Beverley Mitchell, Actress
October 27, 1998


MODERATOR: Welcome! Tonight we are pleased to have chatting with us Beverley Mitchell, Lucy Camden on the WB hit 7th Heaven. A cheerleader and high school junior, Beverley Mitchell appears to be a typical California teenager. What makes her unique is that she already has a number of television roles to her credit. Mitchell has guest-starred on series such as Melrose Place, Baywatch, and Quantum Leap. Please welcome Beverley to Lycos Chat!

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: Hello everybody, thanks for coming and talking to me. I'm ready for your questions.

IMTrue: What are your parents names, Beverley and what do they think of your "career"?

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: My mom's name is Sharon and my dad's name is David. And, they're very supportive of my career and any decisions that I make. They're also excited with my success.

TiggsAJ: so what do you do when you are not working or busy with school?

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: In my spare time I like to hang out with my friends and be a normal teenager and go shopping or just hang out.

BlondieGrrl: How old are you Beverly?

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: I'm 17 years old and my birthday's January 22nd.

adidas_chick: hi, I watch your show every Monday! I love 7th heaven!!

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: thanks for watching and I'm so glad you like it, keep watching .. please //haha

DARLIN98: how does it feel working with Barry Watson??

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: Barry is a wonderful older brother figure. He's a lot of fun. And, I love him to death.

JulieanneB: Are you a Christian like the character on 7th heaven?

gladtobeyou: Do you ever get to talk with Aaron Spelling? How involved is he on the show?

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: Aaron is very involved with the show ... calls us up and talks to us. Tells us we're doing a good job. He's at the office where all the magic happens with the writing of our script. And, he puts his input in all the time.

gladtobeyou: What's it like working so many hours and being a senior in high school?

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: It's exhausting! I work all the time, 10 1/2 hours a day and I get home and do homework and go to bed and wake up and go to work again. And, if I'm lucky, I get to go to school once every eight days. But, it's not easy. But, it's worth it.

lovdog: Hi Beverly how is it to see yourself on TV

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: It's very odd. haha When I was younger, whenever I saw myself on TV, I thought I was abducted and put in there. But, I've gotten over my fear of abduction.

7thheavenrulz: who is your favorite person to hang out with from 7th heaven

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: I love your name! Oh, there's no favorite, I don't have one .. I love everyone in the cast and each is a pleasure and unique in their own way .. and I love them all!

El_NinoBoy: do you have a boyfriend?

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: No, I don't. I am single!

Conradoli: Was it hard for you to film the episode Art Imitates Life/Nothing Endures But Change, especially when it's your own personal experience

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: Um .. yes, that was a very enduring episode. I went through a lot of emotional ... experiences recalling some pain in my own personal life when I lost one of my own best friends.

7th Heaven Doll: I'm truly sorry about your friend dying

lovdog: It must be sad

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: But, it was also therapeutic in healing to find that others were healed in their own way through my retelling of my own experience.

Conradoli: That must have been tough Beverley...

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: It was, but I'm dealing with it. And, you just have to move on with life and just remember. And, thanks for the supportive comments.

fuel truck driver: Beverly... I was wondering how long does it take to shoot an episode of 7th heaven?

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: Each episode takes 8 days. 8 days to film one episode.

adidas_chick: is it true that you're older than Jessica Biel?(your sister on the show?)

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: Yes, it is. Jessica is 16 and I'm 17.

Conradoli: Hi, huge Canadian 7th Heaven fan here...just wondering what it is like to play a younger sister of Jessie Biel, who's actually younger than you?

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: Um .. it's actually quite fun cause I get to kind of relive what .. from my younger years, like my first boyfriend, the stresses of freshman year of high school. So, it's kind of fun and funny to get everyone's reaction when they find out that Jessie is actually younger than I am.

gladtobeyou: Do you have any siblings?

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: No, I don't. I am an only child. I have inherited siblings, which is very different for me. I never grew up with this many kids in my family. But, now I've got my new brothers and sisters.

cK_SF: Bev, do you have an e-mail address?

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: No, but you can write to me c/o 7th Heaven ... I'll get the address right now... Write to anyone on the show through The WB, 4000 Warner Blvd., Bldg. 34R, Burbank, CA 91522

gladtobeyou: Are you involved with any charities?

