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Eliminating Space and Time from Travel

Madhurya S. Gupta

B.E. III Year (Part II)

Nirma Institute of Technology,




Teleportation involves dematerializing an object at one point, and sending the details of that object's precise atomic configuration to another location, where it will be reconstructed, just as shown in the following figure. What this means is that time and space could be eliminated from travel -- we could be transported to any location instantly, without actually crossing a physical distance.


Most of us were introduced to the idea of teleportation, and other futuristic technologies, by the short-lived Star Trek television series (1966-69) based on tales written by Gene Roddenberry. Viewers watched in amazement as Captain Kirk, Spock, Dr. McCoy and others beamed down to the planets they encountered on their journeys through the universe. Also in the movie The One, starring Jet Lee, watching the hero travel from one universe to the other within no time is really very interesting.

In 1993, the idea of teleportation moved out of the realm of science fiction and into the world of theoretical possibility. It was then that physicist Charles Bennett and a team of researchers at IBM confirmed that quantum teleportation was possible, but only if the original object being teleported was destroyed. This revelation, first announced by Bennett at an annual meeting of the American Physical Society in March 1993, was followed by a report on his findings in the March 29, 1993 issue of Physical Review Letters. Since that time, experiments using photons have proven that quantum teleportation is in fact possible. Later in the paper, we will see the practical and actual successes in the field of work in this direction.

Before starting with the technical talks on the topic, let me first introduce the term “Action at a Distance” (also called as “spooky action at a distance” by some scientists), which plays a major role in the phenomenon. The term refers to the fact that some result may be seen at some distance away from where the action has been taken BUT at the same instant of time i.e. simultaneously. With respect to classical physics and some of the famous theories that will be discussed in the next section, this may seem to be unreal but that is as real as this earth and the solar system.

A Brief History of Quantum Teleportation (QT)

            1687 Principia: The Theory of Gravitation by Sir. Isaac Newton. According to his law of gravity, every object in the universe attracts every other object in the universe. According to Newton’s theory, the attraction of gravity acts directly and instantaneously between two objects. If the Sun should suddenly break apart, the Earth’s orbit would, according to Newton’s theory, be affected instantaneously. There is instantaneous action at a distance in Newton’s theory.

            1864 Electromagnetism: Around 1864, James Clerk Maxwell formulated his theory of electromagnetism. This theory considers electricity, magnetism, and electromagnetic waves (e.g., light, radio waves, and X-rays) to be different aspects of a single phenomenon: electromagnetism. According to the theory, all electromagnetic waves travel at the speed of light. There is no action at a distance in Maxwell’s theory. According to Maxwell’s theory, if the sun should suddenly break apart, we would not see it happen until 8 minutes later.

            1905 Relativity: Albert Einstein published his special theory of relativity. It is a theory of space and time. The theory does not allow a violation of the principle of relativistic causality. In fact, this is the theory which brought attention to the limiting character of the speed of light and from which the principle sprung. This brought special relativity into conflict with Newton’s theory of gravity. Thus, this said no to the concept of action at a distance.

            In 1915 Einstein published his general theory of relativity. According to general relativity, gravitational influences travel at the speed of light, in accord with relativistic causality. Instantaneous action at a distance was thus eliminated from physics. If the Sun should suddenly break apart, the Earth’s orbit would, according to Einstein’s theory, not be affected until 8 minutes later.


Action at a Distance




Electromagnetic Theory















The “No” under the Quantum theory for the concept of “Action at a Distance” can be understood by the GHZ Experiment carried out by the famous scientists such as Werner Heisenberg, Erwin Schrödinger, Max Born, and Paul Dirac. In the experiment, three subatomic particles are emitted from a central place. Each particle enters a detector. A detector consists of a setting, H or T, controlled by a switch, and a light bulb. The setting has been chosen randomly, perhaps by tossing a coin. When a particle enters a detector, the bulb lights, or it does not.

