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Vitamins & Supplements at
competitive prices - no S&H

                                       For those that know and those that want to
                                       know about vitamins and supplements.

For our views on Vitamins & Supplements

* * * * * * * *
       Click on each product for breakdown on quantities, prices, and shop cart insertion.
      There is a further link (at quantities) for product qualities and recomendation of doses.
  • Vitamin A
  • Arginine
  • Beta Carotene
  • Vitamin B1
  • Vitmain B2
  • Vitamin B3
  • Vitamin B5
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin B9
  • Vitamin B12
  • Choline
  • Vitamin C
  • Carnitine
  • Vitamin D
  • DHEA
  • Vitamin E
  • Folic Acid
  • Glycine
  • Iron
  • Vitamin K
  • Lysine
  • Melatonin
  • Tyrosine
  • Selenium
  • Zinc

         Click under the item for qualities & recomended dosages.

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    Vitamin A - comes in gel caps of 10.000 IU in paks of 100..................
    For qualities of vitamin A

    Arginine - comes(to be filled later)............
    For qualities of arginine

    Beta Carotene - comes in gel caps (later)...........
    For qualities of Beta Carotene

    Vitamin B1 - comes in tablets of ??? mg each and in 100 p/pack......(later)
    For qualities of vitamin B1

    Vitamin B2 - comes in tablets of ??? mg each and in 100 p/pack.......
    For qualities of vitamin B2

    Vitamin B3 - comes in tablets of 500mg each and in 100/pack.....
    For qualities of vitamin B3

    Vitamin B5 - comes in (??????).....
    For qualities of vitmain B5

    Vitamin B6 - comes in ....... t
    For qualities of vitamin B6

    Vitamin B9 - comes......
    For qualities of vitamin B9

    Vitamin B12 - comes........
    For qualities of vitamin B12

    Choline - comes......
    For qualities of Choline

    Vitamin C - .............
    For qualities of vitamin C

    Carnitine - .................
    For qualities of Carnitine

    Vitamin D - ...............
    For qualities of vitamin D

    DHEA - ..............
    For qualities of DHEA

    Vitamin E - ................
    For qualities of vitamin E

    Folic Acid - ................
    For qualities of Folic Acid

    Glycine - ...............
    For qualities of Glycine

    Vitamin K - ..............
    For qualities of vitmain K

    Lysine - ................
    For qualities of Lysene

    Melatonin - .............
    For qualities of Melatonin

    Tyrosine - ..............
    For qualities of Tyrosine

    Selenium - .............
    For qualities of Selenium

    Zinc - ..................
    For qualities of Zinc


    Vitamin A

    There are two types of vitamin A, Retinol which comes from animal origin and Beta-Carotene which comes from vegetable sources. It is used to lessen the effects of night blindness, stress. loss of appetite, blood shot eyes, chronic fatigue, high suscptibilitiy of infection, loss of smell, and skin problems. It also serves as a topical aid in the healing of wounds especially burns.
    Vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin. That means it can accumulate in the fatty tissues of the body. The human body rate of absotion or usage is somewhat above 10.000 IU and if taken above this rate, 25.000 or more, it has a tendency of accumulation. This accumulation over a period of time, that may take six months depending on the over usage dosage, can cause certain problems like: bone or skin pain; drying or cracking of lips; increased sensitivity to sunlight; yellow-orange patches on sosle of feet, palms of hand, or skin around nose or lips. Yet if discontinued there are no long lasting effects. Beta-carotene is somewhat more recomended for it stays in the body for a shorter amount of time and is converted to retinol as the body needs it.
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    Is an amino acid (to be continued later)
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    Beta Carotene
    AKA (Beta Carotene is not know by any other name)

    Beta Carotene is the vegetable form of vitamin A and is converted into Retinol in the small intestines as is needed by the body - Look up Vitamin A.
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    Vitamin B1
    AKA Thiaminie

