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The Hacker Online Resistance

Hacker Stickers, Geek T-Shirts and Caffeine

What is your name?
What is your ip address?

Dear, Reader Please enjoy our site.

By the way, if you can hack this site,you are welcome to it, just please done messup my computer, and if you do, put only appropriate stuff on this site., angelfire is gonna kill us...

hey know cult of the dead cow? thor ownd them! i have their password file! (HINT: check their ftp server!)

THOR is a group of hackers, we dont have a hat color, that is lame.Please dont ph34r us, we dont hack for money, fame, or evil, we hack for fun, and we dont do any damage.

Our group consisis of...

H3llk4t - Password auditing, brute force, exploits, and our site owner

0\/32d2|v32 [ |> u - Game Hacking, and Warez d00d

Artic Dawg - Our operating system expert.

M1n1 k4t- )(Wardriving, and networking.

Th3 3y3- Our linux expert.

|]-|3ug - Our programming expert

Please, dont judge us by our hat color, for there are no hats in cyberspace.

"Microsoft isnt evil, they just make really crappy operating systems " - Linus torvalds