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YUGI is a duelist unlike any other. He was born to play the game of duel monsters. Yugi is a freshman at Domino High School and lives with his grandfather. His grandfather who gave him his millenium puzzle also taught him all about the heart of the cards. He has had trouble with bullies in the past but now with his millenium puzzle he has gained the confidence to stand up too all his obstacles in life and plays duel monsters as an extremely confident and courageous being known as YAMI YUGI.
YAMI YUGI is a mysterious side of Yugi brought out by the magic of Yugi's Millenium puzzle. He is a dueler who is powerful,cunning and overcome with confidence and courage.Yami Yugi has the ability to stare down even the toughest of opponents allowing him to beat almost all his challengers.
>SETO KAIBA is the wealthy CEO of an international, high-tech corporation known as Kaiba Corp. Kaiba and his brother Mokuba were orphaned after their parents died when they were young. When the President of Kaiba Corporation, Gozaburo Kaiba visited the orphanage, Seto challenged him to a game of chess. As a reward for Seto's win he and his brother Mokuba were adopted by him but were treated cruelly. Gradually Seto's heart grew cold. Although he seems cruel and uncaring Kaiba has always and always will have a soft side for his younger brother. And swears that no matter what happens he will always be there to protect and care for his brother.
MOKUBA KAIBA is the younger, of the brothers Kaiba. He has a kinder heart than his brother Seto, but idolizes his brother in every way. His interests lie in "Cap Monsters" a chess like game and not truly in duel monsters. He only wishes that Seto could spend more time with him seeing as Seto is the only family or friend he has since their parents died and he swears to avenge his brother if ever anyone causes him pain and defeat.
BAKURA is a new student who transfered to Domino High school. He, like Yugi has a millenium item but his millenium item seems to take more control of him than he does of it. The powers of his millenium item seem to hypnotize him at times and bring out a hidden darknesss within Bakura's kind,and intelligent personality. This leads many to wonder at times if it is the dark side of Bakura or Bakura himself who is in control.
JOEY WHEELER , having portrayed himself as a tough street kid is now one of Yugi's best friends. Joey is freshman at Domino High School as well and seems to have a soft side for Yugi. Joey understands how vulnerable Yugi must feel having been picked on by bullies including him. Joey likes to take matters into his own hands and won't let anyone look down on him or his friends. He always fights for what he believes in including trying to save his0 little sister Serenity's eye sight.( He and his sister Serenity were seperated after their parent's divorce.
>TÉA GARDNER is a young girl full of dreams. She hopes to go to New York to learn dance but in the mean time she spends her free time with her best friends. She is often seen with Yugi and is sometimes mistaken for his girlfriend. Téa has a positive attitude towards everyone and likes to cheer all her friends on during their duel monsters games and in reaching their dreams. She is often found to be the voice of reason and will never give up on any of her friends.
TRISTAN TAYLOR goes to Domino High School along with all his friends. Tristan is also quite tough like Joey but not as good a fighter. Tristan unlike Joey tries not to get himself into any trouble. He is a model student and is well rounded in all his subjects. It seems that Tristan's intelligence in school doesn't carry out in life because he is a hopless romantic and is well known for it. Tristan and Joey have always had a close connection and he is always there when Joey needs him. He stands behind his friends and tries to help in every way he can.
MAI VALENTINE is known for her feminine character. She duels for riches and pleasure and likes to think that she's the best compared to many duelist's. Her favourite card in duel monsters is the harpy lady which she nearly defeats Joey with. But when Joey beat her eye's were opened to the power of friendship and even more so when Yugi battled to save her star chips. Her selfish character and personality may one day subside seeing as she may soon realize the true importance of frienship which she once ignored.
MAXAMILLION PEGASUS is a very cultured, wealthy and sophisticated person. He is the soul creator of the duel monsters game which he modeled after an ancient Egyptian game. Pegasus had his left eye replaced with a millenium eye not unlike the millenium items of Yugi and Bakura. Pegasus likes to play mind tricks with people especially Kaiba and with his millenium eye Pegasus is supplied with dark and mysterious magic powers which he uses at his own disposal for entertainment.
GRAMPA is Yugi's kind hearted grandfather. Yugi's grampa understands the game of duel monsters well and believe's deeply in the heart of the cards. He owns a small gamming store and he and Yugi live above it. He has travelled to many places around the world and has many friends in different places. He was the one who gave Yugi the eygyptian artifact, the Millenium Puzzle and teaches Yugi to trust in the "heart of the cards."

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