Now, based on a certain set of rules, the experiment was carried out. The expected result of the experiment exhibited high degree of coordination between the particles and the detectors, which was contrary to the theory and favoring the concept of Action at a distance. Let’s see the explanation for this:

            1935 EPR Reasoning: The famous scientist Albert Einstein along with his two students released a paper viz. “Can Quantum Mechanical Description of Physical Reality be considered Complete?”.

            What Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen do in the article, and what had been identified by most of the scientists having studied the paper, is the following. First of all they introduce the idea of 'element of reality'. "If without in any way disturbing the state of a physical entity the outcome of a certain observable can be predicted with certainty, there exists an element of reality corresponding to this outcome and this observable". This is a first subtle matter of the whole EPR reasoning and it contains a very deep insight of Einstein in the nature of reality. It means "something real is there if one can predict it". Related with this prediction is an experiment that one can eventually execute, but it must be possible to make the prediction without disturbing the state of the thing that is there. The second step of the EPR paper is to consider the situation of two quantum entities that have interacted but now are flying apart and are so far apart already that they do not interact any longer. In my mind this corresponded to the situation of two separated quantum entities. They have once interacted, but are separated now. The third step in the paper is to consider the quantum mechanical description of this situation. This quantum mechanical description is calculated explicitly in the paper, and it is seen that from the description it follows that position as well as momentum are correlated: in the sense that if one of the entities has position x, the other must have position -x (taking 0 as the place where they both interacted before flying apart), and if one of the entities has momentum p, the other one must have momentum -p. Let us remark that the appearance of the correlation of position and momentum from the quantum mechanical calculation of the situation is a priori not mysterious. A similar effect happens for the situation of classical entities that fly apart having been united earlier on: consider for example the situation of a rock that explodes into two equal pieces that fly apart. The positions and momenta of the two pieces of rock will be correlated in exactly the same way. Now the most subtle part of the whole EPR reasoning appears.

Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen consider the situation where one could eventually measure the position of one of the quantum entities, let us say entity 2, that flies to the right (while entity 1 flies to the left). Suppose that such a measurement of position was carried out, and the position of entity 2 would be registered, for example x, then from the quantum description of the whole situation follows that the position of entity 1 can be predicted, namely -x. Overall this means that a measurement can be performed (the measurement of the position of entity 2) that does not disturb the state of entity 1 (since it is separated from entity 2), and predicts the position of entity 1 (namely position -x, if position x is registered for the measurement of the position of entity 2). A similar reasoning can be made for the momentum. Suppose that the momentum of entity 2 is measured and it found to be p. The quantum description of the situation predicts then that the momentum of entity 1 must be -p. This means that again a measurement can be made (measuring the momentum of entity 2), that does not disturb the state of entity 1 (since entity 1 and 2 are separated), and makes it possible to predict with certainty the outcome -p for entity 1, if p is registered for the momentum of entity 2. This means however that as well the value of the position (-x) as the value of the momentum (-p) can be predicted for entity 1, by means of measurements that do not disturb the state of entity 1. As a consequence both position and momentum must have definite values (-x and -p in the situation considered) at once, because without disturbing the state of entity 1 in any way, they can both be predicted. This is in contradiction with the Heisenberg uncertainty relations, that indeed forbid position and momentum of a quantum entity to have definite values at once. Hence the fundamental contradiction in the Einstein Podolsky Rosen paper is reached. Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen conclude in their paper that this contradiction proves that quantum mechanics is an incomplete theory, in the sense that it cannot represent all elements of reality of a physical entity.

            * The EPR paper was (and is) much discussed. But the issue it raised

was not resolved for nearly three decades, because no one was able to suggest a way to decide whether predeterminations exist. The decisive step came in 1964, when John Bell published his highly original paper On the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox. Bell analyzed an experiment similar to the EPR and GHZ experiments, in which spatially separated particles exhibit correlations. He showed that despite the correlations, no predeterminations exist, proving EPR wrong, and revealing the mysterious nature of entanglement. Bell’s proof involves the famous Bell’s inequalities.