    Thiamine is a water soluble vitamin and does not store in the body. It has to be taken daily
    since all excess will be excreated from the body.
    The main function of thiamine is to break down sugars and does aid in the nervous system and in the improvement of mental attitude.
    B1 workd better synergistically, that is, in combination with othe B complexes, spacifically B2 ans B6, on a dose of 50mg each.
    Our supplemental recommended dosage for Thiamine is 50mg daily.
    Atacids usually destroy thiamine, therefore it is advisable to take thiamine well before or after ingestion of any antiacid, usually three hours.
    There are no known toxic effects from thiamin.
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    Vitamin B2
    AKA Riboflavin

    Also a water soluble vitamin. That means it does not accumulate in the body.
    It is also known as anti stress vitamin.
    It aids in growth and reproduction; elimination of sore mouth and lips; promotion of healty skin, nails and hair; vision and aliviation of tired eyes.
    Our suplemental recomended dosage is from 50 to 100mg depending on stressful conditions.
    There are no known toxic side effects for this vitamin.
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    Vitamin B3
    AKA Niacin, Niconinamide, Nicotinic Acid and Niacinamide.

    Like all vitamins of the B complex, Niacin is also a water soluble vitamin, that is, it does not accumulate in the body and has to be replenished often.
    The principal use of this vitamin is for the control of high cholesterol. It is also used for the reduction on the severity of Menier's syndrome, Niacin helps to lower cholesterol and triglicerides levels. Alliviation or prevention of migrane headaches. Promotes healtier skin and improves on circulation.
    Our supplemental recommended dosage is from 500 to 2000mg daily.
    No toxic side effects are experienced with this vitamin, although in doses above 2000mg daily for a prolonged amount of time, it is recommended that one does occasional blood tests to check for liver problems.
    The niacin form of B3 will give a flushing sensation and redness of the ears and face, this sensation will be reduced and or completely eliminated by the gradual increase in the amount taken. Some people like to time the ingestion of niacin with the outcome of sex for the flushing effect.
    Nicotinic acid and or nicotinamide which is also known as niacinamide will not cause the flushing sensation, which is of no consequence other tan small discomfort and disapears in a short while.
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    Vitamin B5
    AKA Pantothenic Acid, Calcium Pantothenate or Panthenol.

    Vitamin B5 being of the B complex is also a water soluble vitamin, that is, it does not accumulate in the muscle tissues. Therefore is has to be replenished daily.
    It aids in the conversion of fat into energy; syntesis of antibodies and choline and with choline is an energiser for brain cells.
    Our supplemental recommended dosage for Pantothenic acid is 200mg daily, although there is, as per se, no recommended doseage for Pantothenic acid.
    There are no known side effects from vitamin B5.
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    Vitamin B6
    AKA Pyridoxine

    Another member of the non water soluble vitamin of the B complex. Usually excreated about eight hours after ingestion and to be replenished daily
    The main purpose of supplementing with Pyridoxine is to increase production of red blood cells, in other words, to fight anemia. Aids is the assimilation of fat and mainly proteins.
    Our supplemental recommended dosage for Pyridoxine is 50mg daily.
    Amounts higher than 200mg daily may cause dependency and higher doses still may cause numbness, difficulties in walking and loss of sensory perception.
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    Vitamin B9
    AKA Folic Acid, Folacin.

    Also a member of the water soluble vitamins, therefore to be replenished daily.
    Essential for the formation of red blood cells. Also needed for the proper utilization of sugars and amino acids.
    Our supplemental recommended dosage is 50mg daily.
    No known toxic side effects from this vitamin.
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    Vitamin B12
    AKA Cobalamine or Cyanocobalamine.

