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DCSUnderground/Mar 2003

"Come on Pakis, you can beat those Indians!!!"
By the time most of you read this, the result of the much-awaited match between Pakistan and India would be out and chances are that the above statement would elicit a sarcastic remark. The match has been hyped up a lot more than required, more so because of the precarious position the Pakistan team finds itself in. The trouncing of the Pakis by the Englishmen has to be the worst blow. Sigh!.

Who Will Win The World Cup 2003 gave a chance to some people to vent out their feelings. The Paki management can gain some exceptional advice following up on these comments! Coming to the department happenings, the Annual Dinner 2003 was a total fun night. The two articles in this issue tell us about the preparations for this event. The next year would-be organizers won't run away after reading them as they depict quite a rosy picture. There is a write up about the elections for the ACM office bearers, also an anticipated event. Check out noiz for a bundle of new songs. Once again, there is an entry by Shift, which has the same guitarist you heard at the Annual Dinner.

Loads of thanks to the contributors for this issue. They are the ones who make this magazine possible. Keep sending! Past issues can be viewed here.

It's a fact that the matches are keeping everyone busy and the World Cup just has to be followed with unwavering loyalty, but try and go through the rest of this attempt at a magazine.


Mar 2003

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