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Angela's Journal

Daisy IS Love

Personal Profile
NEW!!!! Camping PICS!

November 5th 2003 12:30 am- It's been way too long

I have been so neglectful....Through being busy and/or being just plain lazy and uninterested I have finally decided i want to write something.

I graduated RCC september 5th. It was a stressful yet relieving time for me. Had some bad conflicts at the after party but we have all moved past that. I miss my friends in Toronto but I am liking it here.

It took me 2 months to actually begin my job which i just started today. My position is a Customer care representative at Teletech. i think it will be a good job for a while anyways.

I moved in with Ryan and we lived on Victoria Crescent togetehr for 2 months, and Ryan has just bought his grandmothers house so we are moving in tomorrow. Luckily i my work shift starts at 3:30 and ends at midnight so that means i can sleep in if i want. Not tomorrow tho because We have alot to do. At work one of my old DHC classmates Jeff Bye was there so it was pretty cool to see him since i have seen practically none of my old friends from DHC. So tomorrow is moving day, I am looking forward to living there.

Things with Ryan are going very well. I think we co-exist wonderfully, even though we do have our conflicts but who doesnt? I am a very lucky girl.

And YES I GOT MY G2 FINALLY!! and i bought a car!!! A 2002 dodge neon. It is a nice silver and its really cute. I love driving it around and i have a cool stereo too taht plays mp3s which is very important.

Speakign of music here are a few cool canadian bands that i have been listening to:

The Reason

Ok i know that is not alot of bands lol but they are really good. My brothers band Distorted view played a set at Sid Snache Memorial jam and they are pretty good, but could be better. I know they will be great, as they work well together (steeve, eric and derek)

Ummm what else, sure theres been more going on....erm...Well mom was head dancer at the pow wow and it was a good powwow. Mike and some hamilton peeps came . Mom was real happy. Good for her. I was proud. Got some good pics of me taken with important ppl to me, i need to get copies. The CL powwow was also good, i got to know cheyanne better and got to chill with claudia again along with nicole, corey, conrad and laura.

Well i have to go to bed but i will try to keep more. Goodnight internet!

August 5 7:30pm- Long write!

Yea i know it has been so long since i last updated. I'm lazy though....Well i have had the following things happen to me:
-5 weeks left of RCC!
-Ryan moved into his apartment and is now eligable to get his drivers licence back. I am moving in with him in sept.
-That nice guy my moms been hanging out with is now her official boyfriend. he is a firefighter for rama.
-Had a very good summer vacation! Lots of rest and Ryan.
-bought some new dvds
-sick of rcc!
-I watched Tomb raider 2(Good), Pirates of the caribbean(fucking right!) and American wedding(Freaking hilarious) in the last week

and what else is new?? Well that stuff will be written in my secret journal :) !

Anyway's I have been thinking about my future alot and right now it seems so unpredictable. I am leavin rcc because i have had it up to here with that school. I need a break!! I will get a job somewhere (prolly at the casino again). Move in with my baby. I think we will be leaving the current place because its pretty pricy to live there and we have our other expenses. blah..i cant think tired

July 1 10:40 pm- Happy Canada Day!

I have not written in forever so an update is due so..... the long canada weekend came and it passed. I think it was a great weeekend. Friday night i went out with Tal, Mike and Kevin. We saw 28 Days later downtown and then we went to a candy store before watching this one man street/stunt show. It was pretty good. Afterwards we went to the Groundhog for Karaoke night and some drinks. On saturday i went to yorkdale and found out that i had almost an hour and a half to kill before my bus came in. Sooo i decided to go shopping (i was very excited). I went to suzy shier and bought some nice shirts. I am in dire need of shirts. Then i went to La Senza and got some stuff there too. I got to Ryans at about 6:30 and had a nice time and then mom picked us up and we hung out at my place til ryan had to go to work. Then me and my mom watched Jeepers Creepers. I enjoyed just relaxing with her and stuff cuz we never do that stuff anymore. Steeve and I visited Nanny on sunday. We basicaly just relaxed as it is very relaxing at her place (in other words theres nothing to do but talk and sleep). My mom has a new friend and hes way better then Webster Benson. He's like Webs exact opposite which means hes a pretty cool guy. He even gave mom an AC unit and installed it for her. very nice. On monday Ryan came over when he got off work and we had the whole house to ourselves so it was really nice. Had a very good and interesting day. I love Ryan so much, i enjoy spending loads of time with him. I slept at ryans that night and cought the 6 pm bus back to toronto and so I am home. I got my Bride with White Hair Dvds :) Well i think thats all i am going to write for now, so until next time....

