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Part 1 Testing (for both homeless records and shelter records)

Case 1 to 6: Test for program

Case 1: User does not input a file name as an argument.  This cause an error message, and program terminate. Output: Usage: “program name” file.


Case 2: User input a file name as an argument, but the file does not exist and user chooses the exit option.  This creates a file with given name with no record in it (empty file).  If the file exists, and user chooses the exit option, the file will be remain unchanged.  The program exit and terminate in both cases.


Case 3: User input a file name as an argument, but the file does not exist and user chooses to enter a record.  This creates a file with given name.  User enters one record, which doesn’t violate any of the rules and boundaries of each field.  The record entered is saved in the file created with each field having a fixed length and a delimiter between each field.  User chooses the exit option.  The program exit and terminate.  (See homeone.dat for homeless record, shelterone.dat for shelter record)


Case 4: User input a file name as an argument and the file entered exist.  User chooses to enter a record.  User enters one record, which doesn’t violate any of the rules and boundaries of each field.  The record entered is saved at the end of file entered (behind the existing data) with each field having a fixed length and a delimiter between each field.  User chooses the exit option.  The program exit and terminate.  (See homeone.dat for homeless record, shelterone.dat for shelter record)


Case 5: User input a file name as an argument, but the file does not exist.  This will create a new file called the name entered by user.  User chooses to enter five records, all records entered doesn’t violate any of the rules and boundaries of each field.  The record entered is saved in the file that is created with each field having a fixed length and a delimiter between each field.  User chooses the exit option.  The program exit and terminate.  (See homefive.dat for homeless record, shelterfive.dat for shelter record)


Case 6: User input a file name as an argument and the file entered exist.  User chooses to enter five records, which doesn’t violate any of the rules and boundaries of each field.  The record entered is saved at the end of file entered (behind the existing data) with each field having a fixed length and a delimiter between each field.  User chooses the exit option.  The program exit and terminate.

(See homefive.dat for homeless record, shelterfive.dat for shelter record)





Case 7 - : Test for input

Case 7: Numerical Input

Homeless Record: SIN (9 integers) and number of child (2 integers)

Shelters Record: ID (9 integers) and number of vacancies (4 integers)

Case a: User input a number with length not equal to the field’s requirement.  An error message will output to screen and ask user to re-enter a number that is proper in length for that field.  User will keep asking to input a number until the length of input is valid (see above for proper length).

Case b: User input a negative number.  An error message will output to screen and ask user to re-enter a non-negative number.  User will keep asking to input a number until number entered is non-negative.

Case c: User input a non-negative number in proper length.  Number will be accepted and proceed to next input.

Case d: User input a non-numerical input.  An error message will output to screen and ask user to re-enter a numerical input.  User will keep asking to input a number until the input is numerical.

Case e: User entered ‘00’ or ‘0000’ as an input.  Number will be accepted and proceed to next input.  This is the only forms of the value zero that will take as a valid input.  Other forms like ‘0’, ‘000’, ‘00000’ and etc will consider as an invalid input.


Case 8: Text Input (max 30 characters for all kinds of inputs)

Homeless Record: last name, first name, city/town

Shelters Record: name of shelter and city/town

Case a: User input a string with length greater than 30 characters in length.  An error message will output to screen and ask user to re-enter a string that is less than or equal to 30 characters in length.  User will keep asking to input a string until input is less than or equal to 30 characters in length.

Case b: User input a string with length less than or equal to 30 characters in length.  The input contains ‘ | ’ (delimiter).   An error message will output to screen and ask user to re-enter a string without ‘ | ’ in it.  User will keep asking to input a string until input does not contain ‘ | ‘ in it.

Case c: User input a string without a ‘ | ‘ character and is less than or equal to 30 characters in length.  The string will be accepted and proceed to next input.


Case 9: Choices Input

Homeless Record: gender, marital status and province

Shelters Record: type of shelter and province

Case a: User input a choice that is not in the choice list.  An error message will output to screen and ask user to re-enter a choice that is in the choice list.  User will keep asking to input a choice until choice entered is in the list.

Case b: User input a choose that in the list but in lower case letters.  Input will be converted to upper case letters and choice will be accepted and proceed to next input.

Case c: User input a choose that in the list but in upper case letters.  Choice will be accepted and proceed to next input.



Part 2 Testing (for both homeless records and shelters records)

Case 1: User entered a file name that does not exist.  An error message will output to screen which tell user that the file does not exist.  Then the program terminate.

Case 2: User entered a file name that exists.  The file is empty (no record).  Nothing is output to screen and the program terminate.

Case 3: User entered a file name that exists.  The file contains only one record.  That record will be output to screen with all short forms convert back to long form.  Program terminates after the record is outputted.

Case 4: User entered a file name that exists.  The file contains three records.  All three records will be output to screen at the same time with all short forms convert back to long form and each field per line.  Program terminates after the three records are outputted.

Case 5: User entered a file name that exists.  The file contains five records.  All five records will be output to screen at the same time with all short forms convert back to long form and each field per line.  Program terminates after the five records are outputted.

Case 5: User entered a file name that exists.  The file contains seven records.  The first five records will outputted to screen in a similar form as above.  User is asked to press enter to display the next five records or any other input to exit the program.  In this case, the remaining two records will output to screen when enter is press by user.  If other input were pressed, the program terminates without displaying the remaining two records.  Program terminates after all seven records are outputted.

Case 6: User entered a file name that exists.  The file contains more than five records.  The first five records will outputted to screen in a similar form as above.  User is asked to press enter to display the next five records or press any input to exit the program.  The next five records will be display when user pressed enter.  If any other input were pressed, the program terminates without displaying the remaining records.  User will keep ask to press enter to display next five records or any other input to exit the program.  Program terminates when all records in file are outputted.