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It started with me dabbling at the AngelFire website on a lazy Saturday afternoon. Well, there was’t pretty much anything to do than watch TV at home in this extremely cold and frigid New England winter season. You might be asking where is this so-called "New England" anyway, right? Well, the states in the north eastern region of USA (that includes Boston, Massachusetts where I live in) are somehow called New-England and I have no idea why that's so :)

Anyway, coming back to the purpose of this amateurish website, is just to promote understanding on programming & Internetworking in special and IT topics in general. I am sure many of you are already gurus in your respective IT fields and there are hundreds of existing websites spread out across the Internet with the same/similar theme, then what's so special about this one? Well, to be frank, there is nothing special! It would be just an additional source where you could get updated information (of course, everything free of cost!) to enhance your understanding on IT and related topics.

Besides, please feel free to contact me in case you have any particular questions on Internetworking/Programming and I would try to answer them, did I mention that's free too :) Some of the topics that you could contact me on are Cisco stuff, IPSec, VPN, BGP, OSPF, MPLS, VoIP, ATM, Java and QA processes/product-testing. It would also provide me an opportunity to learn from your experiences, regardless of whether they were good or bad! I currently hold CISSP, CCNP, CCDP Certifications and have some programming experience in Java, JavaScript, CGI and HTML. I have few other Certifications too on Solaris/Linux administration, TCP/IP administration, Routing/Switching and Project-management. That's it for the time being! I hope to augment this website in the coming days and make it more useful and productive to the cause.

Thanks and Happy Programming/Internetworking!