June 3 6:30pm- i can finally "sort of" relax

Well I did my c++ exam, it had been delayed over 12 weeks and it went pretty well. Then unix was cancelled and we all just sat around for 3 hours. yay. not. Had a few new classes today, they seem that they will be ok. I havent been feeling too great lately, exams can be pretty stressful. Especially when you are trying to finish up assignments as well as getting so sick of sitting here studying and studying and studying. At least i can have some personal time now and try to relax a bit. I will also get back to taekwando and other things to improve my physical fitness level. Its almost summer, i cannot wait for my vacation. I have also not seen Ryan for about 2 weeks and i miss him so much. Well i get to go see him on friday and he doesnt have to work that night, so i am very excited about it. It will be good to see mom and steeve again as well. I wouldnt mind getting a tan as well :D Well thats it for now. byebye

June 1 4:00pm - upside down tummy

Well i just got back from my camping trip a few hours ago, i would say it was a pretty good time, although it rained all day yesterday. It stopped in the evening tho, just in time for me to start drinking lots of beer. Country Camping is a cool place, I would recommend it to anyone who wants to go have a great time with very little rules in place. (2 rules exactly - no glass and no attitude). I would say some people there were complete idiots but most were cool, especially the employees. Well i will talk more about that later, but some interesting things happened on the way home. We got caught in the middle of a pioneer or menonite parade. , and witnessed a car accident. I uploaded the pics from camping on the link above so enjoy them. Later!

May 18 7:55pm - I love adventures

Well i have to say i had quite the weekend. Lots of fun and lots of crazy happenings. Ill start with friday night. I got to peterborough around 7:30 and claudia and i went to pick up some alchi. We then went to this guy Maricios place to see what parties were going on. We didnt have much luck there so we went to this guys house where there was a lil party going on. We met up with claudia's bud, Sean K (who's a very popular guy in ptbo) and we got some E for me and april. Soon after some guy kicked us all out and we drove around for a bit then went to aprils place. So it was me, claudia, april and sara just chillin out, makin phone calls. We dropped our E, and soon enough sean came around with an extra cab and the lot of us went to natedoggs place to party. It was pretty good for about 10 minutes, but then this guy jamie started causing shit, getting totally violent wanting to get into a fight. He even punched a hole in the wall. Then a cab pulled up outside and it was natedoggs mom! and she called the cops. So we were so outta there. I was buzzing, feeling pretty good, but that jamie guy was a real downer. He was even yelling at nates mom in the cab who had her little daughter with her. What a loser. So then we were going up this path when the cops spotted us( there was about 15 people in this group). Claudia tried hopping a fence and hurt herself:( but after a half hour of avoiding the cops we got to the liftlocks and just chilled for a while. Jamie was still being an ass. He was totally calling nate on, so the rest of us decided to just take off to somebodys house and party there. After walking for another half hour, we got there and had some beers, chilled, talked. Sean had some cocaine and a bunch of them were doing lines. It was the first time i had ever been so close to that dirty shit but i was like whatever im having fun. Then we got a call from natedog and he told us that jamie was trying to stab him. It was freaky. They got nate to come over to be safe, but jamie kept on calling the whole night. He even broke into seans house and just stayed there. After a while things settled down and We stayed there til 5 waiting for them to get some weed. ( i didnt want any but claudia and april did) The first joint they rolled was fine but the second one, i watched them put fucking coke in it and they lit it up. I swear it was the nastiest thing i ever smelt in my life. I got up right away and knew it was time to call it a night. My e buzz was dead but i didnt have much of a comedown, which was cool. I just wish we had some better stuff then that red apple shit. It was just a mellow, awake feeling mostly. So i went to bed at 6 am and got up at 11 am. Went to curve lake and relaxed with claudia for the day.