In 1997, Peter Shor of AT&T Labs published a paper Polynomialtime algorithm for prime factorization … on a quantum computer. The paper showed that a quantum computer can factor large numbers efficiently. As a result of Shor’s discovery and a few others, the race to build quantum computers is on. If they are built, information transmitted on the internet will become insecure (as most of the encryption techniques use the RSA encryption algorithm, which consists of one of the assumptions that “There is no known fast algorithm to find the prime factors of a large number”). Unless, of course, new ways of encoding information are invented. The competition between code makers and code breakers has been never ending. Entanglement to the rescue! In 2000 three groups of researchers demonstrated prototype encoding and decoding devices using entanglement. It has been proved mathematically that the codes cannot be broken. One headline read Exploiting Quantum “Spookiness” to Create Secret Codes. The article continues “Entanglement-based quantum cryptography has unique features …”.


* The discussion till now consisted about the history of the developments in the field of Quantum Teleportation, in chronological order. Now we get to the real technical details about how to perform Material Teleportation. There are presently two methods thought about, one based on the concept of “Entangled Particles” and other on the basis of “Hole Teleportation”.

Quantum Entanglement

Quantum teleportation is the transmission and reconstruction over arbitrary distances of the state of a quantum system, an effect first suggested by Bennett et al in 1993 (Phys. Rev. Lett.70:1895). The achievement of the effect depends on the phenomenon of entanglement, an essential feature of quantum mechanics. Individually, an entangled particle has properties (such as momentum) that are indeterminate and undefined until the particle is measured or otherwise disturbed. Measuring one entangled particle, however, defines its properties and seems to influence the properties of its partner or partners instantaneously, even if they are light years apart. Due to the fact that the two particles are entangled interaction on the one cause instantaneous effects on the other.

Entanglement arises from the wave function equation of quantum mechanics, which has an array of possible function solutions rather than a single function solution, with each possible solution describing a set of possible probabilistic quantum states of the physical system under consideration. Upon fixation of the appropriate boundary conditions, the array of possible solutions collapses into a single solution. For many quantum mechanical physical systems, the fixation of boundary conditions is a theoretical and fundamental consequence of some interaction of the physical system with something outside that system, e.g., an interaction with the measuring device of an observer. In this context, two entities that are described by the same array of possible solutions to the wave function equation are said to be "coherent", and when events decouple these entities, the consequence is said to be "decoherence".

Serge Haroche (Ecole Normale Superieure Paris) reviews quantum mechanical entanglement, decoherence, and the question of the boundary between the physics of quantum phenomena and the physics of classical phenomena. Haroche makes the following points:

1) In quantum mechanics, a particle can be delocalized (simultaneously occupy various probable positions in space), can be simultaneously in several energy states, and can  even have several different identities at once. This apparent "weirdness" behavior is encoded in the wave function of the particle.

2) Recent decades have witnessed a rash of experiments designed to test whether nature exhibits implausible non-locality.In such experiments, the wave function of a pair of particles flying apart from each other is entangled into a non-separable superposition of states. The quantum formalism asserts that detecting one of the particles has an immediate effect on the other, even if they are very far apart, even far enough apart to be out of interaction range. The experiments clearly demonstrate that the state of one particle is always correlated to the result of the measurement performed on the other particle, and in just the strange way predicted by quantum mechanics.

3) An important question is: Why and how does quantum weirdness disappear (decoherence) in large systems? In the last 15 years, entirely solvable models of decoherence have been presented by various authors (e.g., Leggett, Joos, Omnes, Zeh, Zurek), these models based on the distinction in large objects between a few relevant macroscopic observables (e.g., position or momentum) and an "environment" described by a huge number of variables, such as positions and velocities of air molecules, number of black-body radiation photons, etc. The idea of these models, essentially, is that the environment is "watching" the path followed by the system (i.e., interacting with the system), and thus effectively suppressing interference effects and quantum weirdness, and the result of this process is that for macroscopic systems only classical physics obtains.