    Another water soluble vitamin and also to be replenished daily.
    Essential for the formation of red blood cells and therefore the prevention of anemia (see B6). Maintenance of the nervous system. Improuves concentration, memory and balance, this so, since it improves the amount of red blood cells, more oxygen can be carried to the brain and other parts of the body also, therefore incresing stamina.
    It is essential that vegetarians supplement their intake of Vitamin B12 for it can only be obtained naturally from animal products.
    Women are advised to increase their intake of B12, B9 (Folic Acid), and B6 prior to menstruation, for replenishiment of lost blood.
    Our recommended supplemental dose for B12 is up to 200mg daily.
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    AKA (choline is not known by any other name)

    Choline is considered a nutrient. Some put it in the category of the vitamin B complex and also as a pseudo vitamin.
    It is on of the few supllements that are able to corss the blood-brain barrier. Choline aids in the formation of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter hormone. Being a lipotropic agent, it removes excess fat from the liver. Aids memory especially in later years were it is recommended a daily dose of several grams yet no more that 5.
    Our supplemental recommended dosage for Choline is 500mg daily, preferably taken as Lecitin since Lecitin is composed mainly of Choline and Inisitol which has roughly the same qualities as choline. There is no known toxicity for Choline, although the lethal dose for Choline is roughly 9 pounds. Intake of 10 to 20gr daily have not produced any deleterious effects.
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    Vitamin C
    AKA Ascorbic Acid

    Vitamin C is a crystaline compound, water soluble. of relative short duration in the human sistem. Ir is available in cristaline granules of in tables. The tables are the crustaline granules compressed with binders.
    A great deal of controversy surrounds vitamin C. Our speculation is that the controversy has it origin in certain people affirming, which is so, that animals that have the ability to produce on their own, produce so in the amount equivalent opf 5 to 10 grams daily, this mainly proportional to the size of the animal. Apes, which like men do not produce their own vitamin C, eat aa vegetarian diet that supplies them with about 2 to 5 grams daily of vitamin C.
    There are very few double blind studies about this vitamin, Therefore most of what is known about this vitamin is mainly anecdotal.
    Many people that take 2gr daily on average claim that they do not suffer from colds. Some claim that in the first signs of snifels or a bad feeling in the throat, sign of oncoming cold, they take one or two grams of the vitamin several hours appart for two days and don't get the cold. It is known to us about an individual that took 50 grams of vitamin C daily for over six months to ward off Lyme Disease. Some drug addiction clinics give patients about 85 gr of the vitamin to patients in order to alliviate problems of drug withrawall. Two hospitals in Australia experimented giving AIDS patients upwards of 120gr of vitamin C daily to control the virus. This is only to show that vitamin C can be tolerated in very large quantities. Yet if taken in doses higher than 2 grams daily it is advised that supplemental magnesium be taken to avoid the formation of kidneys stones. People starting to take ;arge doses of vitamin C should take unpasteeurizes yogurt os lactobacllus acidophilus which is the yeast that makes yogurt, this due to the fact that in large doses vitamin C will kill the intestinal flora resulting in diarrea. Furtheremore, it is know that vitamin C inhibits the convertion of the nitrates that are used as preservatives in modern foods to nitrosamine, which is a carcinogenic. Overall, there are several enecdotal evidences that vitamin C is a cancer deterrent and does aid the immune system. And to finalise vitamin C is one of the more powerfull free radical scavanger.
    Our supplemental recomended dosage for vitamin C is from 500mg to 5000mg (5gr) daily. In doses of 1gr or larger it is recomended that the granular form be taken which is more economical and free of binders.
    Be aware that vitamin C is flushed ou of the system in a very short time, being its half life measured in as little as one hour. Therefore those that decide to take mega doses of vitamin C, which we highly recommend, should do so in regular intervals and if the daily quantity so warrants, as little as three hours appart.
    There are no known toxic effects for this vitamin, exept that in large doses supplemental magnesium is to be taken to avoid the formation or uric acid that may cause kidney stones.
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    AKA Our supplemental recommended dosage
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    Vitamin D
    AKA Cholecalciferol, Calciferol, Calcitrial, Viosterol, Ergosterol.