So later on satuday we went back to peterborough, got april and went to Maricios for a lil bit. Claudia still had her car with her so we decided to go drop it off at aprils so we could get fucked up. We decided to go to Chandas to drink. Squirrel was there of course and she gave me a big hug. it was awesome to see her again. After only 2 drinks i was feeling pretty damn good. We went on a run to pick up some E for a few of our friends, and then i had a really good talk with sarah. When we left there i had started to feel kinda sick, we were going back to maricios place to party for a bit. We got there, a buncha people over there including aprils brother Mike. There was this guy who was stirring up shit with ppl, including mike. This idiot ended up punching some chick in the face, so mike threw him in the bush. We heard the cops were called so the 4 of us got outta there and went for some pizza and then went back. I didnt feel so hot so i went to bed and slept in til 2.

I woke up to a massive hangover :( I went to get some food and some tylonal. Meanwhile april and claudia had made a ouija board and were talking to a spirit claudia has become friendly with. I got back and claudia asked me if i wanted to play. I was like sure what the heck. Now here is the kicker. As soon as i touched it, it said GOODBYE and then QUIT NOW. I was worried. April went back on it and they found out that BETH was on. (beth is a restless spirit i encountered on a previous ouija board experience). She started making threats like "Angie better hide." At that point i just started crying, i was so freaked out and worried. Claudia asked her spirit friend to get Beth off my back. Then they got some messages like "Don't Cry angie" but claudia didnt even tell them i was crying. Claudia then told me it had said that beth was cool with me now. THEN the fucking door opened. We were like what the fuck i looked out there and nobody was around. Claudia asked if that spirit opened the door and he said yes. Freaky stuff but it was time for us to go, and they asked if he had anything to say to me. It said "Ryan Might be the one". Wow! It's so weird cuz how would it know my boyfriends name? Anyways then claud took me to the bus station and i went back to toronto and i feel alot better now. IT was just so crazy. But now im really missing ryan alot, i really wanna see him. :( Well heres a list of the most interestinng things that happened in a nutshell:

-seeing claudia, april and squirrel again, havin some good talks and chilling together
-them red apples
-Runnin from the cops
-crazy jamie and his knife
-smelling that dooby with the crack in it yuck!
-finding out that aprils going to be on canadian idol
-the ouija board stuff

Well that is all i have to say for now i think. I just have a lot of work left to do. later

May 10 10:55pm - busy, fun times

Well on sunday i met kara up at yorkdale and we hung out all day. It was really good to just hang out and talk. We went downtown too to church street and the the sexshop on young. (i love that store lol). Well we went back to yorkdale and watched X2, then i saw her off at the bus station. Almost cried and i was really depressed on the way home cuz i felt really alone. Then i got an email from Claudia, so i called her up and we made our may 24 plans! I am pretty excited about it. I only wish i could spend time with Ryan too but, alas i cannot and im not sure when ill get to spend some tiem with him for the next while :( It sucks......

On the brighter side of things, i am pretty sure i will be done RCC in september and then i will go home, have a nice break, settle in with Ryan and get a job. I think it will work out damn good. On the other hand there are people here who I will surely miss but i can always come visit them. I mean its not like im too far away:)

I stayed home from school today. I got alot done too. School and otherwise. I talked to ryan on msn for like an hour and a half this aft. that is always good. Well thats all for now goodnite

May 10 9:55pm - So very tired

Well this week was one of the most tireing weeks of recent memory. However it ended pretty well as i got off of school early. Ryan came over and spent the night. He just left about 2 hours ago and I miss him already. I dont think ill be seeing him for while. Anyways I am feeling really tired right now but also bored. I really wish someone wanted to hang out with me tonite but then again maybe i do need to just spend some alone time. Tal and Bryan went to Mega Training. Ah well. Thats it for now goodnight.

ps I am really getting tired of RCC

May 5 4:25pm - Lets get soaking wet

Well to start off, i just have to say it is pouring rain out there and i just walked home!! so needless to say i was drenched but now im in dry clothes and feel fine. I am just glad i didnt wear a dress! On another note, I had a very very good weekend that i was sad to see end.

