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A resource site that should get even the novice computer user programming.

Your probobly wondering exactly what is on this site and what brought me to make it. If not, either kiss my ass and skip this section, or read it anyways.

All through my adventures in computers, things became more and more complicated to the point that you couldnt even hack another computer without plenty of knowledge in how programs were coded and how this code was read. Ive searched all accross the web for information on how to program, and it is quite the difficult job. At the moment I only know HTML, a little Java, BASIC, Python, and a slight bit of MS Dos and Linux. This is hardly a list compared to the many languages the elite have under their belts. I am building this site at the rate that I find new resources about programming so that whoever might stumble upon it may learn faster than i did, due to the lack of time searching, and the increase in time researching. I hope that you find this site useful in whatever way you would like it to be, and remember, "information superhighway" is just an anagram for "i'm on a huge wispy rhino fart":p
I'm not all that good a teacher so dont bother asking me any major questions about coding, but if you wanna send me ideas or information for the site, give me money, propose marriage, etc. feel free to email me at


Added images to the top of the sidebars on the Linux vs Unix and HTML pages

Created Linux/Unix Page and added link to the sidebar.

Created HTML page and put link in the sidebar.

Started the site. Put in the main page with sidebar and created the HTML-page file.