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Information about me
My Photography. Pretty pictures and such. You'll like them.
Where to find me, how to get a hold of me


08.23.02 - Gallery's done, for now. Phew. Everything's in good working order. This'll be my last update for awhile, but I may add some new stuff when I feel like it. I need a rest.

08.22.02 - A whole shitload of new stuff is up in the Gallery. Check it out. As of right now, two of the links on the navigation bar lead to fairly blank pages. Expect that to be fixed in the near future. Later, kids.

08.20.02 - Putting together the navbars for the Gallery is proving to be a bigger pain in the ass than I expected. However, it's up, so go check it out. There's a grand total of three images there. This sampling aside, I plan on taking the rest of the night(morning) to relax and get my shit together. Some more stuff should be available for you tomorrow night. I'm out. Bye.

08.19.02 - The About Me page is up. Good for me.
             - Just put up the Contact Info page. Photo Gallery is next.

08.18.02 - Site's up. I now reign victorious over HTML. As you can see, this site has jack shit up right now. I just wanted to get the front page up. Pictures will come next, hopefully. Soon. Very Soon. I promise. Well, back to the fray.

This page was designed by Greg Opperman. This site, content, and all images ©Greg Opperman. So there.