I grabbed a yorkdale bus and arrived in orillia at 4. I went to Ryans to visit for a few hours. We were really happy to see eachother again since it had been about 2 weeks since the last time we got together. So mom picked me up at 7:30 and Kara was with her! We picked steeve up and spent the night with nanny. Saturday we went to the sandpit which is next door and took in the cool scenery, took some pics and talked. Mom picked us up around 4 pm and we went and had our first barbeque mmmm :D. It was really good, cant wait til the next one. I went to see ryan again and we hung out til like 11.

So sunday i just hung out with kara and everyone til about 2 and we went to town and i bought 2 great pairs of sandals. Then i went to Ryans again, we had supper, went to see X2 (which kicked butt) and after that we had a really fun drive to my house! So he left around midnite and i started missin him already. I dont think ill be seein him til the long weekend. We have also begun talking about some future plans, such as the two of us getting our own place when i return to Orillia.

So overall it was a great weekend, got lots of time with my baby and got to chill with my bro and sis, the three of us together once again! I miss the old days!! I cant wait til you come back kara!

So on a school note, Today i actually made it to school on time! I knew i could do it. Got some midterm marks back, it will do.(not disclosing my results!) I finaly got my microcontroller programmed and heard some interesting stories too. Well that is all i have to say for now. Tata

May 1 9:45pm - new clothes are great

Hey i got some new clothes today :D. 4 cool shirts and a really nice denim dress. I think today $1000 went out the door, cuz of rent and stuff. Oh well im getting most of it back in the next few days. I Was talkin to kara today and she said that we're having our first BBQ of the year on saturday. Its gonna be good. I am so looking forward to going home. Im feeling homesick lately. It will also be cool to hang out with my sis again as well as spend some time with Ryan.

It was kinda funny today at our last class. Schuett had the hardest time spelling (license hehe. I learned how to make sql databases today too. Seems very straightforward. Just gotta test it out now. Anyways i need to go get ready for the weekend. Ciao

April 30 6:00pm - hmmm

Well I had a hard time getting to sleep last nite. I am not sure why i was so tired! Anyways I woke up and checked msn and Ryan left me a message that his licence got suspended. :( So i have been wondering all day why that happened, i sure hope i find out soon. But its not the end of the world, ill come to rama as much as i can. ( i love you baby ). Anyways school was allright today. The week is going by pretty slow tho. Its week 8 and i feel like im falling behind a bit. Oh well ill just work xtra hard from now on. Anyway thats all for now

April 29 8:00pm - woohoo

First off im in a pretty good mood. Mostly because i got my digital systems mark today. I got an A! :) I am pretty happy with that. Well ill write back later maybe. SOrry this is so short but i gotta run for now byebye!

April 27 2:00pm - good weekend (only missing one element)

Well i have to say that this weekend was pretty good and yet its not even over. Still going to go see 'Identity' later with some friends. I went to a club called Kingdom with mike and barry friday night. We met up with ryan, john and his gf. Its a pretty cool place. It has 2 separate rooms. The one room was hosted by the Edge, so the music was mostly rock and stuff like that. The other room was for retro. It was packed, lots of ppl. I would have liked it alot better if they played some more danceable music, cuz u can only bop your head so much. Overall i think its a good place to go have some fun.
Saturday mike showed me around hamilton, its actually a pretty nice city i have to say. Mikes family had their easter dinner so i got to meet a buncha people. His gramma brought fry bread! it was good. the steak was awesome too. We did a beer run before dinner and on the way back we saw a sign that said something along the lines of "giant ERECTION adventure tent sale" Thought it was pretty funny and we stopped by to take a picture before coming back to Tdot, but they took messed up the sign so it wasnt as funny. We got back to toronto around 9:30, picked matt up and went to Meghans place. Since shes moving out today she had a lil party. It was allright, when meghan and frank started toking it up, me, bryan, mike and tal started having this qtip war, we all just acted real silly. Then started throwing tostitos around too. I was in a pretty light hearted mood, but there was also somethin else on my mind. We left around 1 and i went to bed. So today i will just see that movie and do some homework. Ill probably write back later tonite.