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: Yes, I am. I'm actively involved with Recording Artists Against Drunk Driving ... RAADD. The Ronald McDonald Foundation. And, the Braille Institute.

cK_SF: Beverly do you ever look at the pages made for you on the web?

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: I've seen a few of them, haven't seen them all yet though. But, they're pretty cool!

lovdog: Do you have time to watch TV and what do you normally watch

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: I make time to watch TV. If I'm not home in time, I tape it. I'm a regular watcher of Dawson's Creek, Felicity, Friends, and Diagnosis Murder.

fuel truck driver: is your character a lot like yourself?

MODERATOR: Welcome! For those of you just joining us, tonight we are chatting with Beverley Mitchell, Lucy Camden on the WB hit 7th Heaven.

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: I, myself, am not as emotionally distressed as Lucy is ... but we're both similar in the way we're active in our family and very happy people. And, we both love to talk! //haha

gladtobeyou: Do you want to get into the movies at all?

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: I hope to! I would love to do a movie over hiatus, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

itzangela: Do you have a favorite movie?

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: I have to think really hard about that .... One of my favorite movies was "Nell" with Jodie Foster because I totally admire her for all her achievements. And, that movie was just amazing. Her acting was just unreal!

BlondieGrrl: Do you plan on going to college? If so, which one?

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: I hope to go to UCLA. Or, USC. Or, LMU. So, I'm applying and going through those stresses right now.

DARLIN98: you are so pretty....what's your secret?

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: Oooh! Thank you so much!

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: Some days I don't feel so pretty. I don't really have a secret ... //haha

Selgirl18: You are

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: Genes from my parents I guess? I don't know.

jackobi: But you always look pretty.

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: aww, I like YOU! that's so sweet, jackobi. That's thanks to my wonderful hair and makeup people on the show.

TiggsAJ> : what kind of music do you listen to?

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: I'm the type of person that can listen to any type of music. Country, alternative, punk, ska, R&B, everything! I'm not very good with hard rap.

Seligirl18: Okay, about college, what do you think you'd like to major in?

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: That's an easy one! I plan to major in film & television or production because I wanna further my knowledge in the entertainment industry so I can pursue it when I get older and become a director or producer.

BlondieGrrl: Do you get recognized in the malls or on the streets a lot?

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: Generally everywhere I go, I am recognized by somebody! But, it's kind of fun cause that way I know people are watching my show and it's a total compliment.

elichia2000: do you mess up a lot "make mistakes"?

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: EVERYONE makes mistakes! And, yeah we make quite a few mistakes but we get to redo it a lot of the time ... and fix them. And, that's why you get the beautiful performances on screen.

sunsmiles: How hard is it to memorize your lines?

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: I'm the type of person that can memorize lines very quickly. That's not much of a problem for me. I can visualize my lines and then read them .. that's the type of memory I have. So, that's the easy part for me.

7th Heaven Doll: Is Catherine Hicks really pregnant it looks so real

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: No, she is not. She already has a 6 year old daughter.

Conradoli: What roll is Lucy going to have when the twins are born sometime in February?

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: She will probably be the babysitter and get stuck with babysitting the twins. Oh, I'm dreading that .. but she'll probably be the babysitter and the role model for them when they get older. Cause Lucy's such a good kid.

TiggsAJ> : did you have a say in decorating your set bedroom?

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: No, I did not. But, Jessica Biel and I are hoping to do a little pick-me-up on our bedroom on set.

Kerrie13: Do you have any pets?

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: I have two dogs, Dakota and Trixie and two cats, Tigger and Casper.

pro1012: hi there, its a really cool to get to talk to u, do you get a lot of fan letters?

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: Yes, actually, I get quite a bit of fan mail! And, if anyone's written me lately, I'm sorry I'm a little slow, cause I do it all personally. So, it's hard for me to be juggling my work and school. But, I promise, I will get it out as soon as possible.

Conradoli: What was it like to film the episode you think self-mutilation is becoming a large concern for teenagers?

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: That was a very eye opening experience cause I never realized how widespread the problem has become. And, how many teenagers actually take part in cutting. But, it was inspiring to see that people actually wanna help to change and fix their lives, which is cool. And, hopefully people doing cutting can get some help.

