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Latest news:

- November 21th 2002: Start of beta testpage, construction of webpages, upload to host.
- November 22th 2002: Heard that SC forum is not down, but they are moving servers :-)
                                     Setup of message system completed. Ready for test.
- November 26th 2002: Yea! SC is back up :-)
- November 27th 2002: First member! Dellman's key stored.
- November 29th 2002: Open for business, removed test environment.
- December 11th 2002: Added MacGyver's PGP key.
- December 16th 2002: Added BlackOps PGP key.
                                     My webpage is now a "sticky thread" in Cyberspace forum.
- January 3th 2003:        SC is back!
- January 8th 2003:        Added Arty Anon PGP key.
- January 14th 2003:      SC down again, Deck creates new server. Check Carder's forum for details.
- January 22th 2003:      SC up again, now on a new host :-)
- January 24th 2003:      SC down again, due to a DoS attack.
- January 25th 2003:      Can handle/and create X509 certs also.
- January 26th 2003:      SC available again :-)
- February 10th 2003:    Added Xminderbinderx PGP key.
- February 15th 2003:    Added Xronin PGP key.
- February 15th 2003:    Added JohnKimble PGP key.
- March 12th 2003:        Added ShadyCrazy1 PGP key.
- March 25th 2003:        I'm a mod of The Lounge.
- March 28th 2003:        Arty Anon banned member.

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