April 20 2:50pm - Hoppy easter (just remember the real reasons)

Well my client server midterm went allright. As did my digital lab test as well as the digital electronics exam. I got my stats midterm back too i got 76%, not bad but i think i could have done way better. Mike got the highest in the class and boy is he proud of that.
Mike came up to rama with me and we went to the casino and he won $125 while i lost $30. It's beginners luck i say! After he went home i checked my email and got a pretty mean seeming email from my landlady. Hurt my feelings however i replied to her email in a calm, intelligent and respectful demeaner. She replied quickly and this time it was more decent. Sometimes she makes me feel stupid or something. Our house is full of rumours and lots of gossip. I try to mind my own business but of course i get pulled in...and im getting tired of it.
I spent most of the weekend relaxing, visiting and studying for my 2 remaining mid term tests. Have yet to see Ryan but I get to see him tonite after supper. I am looking forward to that. Tomorrow im heading back to Tdot i sure hope the bus station is open so i can get a ticket! Well im going to cut this short i have some more studying to do today. Ciao

April 13 8:30pm - I'm breaking the habit tonite

I had a pretty good weekend. Ryan came over around 7 on friday nite and told me he had saturday nite off. I had originally planned to go hang out in hamilton with Mike on saturday but had to cancel. Feel bad for cancellin but I knew that i wanted to spend as much time with ryan as i can. I Showed ryan around RCC on saturday and we went to the movies with tal, bryan, ivan and dave. I got to spend lots of quality time and Had a great weekend overall and then Sunday came around and worked my ass off alll day on teh NOVELL thing due tomorrow. So got taht done and need to do more studying for the client server midterm tomorrow. Karas coming home in 2 weeks!!! i cannot wait. I miss her ALMOST as much as i miss daisy!! (just jokin sis!) Well i think thats about all i have to say. nite

April 7 11:00pm- First Injury of TKD

Went to Taekwando tonite and i gave myself my very first TKD injury during warm up. My toe hurts!! i doubt its broken but its sprained pretty bad. Hurts to walk. So i phoned mom and she told me the regular take tylonal and wait for it to heal stuff. She also told me gramma is over and her feet are swollen... Gramma has diabetes and its very dangerous...suddenly my pain doesnt seem that bad. Im getting worried about her. Kinda thinkin about not goin to school in the morning but i always feel soo bad about missing classes. So ill prolly rough it. Weather still is horrible. I hear its supposed to improve at the end of the week. i'm not getting my hopes up tho. Anyways i am going to cut this short and go to bed now so goodnight!

April 5 11:30- Sooo sick of hearing about Sars and the "war"

I havent updated in a while, i have been pretty busy. Ive had so much work to do since the new semester started but i am enjoying it. I always prefer to be busy over bored. hmmm now what is going on with me. Well I started TaeKwanDo last week. Its pretty fun but physically demanding. That is just fine with me i need to be active again. Even if it does hurt for a while. Stupid winter weather has returned and im really starting to resent it!. Oh well ill just think about the lovely weather that we shall be having soon. Ryan started his job at the casino. I hadnt seen him for 2 weeks but came home last nite and spent a day with him. I miss him alot, so its really awesome to get to be with him whenever i can. We finally got to do something this weekend that we have both been wanting to try for quite awhile now. Cool!

Ummm i really dont have alot to talk about at this moment. Oh wait. I have listened to Linkin parks new album - Meteora and I am in love with music once again!!! its great especially Faint and Easier to Run. I highly recommend this cd...Anyways heres a link to my RCC website. Well thats all for now so I guess ill just say goodbye for now. sooo goodbye for now!

March 18 10:15pm - Whenever I fall I land on my feet.