    A fat soluble vitamin, as seen earlier, fat soluble vitamins accumulate in the fatty tissues of the body and do not have to be taken daily.
    Vitamin D is normally produced in the body by the action of the sun's ultraviolet rays on the skin, transforming cholesterol in calciferol. If not enough sun light is taken due to winter conditions, smog, clothing, night work or other, then supplements are to be taken. Modern times makes the right intake of vitamin D somewhat difficult, specially those on a strict vegetarian diet. Milk is supplemented with about 400mg per quart, about the average daily usage by the body, some food like fish and mushroom contain sufficient amounts of vitamin D.
    Vitamin D is essential for the absortion of calcium in the body, deficiencies may lead to osteoporosis and other calcium related problems even heart conditions.
    Our supplemental recomented dosage for vitamin D is 200mg daily which would be sufficient for an optimum level for individuals that do not get natural sunlight.
    Vitamin D can be toxic at regular doses in excess of 500mg daily. Symptoms are, nausea, general tiredness, headaches, loss of appetite, constipation, or diarrhea. There are no lasting effects once the vitamin is rescinded.
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    fill later.
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    Vitamin E
    AKA Tocopherol or Alpha Tocopherol.

    Vitamin E is another fat soluble vitamin, but unlike other fat solubles that store in the fatty tissue, vitamin E stores all over the body. In any case it is not necessary to be taken daily.
    Studies made with this vitamin indicate tht like vitamin C, it is a powerfull antioxidant and free radical scavanger. Cells need oxigen in order to function, yet this oxygen burning process produces peroxides which can be toxic to cells, Those cells then release free radicals which in turn damage more cells, those in turn release more free radicals and so on. Vitamin E as with vitamin C absorbs those free radical and help expel them from the body. Therefore many consider vitamin E an anti-aging substance. There are anecdotal evidence that people taking large quantities os this vitamin do not get gray hair.
    Benefits from vitamin E can be: more endurance or aliviation of fatigue; helping in the dissolution of blood clots; with vitamin A, accelerate de healing of wounds, especially burns, when applied topically; aliviate cramps due to its synergistic effect with oxigen carried by the vascular system. Fats, satured or not and even polyunsaturated fats, react with oxigen producing organic peroxides and solidified fatty acid in body tissue which vitamin E couteracts. Ferrous Sulfate destroys vitamin E, therefore if taking supplemental vitamin E one should take chelated (organic forms of iron) iron supplements.
    Our suppplemental recommended dosaga for vitmain E is from 800 to 1200mg daily.
    No toxic effects have been observed from the intake os this vitamin.
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    Folic acid
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    Vitamin K
    Vitamin K is mainly a blood cloting factor etc. etc.
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    Our views on supplementals:
    Since vitamins and supplements are not regulated by the FDA, most suppliers of these over the
    counter   products profess somewhat miraculous efficacies about their advertised merchandizes,
    using the excuse,   in order to comply with some  FDA regulations,   that the user should previ-
    ously ask his/her doctor for advise about their intake - which unless the doctor is well versed in
    holistic medicine - will usually be in the negative.
    Most pharmaceutical companies manufacture vitamins & supplements for the over the counter
    market, yet emphasis is in the promotion of their patented drugs in which they invested several
    millions of dollars to bring them to the marketplace.  Pharmaceuticals do spend vast amount of
    monies promoting these medications and,   naturally, do not like to have anything interfere with
    this policy.
    There are very few,   and somewhat hidden,  blind double studies done on vitamins  &   supple-
    ments,   and most of the information on their efficacy is anecdotal.     The twice Nobel laureate
    Dr. Linus Pauling who openly advocated the germicidal qualities for
    vitamin C which treatened the sales of proper antibiotics and other patented   medicines which
    advocation   became   extremely controversial.     This controversy then extended to other sup-
    plements.   This, and the exagerated claims made by some,   obfuscates the true qualities of the
    supplemental intake of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, bioflavinoids, etc.
    Practically all individuals have a different metabolic system, therefore the product and their dose
    have to be individually acertained. Therefore we at Ponce de Leon, do not believe in premixing
    supplements, which should be done by the individual according to  his/her needs or likes.   Thus
    we highly recommend that one informs himself as best as possible on the qualities and actions of
    supplements which we,   as we better know the uses of our costumers, shall provide to the best
    of our knowledge.
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    to be continued