4) In mesoscopic systems, which are systems between macroscopic and microscopic dimensions, decoherence may occur slowly enough to be observed. Until recently, this could only be imagined in a gedanken experiment, but technological advances have now made such experiments real, and these experiments have opened this field to practical investigation.

Entanglement is unique to quantum mechanics in that, and involves a relationship (a "superposition of states") between the possible quantum states of two entities such that when the possible states of one entity collapse to a single state as a result of suddenly imposed boundary conditions, a similar and related collapse occurs in the possible states of the entangled entity no matter where or how far away the entangled entity is located. The most common form is the polarization of photons. Polarization is essentially a condition in which the properties of photons are direction dependent, a condition that can be achieved by passing light through appropriate media. Bouwmeester et al (Univ. of Innsbruck,) now report an experimental demonstration of quantum teleportation involving an initial photon carrying a polarization that is transferred to one of a pair of entangled photons, with the polarization-acquiring photon an arbitrary distance from the initial one. The authors suggest quantum teleportation will be a critical ingredient for quantum computation networks.

One more achievement that may be considered as a major leap in the field of Quantum Teleportation is that in June 1999, the act of measuring a photon repeatedly without destroying it was achieved for the first time, thus making the physicists realize that it is possible to perform non-destructive observations of a photon with a difficult-to-execute technique known as a "quantum non-demolition" (QND) measurement. The researchers in France (Serge Haroche, Ecole Normale Superieure) have demonstrated the first QND measurement of a single quantum object, namely a photon bouncing back and forth between a pair of mirrors (a "cavity"). A conventional photo detector measures photons in a destructive manner, by absorbing the photons and converting them into electrical signals. "Eating up" or absorbing photons to study them is not required by fundamental quantum mechanics laws and can be avoided with the QND technique demonstrated by the French researchers. In their technique, a photon in a cavity is probed without absorbing any net energy from it. (Of course, Heisenberg's Indeterminacy Principle ensures that counting a photon still disturbs the "phase" associated with its electric and magnetic fields.) In the experiment, a rubidium atom passes through a cavity. If a photon is present, the atom acquires a phase shift which can easily be detected. Sending additional rubidium atoms through the cavity allowed the researchers to measure the photon repeatedly without destroying it or.

Now, addressing the point of Multiple Particle Entanglement, I would like to mention that the first entanglement of three photons has been experimentally demonstrated by researchers at the University of Innsbruck. . In the present experiment, sending individual photons through a specified crystal sometimes converted a photon into two pairs of entangled photons. After detecting a "trigger" photon, and interfering two of the three others in a beam splitter, it became impossible to determine which photon came from which entangled pair. As a result, the respective properties of the three remaining photons were indeterminate.

The researchers deduced that this entangled state is the long-coveted GHZ state proposed by physicists Daniel Greenberger, Michael Horne, and Anton Zeilinger in the late 1980s. Albert Einstein, believed that any rational description of nature is incomplete unless it is both a local and realistic theory: "realism" refers to the idea that a particle has properties that exist even before they are measured, and "locality" means that measuring one particle cannot affect the properties of another, physically separated particle faster than the speed of light. But quantum mechanics states that realism, locality--or both--must be violated. Previous experiments have provided highly convincing evidence against local realism, but these "Bell's inequalities" tests require the measurement of many pairs of entangled photons to build up a body of statistical evidence against the idea. In contrast, studying a single set of properties in the GHZ particles (not yet reported) could verify the predictions of quantum mechanics while contradicting those of local realism.