I'm kinda worried about mom. Someone said that she has pneumonia but she went to the doctors with me on monday and he said she's fine. I think shes just really stressed out. She works really hard and i dont think she gets recognized enough for it. Monday was a pretty good day for me. Ryan said he had training til 5 so i asked him to come see me for a lil while before i had to get on the bus. So it's 9:30 am and im sound asleep and what happens? Ryan wakes me up :) Turns out his casino training isnt til NEXT monday so we got to spend the day together. Mom took us and gramma out for chinese food for lunch. It was good. An hour or so later We left for my appt. So i pakced my stuff so i could just go to Ryans right after and i got this reallly bad stomach AND backpain. I guess it was cuz i was nervous...I guess. But i do like my doctor. Well the appt. Went well just as i thought. I gained 4 pounds tho...oh well its winter stuff. Mike and Matt met me at Downsview station when i got home and we picked up Tal and went out to eat. Then we decided to go to Stacey and Andre's st. Pats party. Had a decent time there. Spring is here and im starting to feel a lil different. Better I suppose. I think i feel settled? I dunno if that makes much sense. Well ryans coming up on friday nite. I wanna introduce him to some more of my friends and have some good times this weekend. We'll start by going to the movies...Anyways thats all for now i guess. I will check back when theres more stuff going on. Ciao

March10 9pm - lalalala.

I'm feeling sooo...BLAH tonite. Feel sick and worried. I think its all cuz of stupid bell sympatico and their "impossible to talk to an actual human being" call service. ARGH!!! fuckers. I hate them so much. If anyone knows how to get ahold of an actual person who works for sympatico can u plzzz tell me? (email, messenger, in person etc) I would really appreciate it and i would owe you big time!Anyways...tomorrows last day off til new semester. I did pretty well on the exams except for physics of course. Ryan spend a few nites with me during exam week. It was great. We totally couldnt wait til the friday to see eachother again. I finally got him to the pickle barrel and he loved it. Just as i expected :) Somethin happened that made me love him even more and it seems our relationship has grown much stronger then ever. I love him so much.

Me and Steeve spent friday nite at Nannys' and we rented the RING. Now that is a good movie. Creepy scary, Sad and thought provoking. It was hard to get to sleep that nite! My birthday was yesterday. I'm 21 now. Mom got me this raelly nice candle and a home spa set right after we went to the Casino hotel for lunch. It was good. Ryan came over and he got me an optical mouse. Hehe now that is something i could use. Got a bunch of cards too. Talked to gramma this afternoon too. Kinda looking forward to going back to school, kinda not. I mean 4 days march break?? well its bette then nothing i suppose. Yay! Steven rose is talking to me again!!

March2 2pm - blah.

School Stuff: Well its sunday. Got CEF out of the way last week which is great, but i went to xtra lab yesterday and only got a lil bit of the bonus lab done. Xtra lab blows because theres so few instructors around.. Planning on installing slackware on Tal's unused pc sometime before friday. I woke up this morning, got to studying for the networking exam and i got up to chapter 13, but im burnt out already!!. So of course its time for a break. I'm not worried about tomorrows exam, but wednesday i have physics and unix written. I'm not too worried bout either of them. Actually pretty comfortable. Its fridays practical exams that kinda worry me. Oh well i know i will be ready. I have good news when it comes to C++! The exam got set back 6 weeks so we could have more time to learn the stuff. yay :) I feel better now about things, mostly because of that. As soon as fridays exams are over i am heading straight for finch station and going home!

None School Stuff:It will be so nice to go home and relax and not worry about school for 4-5 days. Not much time for a real vacation but it will do! Only 5 more months til summer vacation!! I am beginning to really miss ryan and it will be awesome to be w/ him again. I also miss my nanny alot however im going to go spend the day with her next saturday. I'm looking forward to that. I owe my mom $2000 for our home renovations. Thats cool with me. My birthday is next sunday...I will be 21! It's kinda freaky. I'm gettin old:( Well i dont think thers much else to tell. Things are pretty stable and uneventful these days. Maybe something really cool will happen sooN!

Feb25 10:20 pm - Get ready...It's coming!! You can't avoid it anymore.

Well today I was in a pretty good mood. Up until C++ where some friends mentioned that we dont have the last friday off but instead the thursday! That kind of dampers my plans. But after thinking about it a lil, i guess it may be for the best. Friday is Unix practical and NCF practicals. I really wanna do good in unix. When it comes to C++ tho, i'm so lost that i almost dont even care anymore. But i realize i cant have that attitude!!! I made a decision last nite and that was to quit worrying and stressing because it will not do any good for me. So i studied CEF alot tonite cuz our exams on thursday. Im doing pretty good, if I can ace this exam and this fridays lab test i know i can get my A+. And it is vital that i do get that mark to keep a decent GPA.

