Voyage of Homer) 3G01 The Springfield Files 4F08 The Twisted World of Marge Simpson 4F10 Mountain of Madness 3G03 Simpsoncalifragilisticexpiala(Annoyed Grunt)cious 4F12 The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show 4F11 Homer's Phobia 4F14 The Brother from Another Series 4F13 My Sister, My Sitter 4F15 Homer vs. the Eighteenth Amendment 4F09 Grade School Confidential 4F16 The Canine Mutiny 4F17 The Old Man and the Lisa 4F18 In Marge We Trust 4F19 Homer's Enemy 4F20 The Simpsons Spinoff Showcase 4F21 The Secret War of Lisa Simpson

Season Nine (1997-1998) - 25 Episodes

4F22 The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson 4F23 The Principal and the Pauper 3G02 Lisa's Sax 5F02 Treehouse of Horror VIII 5F01 The Cartridge Family 5F03 Bart Star 5F04 The Two Mrs. Nahasapeemapetilons 5F05 Lisa the Skeptic 5F06 Realty Bites 5F07 Miracle on Evergreen Terrace 5F24 All Singing, All Dancing 5F08 Bart Carny 5F23 The Joy of Sect 3G04 Simpson Tide 5F10 The Last Temptation of Krust 5F11 Das Bus 4F24 Lisa the Simpson 5F12 Dumbbell Indemnity 5F13 This Little Wiggy 5F14 The Trouble with Trillions 5F15 Girly Edition 5F09 Trash of the Titans 5F16 King of the Hill 5F17 Lost Our Lisa 5F18 Natural Born Kissers

Season Ten (1998-1999) - 23 Episodes

5F20 Lard of the Dance 5F21 The Wizard of Evergreen Terrace 5F22 Bart the Mother AABF01 Treehouse of Horror IX 5F19 When You Dish Upon a Star AABF02 D'oh-in In the Wind AABF03 Lisa Gets an "A" AABF04 Homer Simpson in: "Kidney Trouble" AABF05 Mayored to the Mob AABF06 Viva Ned Flanders AABF07 Wild Barts Can't Be Broken AABF08 Sunday, Cruddy Sunday AABF09 Homer to the Max AABF11 I'm With Cupid AABF10 Marge Simpson in: "Screaming Yellow Honkers" AABF12 Make Room for Lisa AABF13 Maximum Homerdrive AABF14 Simpsons Bible Stories AABF15 Mom and Pop Art AABF16 The Old Man and The "C" Student AABF17 Monty Can't Buy Me Love AABF18 They Saved Lisa's Brain AABF20 Thirty Minutes Over Tokyo Note: Episode #5F21 is the official season ten premiere. See the episode guide for details. Season Eleven (1999-2000) - 22 Episodes AABF23 Beyond Blunderdome AABF22 Brother's Little Helper AABF21 Guess Who's Coming to Criticize Dinner? BABF01 Treehouse of Horror X AABF19 E-I-E-I-(ANNOYED GRUNT) BABF02 Hello Gutter, Hello Fadder BABF03 Eight Misbehavin' BABF04 Little Big Mom BABF05 Take My Wife, Sleaze BABF06 Faith Off BABF07 Grift of the Magi BABF08 The Mansion Family BABF09 Saddlesore Galactica BABF10 Alone Again, Natura-Diddily BABF11 Missionary: Impossible BABF12 Pygmoelian BABF13 Bart to the Future BABF14 Days of Wine and D'oh'ses BABF15 Last Tap Dance in Springfield BABF16 Kill the Alligator and Run BABF18 It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Marge BABF19 Behind the Laughter

Season Twelve (2000-2001) - 21 Episodes

BABF21 Treehouse of Horror XI BABF20 A Tale of Two Springfields BABF17 Insane Clown Poppy CABF01 Lisa the Tree Hugger CABF04 Homer vs. Dignity CABF02 The Computer Wore Menace Shoes CABF03 The Great Money Caper CABF06 Skinner's Sense of Snow BABF22 HOMR CABF05 Pokey Mom CABF08 Worst Episode Ever CABF07 Tennis the Menace CABF10 Day of the Jackanapes CABF12 New Kids on the Blecch CABF09 Hungry, Hungry Homer CABF11 Bye Bye Nerdie CABF13 Simpson Safari CABF14 Trilogy of Error CABF15 I'm Goin' to Praiseland CABF16 Children of a Lesser Clod CABF17 Simpsons Tall Tales Note: Episode #BABF20 is the official season twelve premiere. See the episode guide for details. Also: On the script, the "R" in BABF22's episode title is written backwards.

Season Thirteen (2001-2002) - 22 Episodes

CABF19 Treehouse of Horror XII CABF22 The Parent Rap CABF20 Homer the Moe CABF18 A Hunka Hunka Burns in Love CABF21 The Blunder Years DABF02 She of Little Faith DABF01 Brawl in the Family DABF03 Sweets and Sour Marge DABF05 Jaws Wired Shut DABF04 Half-Decent Proposal DABF06 The Bart Wants What it Wants DABF07 The Lastest Gun in the West DABF09 The Old Man and the Key DABF08 Tales from the Public Domain DABF10 Blame it on Lisa DABF11 Weekend at Burnsie's DABF12 Gump Roast DABF13 I Am Furious Yellow DABF14 The Sweetest Apu DABF15 Little Girl in the Big Ten DABF16 The Frying Game DABF17 Poppa's Got a Brand New Badge Note: Episode #CABF22 is the official season thirteen premiere.

Season Fourteen (2002-2003)

DABF19 Treehouse of Horror XIII DABF22 How I Spent My Strummer Vacation DABF18 Large Marge DABF20 Bart vs. Lisa vs. 3rd Grade DABF21 Helter Shelter EABF01 The Great Louse Detective EABF02 Special Edna EABF03 The Dad Who Knew Too Little EABF04 The Strong Arms of the Ma EABF05 Barting Over EABF06 Pray Anything EABF07 I'm Spelling as Fast as I Can EABF08 A Star is Born-Again EABF09 Mr. Spritz Goes to Washington EABF10 C.E.D'oh. EABF11 'Scuse Me While I Miss the Sky EABF12 Three Gays of the Condo EABF13 Dude, Where's My Ranch? EABF14 Old Yeller-Belly EABF15 Brake My Wife, Please EABF16 The Bart of War EABF17 Moe Baby Blues EABF18 My Mother the Carjacker EABF19 The Fat and the Furriest EABF20 The President Wore Pearls Note: Episode #DABF22 is the official season fourteen premiere. In addition to EABF21-22, up to three other episodes will be held over for broadcasting early the following season.

Season Fifteen (2003-2004)

EABF21 Treehouse of Horror XIV EABF22 The Regina Monologues

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