Quantum Teleportation using Entanglement

We have already had an introduction about what “teleportation” means. How this is accomplished was not explained in detail, but the general idea seems to be that the original object is scanned in such a way as to extract all the information from it, then this information is transmitted to the receiving location and used to construct the replica, not necessarily from the actual material of the original, but perhaps from atoms of the same kinds, arranged in exactly the same pattern as the original. A teleportation machine would be like a fax machine, except that it would work on 3-dimensional objects as well as documents, it would produce an exact copy rather than an approximate facsimile, and it would destroy the original in the process of scanning it. A few science fiction writers consider teleporters that preserve the original, and the plot gets complicated when the original and teleported versions of the same person meet; but the more common kind of teleporter destroys the original, functioning as a super transportation device, not as a perfect replicator of souls and bodies.

By now, I have discussed about entanglement means and what does it involve and maybe, how is it done? But how is teleportation performed using entangled particles?

Until recently, teleportation was not taken seriously by scientists, because it was thought to violate the uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics, which forbids any measuring or scanning process from extracting all the information in an atom or other object. According to the uncertainty principle, the more accurately an object is scanned, the more it is disturbed by the scanning process, until one reaches a point where the object's original state has been completely disrupted, still without having extracted enough information to make a perfect replica. This sounds like a solid argument against teleportation: if one cannot extract enough information from an object to make a perfect copy, it would seem that a perfect copy cannot be made. But the six scientists found a way to make an end-run around this logic, using a celebrated and paradoxical feature of quantum mechanics known as the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen effect. In brief, they found a way to scan out part of the information from an object A, which one wishes to teleport, while causing the remaining, unscanned, part of the information to pass, via the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen effect, into another object C which has never been in contact with A. Later, by applying to C a treatment depending on the scanned-out information, it is possible to maneuver C into exactly the same state as A was in before it was scanned. A itself is no longer in that state, having been thoroughly disrupted by the scanning, so what has been achieved is teleportation, not replication.

As the figure below suggests, the unscanned part of the information is conveyed from A to C by an intermediary object B, which interacts first with C and then with A. What? Can it really be correct to say "first with C and then with A"? Surely, in order to convey something from A to C, the delivery vehicle must visit A before C, not the other way around. But there is a subtle, unscannable kind of information that, unlike any material cargo, and even unlike ordinary information, can indeed be delivered in such a backward fashion. The paper by John Bell, which was mentioned above, showed that a pair of entangled particles, which were once in contact but later move too far apart to interact directly, can exhibit individually random behavior that is too strongly correlated to be explained by classical statistics. Experiments on photons and other particles have repeatedly confirmed these correlations, thereby providing strong evidence for the validity of quantum mechanics, which neatly explains them. It was thought that their only usefulness was in proving the validity of quantum mechanics. But now it is known that, through the phenomenon of quantum teleportation, they can deliver exactly that part of the information in an object which is too delicate to be scanned out and delivered by conventional methods.

