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EGALE Canada
Egale Canada advances equality and justice for lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans-identified people, and their families, across Canada.

Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives
In 1973, a few people in Toronto -- facing the "conspiracy of silence that has robbed gay people of their history" -- began rescuing the evidence of our lives. What they started became The Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives -- now one of the biggest treasuries of our history anywhere in the world.

Canadian Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Congress
The Canadian Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (CGLCC) is committed to forming a broad-based coalition, representative of the various interests of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Trans-persons, Two-spirited, and Intersex (GLBT) owned businesses, GLBT operated businesses, GLBT friendly businesses, professionals, and students of business for the purpose of promoting economic growth and prosperity, through public and private sector advocacy, to advance the common business interests and opportunities of its members.

Canadians for Equal Marriage
Canadians for Equal Marriage is a nation-wide, bilingual campaign made up of individuals and organisations from all walks of Canadian life and all political stripes, including those with no political affiliation.

Equal Marriage for Same-Sex Couples
Offers news and information about gay marriage in Canada, the difference between Registered Domestic Partnerships and full marriage, and more.

Toronto Coalition for Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Youth
The Toronto Coalition For Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Youth is made up of a diverse group of people working together to improve the quality of life for lesbian, gay and bisexual youth.