Well enough about school for now. Ryan. R picked me up this morning so we could go pick up Mike and while we were waiting for him, he asked me why i'm so quiet. I really dont think im all that quiet. I know fer sure that im not a big fan of talking in Cars. Im not sure why. It's just my thing. I also don't like too much small talk, gets annoying and I see people who NEVER SHUT THE HELL UP and i kinda just wanna slap them hehe. I do love to talk. I just need to have something to talk about. I think im a better listener anyway. I love to analyze somones problem and give them pretty decent advice that they can use. Maybe i was meant to be a advice columnist? a shrink? Hell maybe even a sex therapist? haha i just dont really know. Well i think that is all i have to say tonite. i'm out.


Feb23 2003 6:15 pm - Self Indulgance is such a hard habit to break.

I had a fairly good weekend. The only thing that was missing was Ryan (though i did talk to him on msn a few times). I went to colin's friday nite for a lil party. Got pretty drunk, even tho i had a headache. Colin has a really nice place and it was fun to hang out with every1. Tal was gone this weekend so i spent saturday studying unix and c++ stuff. Then Mike came over and we waited for kara to call so we could go pick her up. It was awesome to see her again!! Later that evening we headed to Finch station so we could take the subway down to Sherbourne Station to meet kev and friends at the Groundhog. Due to circumstances beyond our control, we ended up going to the pickle barrel instead. It turned out pretty good. We ordered drinks and appetizers and just hung out and had fun. I enjoyed myself alot and im glad that my sister did too. The weather was really bad when we were on our way back to my place. When we got back, kara talked to her woman on the phone and went to bed. Mike and I watched some SNL and i fell asleep but woke up to remind him he should head home. After i said goodnite i craweled into bed, only to hear my doorbell. I immeditely knew somethin was wrong. I was thinking maybe he got stuck in the snow or something? nope he locked his keys in his car. I felt really bad that it happened, it really sucked! Well about half hour later i called a tow truck and they came pretty fast which was good. I had a pretty good sleep after that. Slept in til like 1 but didnt get out of bed til 2. I really needed the rest. I studied some physics and am going to do some assignments. Then i think ill just chill and watch a dvd. Not looking forward to the next 2 weeks at all. But after those 2 weeks, things will be new all over again and i like that :) Oh yeah, I discovered my new theme song: Motivation by Sum 41. Its so me right now. Well thats all for now. Ciao!

Feb20th 7:33pm Sometimes I feel like I need a Vacation or something...

Today was kind of a strange day. Felt like a dream almost. I dont remember half what happened in the morning and afternoon. Some fucker stole yet another projector from the school. Its so sad things like that have to happen to such shitty college. Made me laugh a little. Made my plans for the weekend. Party tomorrow nite at Colins and then heading to the GroundHog on saturday nite. I like it there its a nice lil pub. I want to get very drunk this weekend :) Im happy to say that kara will be joining me and my friends that evening. I asked Dan to come with us, but as usual he's too busy. I really hope he gets some time to spend with me in the near future.

I've been eating really healthy all week so tonite i asked Mike to pick up some BK cuz i really had a craving for a burger and some poutine. Ahh grease! :D It was great. I think BK is something that when im done eating, I'd say to myself "If i can do it over again, I wouldnt change a thing". Mike said he was going to stay up all nite. I dont think its a really good idea. I mean he's going to be real tired tomorrow and i really dont know if he will actually take a nap after school like i suggested he do. Holay fuck I really need to party. RCC gets me down so much, I did not think it would be this bad. I did not expect things to be perfect but things aren't even decent. :/ It bothers me so much. Well im signing out. lates

Feb19th 2:30 pm I think i've been had.

I decided to put up a guest book because i am REALLY bored of doing cbt's. been working on them for over an hour and they seriously put me to sleep. Tired again today, but i slept pretty good. Had a quiz in CEF today and im fucking pissed because shlaak didnt accept it because i was 3 seconds late handing it in. I mean come on!! Later on in the morning we had one of the head guys here come to our class and show us survey results and we basically just had a bitch session and it made me realize how fucked up RCC really is. Honestly now i could never recommend this school to anyone who wants to learn about computers. Most of the bitching was directed at Schuetts for his crappy ass networking class. Oya we also had our last network test b4 exams today. Im sure i did pretty good despite being totally lost in this course. Tal suggested we go bungee jumping in the spring last nite. hehe it sounds adventurous. I sure need somethin new in my life. Bah im going to go now but i might write more later on tonite.

