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Jacob Levi Cinnamon
United States of America
Peace Corps Volunteer
Bulgaria 2001-2003




About Me

Pictures From Home

Pictures of Bulgaria

(Featuring My Appartment!!)

About Bulgaria

See Where I Live (Omurtag)



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Fun Stuff:

The Worst of the Worst Nuclear Reactors


Since 1961 the United States Peace Corps has been recruiting volunteers to share their patience, skills, and ideals with the world. Volunteers participate in a variety of different tasks, such as teaching, medical education, and environmental education, to name just a few. I am traveling to Bulgaria with the hope that I will be able to transform some minuscule portion of the world for the better. As an environmental consultant there is plenty to be done in a polluted Eastern Europe. With the fall of communism in Bulgaria, few, if any efforts have been made to clean up pollution during such a time of political turmoil. I have created this website to educate those who cannot be with me on my journey. It is my goal to link those interested in Bulgarians with the people themselves. I hope to receive e-mails throughout the time that I am living abroad about happenings at home, and in return I will reply with tales of my own adventures. Thank you for visiting my website and I look forward to hearing from you.

(click photo to enlarge)

Tsonko and I Roasting Peppers
(click photo to enlarge)

When in Panagyurishte, living with a host family, I partook in many of the household duties, which often turned out to be fun. Here my host father and I are roasting peppers for dinner. Actually, he did most of the work.


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