BlondieGrrl: When your feeling really depressed and gloomy, what do you do to cheer yourself up?

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: I call up my friends and I talk to them! My friends always make me happy. That's why they're my friends.

DARLIN98: Can you give us any hints on upcoming shows?

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: Hmmm .... Well, they'll all be wonderful shows, but if you're talking about storylines .. you gotta wait and see! But, some people will be coming back.

fuel truck driver: beverley.. we were wondering, how did the story of 7th heaven come about?

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: Um .. 7th Heaven is based on the Camden family. And, it's called 7th Heaven because of the 5 kids and parents .. and now that we're having twins, it's 7 kids. So, it still fits into the 7th Heaven range. And, We were brought to life through the writing of Brenda Hampton.

Selgirl18: It should be called 9th heaven

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: Well, there's still 7 kids so it still kinda fits .. the kids are heavenly. Heavenly kids. Heavenly family.

shfan: Jessica sang on the Donny & Marie show today, Do you sing?

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: Actually, I do! And, I actually went on the Donny & Marie show a while back and sang. But, that one hasn't come out yet.

fallabel: : How many months in advance are the shows filmed?

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: I think .. oh gosh .. we're probably 4 episodes in advance. Which means .. probably like a month or so ahead.

redmanwannabe: Hi Beverly, did I see you in a Nickelodean Special this summer in Florida?? I think it was you?

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: Yes, it was me. I worked in Florida with Marne Patterson. And, some other guys and we had a blast going to Sea World and Busch Gardens .. so much fun!

pro1012: hi Beverly, I'm in high school too, same grade, do people treat you different since u are in a TV show?

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: Luckily, I've been going to high school with these kids, I went to junior high school with them, so they grew up with me. And, they knew me before I got the show ... so I'm still the same old little Bev that I was in the beginning. So, they treat me just the same. And, I am so happy about that! //haha

BabyLove123_99: do u ever want to quit acting because of the frustrations

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: No, because no matter how bad it gets, it's too much fun and all the advantages totally outnumber the disadvantages. And, I love my life right now. I wouldn't give it up for the world. I'm having the time of my life!

7th Heaven Doll: Beverley how many Beanie Babies do you have I saw some of them when you were in people

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: Oh! I have around 150 Beanie Babies. Yes, I am one of those crazy collectors! //haha

Trailburner: Do you like being a cheerleader?

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: I'm no longer a cheerleader unfortunately because it conflicted with my work schedule. I wasn't able to make cheerleading practices. However, I miss it. And, I loved it. But, I'm still a cheerleader at heart.

DARLIN98: Have you ever dated someone famous? If so, who?

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: No, I have not.

fuel truck driver: if you need a maple. let me know. I'm from Ontario Canada, and we'll send you some!!

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: Oh yeah!!!!! That would be awesome. Yes, I do need a Maple. I do not have that one yet. You can send it to the WB address I listed earlier. That would be so cool! I'm so excited now! //exclaim

fallabel: Beverley, I want to be an actor myself when I grow up. any tips? how did you become an actor?

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: I was approached at the shopping mall when I was 4. They asked me if I wanted to be in the business and that's how I began, history ever since. But, my advice is follow your dreams and never really get down about it. Just remember that everything happens for a reason and eventually your time will come. I've been waiting for this role for a long time .. it finally came. I had to wait my turn in the meantime.

tommy_girl15: do you have a crush on anyone famous?

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: Um .. actually, I do not. But, I do think Simon Rex is adorable .. he was an MTV VJ.

gladtobeyou: Do you have any friends that are actors too?

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: Yes, I'm friends with Joseph Gordon Levitt from 3rd Rock From the Sun. Ashley Johnson. Bryton McClure, and Andrew Keegan, and a few others.

fuel truck driver: then it's done. I will send you a maple. but I'm sure that now everyone knows that you need one , you will probably receive many of them. haha

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: That's fine with me, I'm excited to get one,. thank you so much, I totally appreciate it!

tommy_girl15: who do you look up to?

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: I look up to Jodie Foster and Ron Howard for achieving their dreams and becoming amazing directors, producers, along with being an actor. And, I look up to my mom.