5:05 pm

Well i found out about an hour ago that i made the presidents list. It's pretty cool i guess but i can guarantee i will not be on that list for long. Went to c++ and had no clue what was going on. Felt sick and decided not to go to unix after that. Now i'm home and im going to write my ncf research report now. later

10:03 pm

Im almost done my report now...finally. I switched my topic over to Hardware cuz TCP/Ip is boring. I think tals considering moving out, she said shes not really serious about it but i think she really wants to go, cuz this place shes looking at sounds better then here. I want to leave too...but i have no idea where i would go. I guess im feeling like she wants to ditch me or somethin. Kinda down tonite cuz of that. Well too tired to write anymore. lates

Feb 18th 8:30 pm

I realy should do some work on this site. I mean how shitty is this? hehe well ill try to make it look better but i dont really have alot of time. I woke up really late this morning. Felt like shit, well its my own fault i stayed up til 2 am talking to mike. I love getting into a big conversation with him, especially now that he isnt shy around me anymore. I got to learn alot of things about him last nite thanks to that. Also alot of other things became more clear. I really appreciate that. I bet him that he couldnt pick me up by 7:45 and of course he didnt arrive til like 8:15 or so. I wont call him on it tho. I got a cold sore this morning when i was on my break. I was like "fuck this sucks" But at least its not really noticable at all and doesnt hurt. Had some cool conversations today. Talked about Lexx with James in C++ today and about Final Fantasy with Kev and Matt during our lunch break. I like talking about things like that it takes my mind off things and helps me relax and have a lil bit of fun. Other then talking to Leeza and Mike along with that, I spent most of the day with my headphones on, tuning people out. I like being like that sometimes. Of course i love talking to people so when poeple talked, i turned the music down. Have an NCF test tomorrow am not looking forward to that, although i should do fine. I got my linux study guide today which was so awesome. I am going to do great on that exam. I really like linux, just wish i had more time to learn it.

I miss Ryan alot, but i always try to keep busy. I know when i really miss him, i can talk to him on msn, or phone him. I really like reading the card he gave me on valentines day, like over and over. Makes me feel happy. I also miss my sister alot and she is in ontario for the week and i really hope i get a chance to chill with her this weekend sometime. Kevin wants me to go to the pheonix on sat. nite, maybe ill invite kara since Tal is going home for the weekend. I really wanna ask kara if Daisy Lazy can come live with me for a while. I love that dog so much. She IS my sunshine and alwways made me happy no matter what. Ack im on day 2 of Semester 2 Study mania. I only studied NCF tonite i wasnt really all that productive. Im just so tired. I think its time to get off the pc now. ciao

Feb 17th 2003 7:00 PM

Had an okay day today. Slept in and just barely was ready when Ryan. R came to pick me up in Mikes car. When we got to mikes he was still sleeping!! So of course we ended up being late for school. Got a 96 on my physics test which was good. I did not do so great on my 2nd networking test oh well. Had our presentation for GED. Customer Service. Though it went pretty well, there were some screw ups, mostly on my part. Argh!! im so cursed with GED presentations!! oh well its ok we did well :) Aaron surprised me. He did a pretty good job. I came home and did some network homework and studied. I think ill just chill out at 8 pm and watch joe millionaire with Tal and Mike. I'm really feeling the pressure build up...

Feb 16th 2003

I had a pretty good weekend and a wonderful valentines day as i got to spend it with my boyfriend Ryan. It was nice to just chill and basically just spend the weekend just the two of us. It's hard to say bye to him especially now that I Won't be seeing him for about 3 weeks and it sucks but schools going to get very intense and i cannot get sidetracked. Mike picked me up from Yorkdale, he is really sweet and I like him alot. It was nice to see him again. It was also nice to see Tal again, I love having her as my roomate. Did alot of work today but was it enough? I dont think it ever is.....

Ps: I'd like to wish Dan a very happy birthday :)

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