The principle of quantum teleportation is not just a theory but has on many occasions been demonstrated experimentally. The first method used was the teleportation of photons. Photons possess spin, but in this case the spin is always in the direction of propagation and thus is called polarisation. To teleport a quantum system it is necessary to somehow send all the information needed to reconstruct the system to the remote location. But, it might be thought, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle makes such a measurement impossible. However, the scheme devised by theorists takes advantage of the previously mentioned entanglement. If two quantum particles are entangled, a measurement on one automatically determines the state of the second - even if the particles are widely separated. Entanglement describes correlations between quantum systems that are much stronger than any classical correlation could be. The phenomenon has been demonstrated for photons more than 10 kilometers apart. As explained in this experiment we can consider that Alice wants to teleport a photon to Bob. The names are the standard notation for thought experiments in Quantum Computation. The technique works by sending one half of an "entangled" light beam to Alice and the other to Bob. Alice measures the interaction of this beam with the beam she wants to teleport. She sends that information to Bob who uses it make an identical copy of the beam that Alice wanted to teleport. This original beam is lost in the progress. It is quite possible to trasmit data as long as we are prepared to destroy in the process. Bob was then able to use this information and his half of the entangled beam to create an exact copy of Alice's original beam. Although teleportation relies on what Einstein once called “spooky action-at-a- distance” and appears to occur instantaneously the special theory of relativity remains intact because neither Alice nor Bob obtain information about the state being teleported. This was something that Einstein himself concluded I believe even though he never fully appreciated QED. If one is extending this discussion to the transporters of the Star Trek universe, the discussion obviously has to move beyond photons and singlets to include atoms and ions. Recent work in Paris where  progress has been made in the macrscopic direction by entangling pairs of atoms for the first time. Previously, physicists obtained entangled particles as a by-product of some random or probabilistic process, such as the production of two correlated photons a phenomenon that occasionally occurs when a single photon passes through a special crystal. Though previously only two-state quantum systems such as the polarisation of a photon had been teleported this new research should allow all quantum states to be teleported. In their "deterministic entanglement" process, the researchers trap a pair of beryllium ions in a magnetic field. Using a predetermined sequence of laser pulses, they entangle one ion's internal spin to its external motion, and then entangle the motion to the spin of the other atom. The group believes that it will be able to entangle multiple ions with this process. Now E. Hagley et al, using rubidium atoms prepared in circular Rydberg states (which means the outer electrons of the atom have been excited to very high energy states and are far from the nucleus in circular orbits), have shown quantum mechanical entanglement at the level of atoms. There are problems with quantum teleportation, though. In the 1960s John Bell showed that a pair of entangled particles can exhibit individually random behavior that is too strongly correlated to be explained by classical statistics. Unfortunately Bell inequalities and the further modifications by other workers state that real instruments do not detect by any means every “particle”.



Hole Teleportation by help of Gravitational Field

In order to be able to understand this way of teleportation, one has to be well aware of the general theory of relativity given by Sir. Albert Einstein, in the year 1915. The discussion of the theory is beyond the scope of this paper, so the reader is suggested to have an idea about the theory and then proceed.

The basic description of teleportation is making body "A" disappear into point 1 and reappear in another point (point 2) by curving space-time so that point 1 will coincide with point 2. For teleportation to be possible we must create a geometry similar to that of black hole for an instant, where points 1 and 2 can be made to coincide thereby forming a channel between them. There would be basically no passage of time getting from point 1 to point 2 as there would be no space to traverse.

We can see some of the properties of teleportation via simple mechanical motion. Let’s assume that body A has uniform and linear motion. Body A will then pass distance "d" in time "t" without any energy expense and consequently the energy expenditure for teleportation at any distances will always be equal to zero. The energy expenses come in altering the fields of force so that points 1 and 2 will have the same force characteristics as teleportation would not possible if the fields of force are different at the two points.

The connection of the points 1 and 2 must be done through zero-point space (ZPS).1 By doing this we have not only decreased d to zero but also t to zero. This option will be the only viable form of space travel as the speed of light can not be superceded within the universe itself.

Let us imagine the universe having the shape of a sphere suspended in a "zero-space".1 The distance between every two points from the external surface of this sphere would be equal to zero, because zero-space is a point and length does not exist. The external area of this sphere would be also be equal to zero. Moreover this border can not exist in a single place because the cosmological principle would then be violated (the principle according to which there can not be places or points privileged towards another place or point of the universe). As things stand, the border of the universe must pass through every point of the space.1 These virtual holes in space and time must exist at every point in the universe and are called "vacuum with holes" or "the hole vacuum".2

What would happen if we sent body A outside the Universe? Since zero-space is a point and where time as a property does not exist, therefore it can not contain body A and consequently body A will appear in the real universe at that same moment in time. With the distances between zero-space and any other point of universe being equal to zero, these holes can potentially exist in every point of universe. Theoretically, body A could appear at random in at point of in the Universe.