IMTrue: Do you audition for anything now or are you just concentrating on 7th heaven?

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: I'm just concentrating on 7th Heaven right now.

shfan: Does the WB tour go through the 7th Heaven St or is it closed to the public?

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: 7th Heaven is not actually filmed on the WB lot. We're filmed separately, so no, the tour does not go through our set.

cK_SF: Beverly what city do you live in?

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: I live in Ventura, CA.

fallabel: How do you cry on serious episodes?

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: I just think of things that really touch my heart and that were hard for me. And, all the emotions just come up.

Selgirl18: What is your favorite sport?

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: Cheerleading! No hesitation. Cheerleading is definitely a sport ... and a fun one.

Selgirl18: same here

Cateyes_33: so is mine

elichia2000: lol

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: Awesome!! Right on!

TinyBubbles_00: Do you ever think you have ever under acted or overreacted for a particular scene?

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: I don't think I have.

itzangela: If you could go back in time to anywhere, what period would you choose?

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: I don't think I'd ever change anything in my life. Because I'm having a great time and I don't want to change anything. So, I'd stay in the same time period.

al biggins: how do you fake a kiss in a scene

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: Fake it? We CAN'T fake it. We actually have to kiss. There's no faking going on. //lips

elichia2000: your lucky!!! //smiley

al biggins: Really?

Kurt Cobain1: ahhh

freebe2: that could be good though huh!

Selgirl18: Which has been your favorite episode of 7th heaven?

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: freebe2: Hey, yeah! Sure! Makes things interesting.

Asturia: Why did you cut your hair? It looked really nice when it was long, and- - - why did you dye it blond so long ago

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: We dyed it blonde because it was a storyline. And, I decided that I wanted to keep it this color.

gordnise: Hey I think her hair looks good

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: And, I cut it because I was tired of long hair and I wanted a change.

_Gang Starr_: I think you look beautiful either way

Kerrie13: Me too!

Chris14m: Ya your hair looks cool

Selgirl18: I think it looks good

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: You guys are so sweet! I love you all!

Kerrie13: Are you filming 7th heaven now?

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: I just got off work about 2 hours ago. And, I'll be going to work tomorrow, so yes.

IluvBev: Bev, will you ever go out with someone that isn't a celeb?

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: Definitely! I don't necessarily .. I don't really wanna go out with a celebrity. I like to go out with people that I'm really good friends with and that don't have as hectic of a schedule as I do.

Travis978>: What place would you most like to visit? Here's a suggestion, New Orleans!!! Thanks!!

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: Definitely! one day I'd like to go to New Orleans cause I've never been there and it fascinates me. But, I definitely wanna go to the Caribbean, cause I love that whole place .. the islands, and the beach .... it's always been very interesting to me.

Bigbevfan: what do you look for in a guy?

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: Someone who's honest, fun, and loving, and supportive.

MODERATOR: Thanks for coming everyone! This has been an interesting chat. We'll take just a few more questions & comments.

ladyfromhell: What are your plans for after 7th Heaven?

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: I hope to go to college. Hope to do a few movies. And, just .. do the best that I can in following my dream.

7th Heaven Doll: Do you ever watch Buffy? I remember hearing you wish you could.

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: I ... Buffy kind of scares me. So, I try to .. I have to turn off the TV when the scary music comes on because I don't do very well with that type of movie or show.

IMTrue: Have you auditioned for anything that you didn't get?

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: Many millions and trillions of things! Like I said, I've just waited all this time for it to be my turn.

elichia2000: do you like being famous?

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: I don't consider myself famous. But, I like being me. The people I consider famous are Sarah Michelle Gellar and Arnold Schwarzenegger. So, I don't consider myself famous.

MODERATOR: Thanks for coming everyone! This has been a great chat! Thanks for coming to chat with us Beverley. Be sure to catch Beverley on the WB Hit show 7th Heaven.

SPEAKER_BeverleyM: Thank you all for chatting with me! It was a pleasure talking to you. Thanks for watching and hopefully someday I'll get to meet you all. Thanks for spending time talking to me.

MODERATOR: Thanks for chatting folks! A Transcript of this chat will be available in the Transcript area off the main page within a week. Thanks!

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