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Family Newsletter

Okay, so I hope to polish this up a bit, in future weeks, but I thought it would be more fun to put the message together WITH the pictures so I could better explain. You should have each gotten an email with the explanation of the name changes. Love you all!

So the notable news this week comes mostly from last Saturday morning when

F. did THIS

Installing THIS

Stitches (and a tetanus shot) promptly followed.

D. has been sick the past few days with a fever (very unusual in this family) and is losing her voice. She missed out on participating in the Primary Program today. M. lost another tooth (don't know if I included that last time). Score is M.-3, R.+5 (of course she's getting hers IN not losing them).

R. continues to be THE source of entertainment in this house. Here she is perfecting her WWF moves on D. Her big sisters LOVE it! They laugh hysterically! If they get too loud, she worries that they are crying and stares at them in a very alarmed manner. That only makes them laugh HARDER!

I think I forgot to mention our latest quantum leap... to minivan land. It was a hard transition for me (I never aspired to be a "soccer mom"!) but the extra room is very much appreciated.

That's it for this week! Sorry it's brief! There's unhappy children to attend to. All our love! E.