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This Page in Memory of

Patrick Michael Unger

My brother, my angel and my teacher

Febuary 13, 1986- january 29, 2002

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Everytime that he smiled
everytime that he laughed
i knew he was someone special
someone we would never forget
his voice lit up the house
and his life lit up our hearts
everyone that knew him
loved him from the start
When angels get their wings
He'll be there first in line
he stole everybody's hearts
i know that he has mine
He taught me more in life
then any teacher could have done
He taught me to love , and how to live
and to never give up
even when all hope is gone
Even though hes left us
we still find him in our hearts
a part of him will always be with us
and when we go to heaven nothin will ever keep us apart

My brother had Sanfilippo disorder.
HE died from it, but in his heart a disease
didnt lie, but instead a life so warm you could
feel it radiate out of him. He didnt care if you
were white, black , green or purple, he still loved
everyone the same.And he taught me what now
makes me stronger. He taught me how to love,
how to keep fighting and most of all , who i
need to be the most. myself. He died but he died
with everyone loving him. Now he is free. Somewhere
he can walk, talk , He's an angel. I even believe he
was an angel when he was here on earth. I love
patrick so much and the strength he gave
me i will never forget. I miss him so much
but i can feel him all around me, and he's happy
and strong. he didnt even have to wait in line
for heaven , he was taken right in. I love him
so much. These years that he has lived, almost 18,
were the greatest years of my life (well 15)
You wouldnt believe how many people
called wanting to know how he
was. And i know that
there will still be
more to

Whispers in the wind
a child in the light
an angel spreading its wings
as he took his last breath last night
i saw him sitting there
as he struggled to let out a word
he wanted us to know he was leaving
and we made sure that he was heard
his life was a fire
and his heart was so warm
and now that he's gone
we're still here to mourn
we still cant help to remember
the memory of everything he was
and everytime i saw his face
i was blessed because i knew he was
an angel

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I look at your picture
and i remember your smile
i remember the memories
that we shared as a child
The games we would play
and my name you would call
as we ran around forever
with no problems at all
TIme grew up and we grew too
everything changed b/n me and you
you could no longer walk
and couldnt run anymore
your abilities left you
leaving our hearts tore
of course we didnt realize
that maybe you saw more
God was always with you
to help you show us the door
We never even looked
because we were too scared
but you , you stood ahead
already prepared
You were always so strong
and always so alive
no one could help but love you
you gave us hope when it was dry
As i would look at your face
i saw an angel trapped within
staying long enough to teach us
and to save us from our sin
As i would hold your hand
i felt your spirt pumping through
the energy you gave me
went to everyone from you
You never would let down
even when times became so tough
you made us believe in miracles
and taught us never to give up
As i look at your picture
i see more then just endeavor
i see an angel staring back at me
that has changed our lives forever

May you be content knowing you are a child of God....
Let this presence settle into our bones, and
allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance,
and to bask in the sun....

May God hold you in the palm of His hand and Angels watch over you. ~Author Unknown~

When you were born, you were cryin and everyone around you was smiling.
Live your life so that when you die, you're the one smiling and everyone around you is crying.

*Tears Are Words The Heart Can't Say*

You can close your eyes to things you dont want to see,
but u cant close your heart to things you dont want to feel.

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched.
They must be felt with the heart.

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God saw you were getting tired
and a cure was not to be
so he put his arms around you
and whispered "come to me"

With tearful eyes we watched you
and saw you pass away
although we loved you dearly
we could not make you stay

a golden heart stopped beating
hard workin hands at rest
god broke our hearts to prove to us
he only takes the best

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