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Outwar Scams

Well, I first started playin outwar about 2 months ago, and after 2 days I was scamming. I can't really help it, i just love doing it.

A few of my friends say I should move to credit card fraud, but I dont want to at the moment.

The first scam I suggest you start out with is gaining the person's trust. There are two ways of doing this, but im going to only tell you one.

The first way which is the less successful way is to find someone that you know has points, or can get them.

Tell him you are selling an account and you will even let him get into the account and look around before he buys.

Once they take the bait, they will probably change the password if they are dishonest. When they see that it is legit, they will send the points to an account which you have specified.

Make sure to stay logged in. Keep clicking the forum page and then clicked the link to go there. Look in the top address bar and it will tell the new password. When you get the new password, go onto the preferences page, and wait a few minutes. Then change the email addy and password. In a few minuets he will start complaining, and you can just respond "How could i change the password when i dont even know what you changed it to."

I will tell you one more scam, but to get any more, you will have to buy them ;-)

The next thing to do is to get pretty good at HTML. As soon as you feel that you are good at it, go to and press view > source.

Save the HTML file onto your desktop, and get a free website.

Upload the HTML code into your new website and change the username and password form's to one that you registered on

When someone goes to that website and fills out the fake login page, it will send their username and password to your email address!

If you would like to buy more scams, click the first button below. If you would like to buy a raceless account, or have an account modified to be raceless, click the second button. If you would like to learn more about raceless accounts, click I suggest you look at that site i setup. It tells all about them and I am the only one that you can get raceless accounts from.

To buy another scam click here:

To buy a raceless account or have an account modified to be raceless, click here: