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Paladin - Behind the Alias

Warcraft 2



Unreal Tournament

Phantasy Star Online

The Best Place in the World to Work!

The many names of Paladin

Welcome to my site. Here you can learn about me, and my 'other' hobbies.

I Acually started to 1st start playing games back when Quake 2 first came out. I had a web design class, after each chapter was done we would have free time and the teacher would allow us to play it. We played lan with about 15-25 people almost every day for a year.

A few years later, as a freshmen in Highschool, I got my very own computer. AMD k62 500Mhz, Smoking aint it? Of course my first purchase was Blizzards Warcraft 2: Tides of Darkness, soon after I began to play online with AOL's Engage. This was early 1998 that I started to play Warcraft 2 and i was very quickly sucked into the community and the addictivness of playing with people instead of the crappy computer.

I acually didnt even start to play Unreal tournament or Half-life untill midway through 1999. I was in several clans for TFC, Unreal Tournament, and even Quake 2. For in depth information use the links