For instantaneous teleportation we must send a body outside of universe by curving space-time with gravitational field and creation of Puancare non-Euclidean model of universe. There are no causality violation in hole teleportation. After substitution of information carrier the causality violation (CV)

disappear. The feedback between “cause” and “effect” is impossible because teleportation between moving frames is forbidden by conservation laws. It is very strange that CV depends from spatial position of observer toward teleportation events, as time depend from speed and gravity only. It means that CV is not

motion backward in time but a optical illusion that disappear after substitution of information carrier or complete data processing by observers. The teleportational principle of causality was proposed for superluminal processes. The hole radiation of massive body has all properties of gravitational field. The mass of particle is a parameter describing ability of a particle to interact with hole vacuum and emit “their” holes, the more holes emit particle for a time unit, the more is mass.

For teleportation can be applied the fact of a finiteness of universe as whole. We must send a body outside of limited universe by curving space-time so that start point coincides with endpoint. For it is necessary to create around a body a closed surface consisting from vacuum holes for a short time dt. After

time dt the volume occupied by body in teleportation station should be empty because the body cannot exist outside of universe. Thus body exist already in another point of universe and teleportation was successfully completed. The time dt is necessary to avoid returning a body to start point. Energy expenditure would be necessary for the curvature of space-time but not for the movement of the body from start point to endpoint.

Hole teleportation phenomenon can be explained from different points of views:


Definition 1. The method of movement where body is transferred from point A to another point B under laws of uniform and rectilinear movement except for time T=0, and through obstacles between A and B is called hole teleportation (HT). It is superanalogue of uniform and rectilinear motion.


Definition 2. HT is a motion method where body is sent outside of universe into zero-space after that one reappear instantly in another point of the real universe.


Definition 3. HT is a motion method when the body from point A gets to another point B by curving space-time (creation of Puancare model of non-Euclidean universe) vacuum holes so that points A and B

coincides in space and time.

Definition 4. HT is a motion method, where the body first is completely isolated from the external universe by creation of Puancare non-Euclidean model of universe, after that body disappears in order to reappear instantly in another point.

            Now, for an example of this type of teleportation, let there are three frames of reference A, B and C that are fixed relative each other. All clocks from

A, B, and C are synchronised by Einstein method with light signals.

Let we teleport a body from point A to B. As is known the event of disappearance of body in point A is strictly simultaneous with event of appearance of body in point B on local clocks. The causality violation was described in references as registration by moving observer (relative teleportation events) of signal from “effect” before “cause”. But this light signals transfer information about teleportation events to observer only, therefore it is possible to substitute light carrier of information by teleportation signals.

Let at moment of disappearance of body in point A another teleportation station is powered up that teleport this information to point C. Also at the moment of appearance of body in point B this information is teleported to point C. In point C at the moment of reception of teleportation signals is emitted light signals with all information about teleportation events (spatial and temporal location) in

points A and B. Thus all the observers moving toward C, A, B will receive all information about teleportation events. But there are no causality violation, all observers will see both signals simultaneously. You see, after substitution of information carrier the CV disappeared. It means that CV is a optical illusion

only and not motion backward in time.


There are two main types of wormhole of interest to physicists: Lorentzian wormholes (general relativity) and Euclidean wormholes (particle physics).

Lorentzian wormholes are essentially short cuts through space and time but as discussed above they close instantaneously unless some form of negative energy can hold them open. It is possible to produce small amounts of negative energy in the laboratory by a principle known as the Casimir effect. Unfortunately, this is very far removed from the kinds of energy required to keep the "throat of a wormhole open.

A by product of Lorentzian wormholes would be that objects passing through them would not only be moved spatially but also temporally. This effect of Einstein Rosen Bridges led Stephen Hawking to promulgate his Chronology Protection Conjecture. According to this conjecture, quantum effects will conspire to effectively prevent time travel even when it looks like classical physics might allow time travel to occur. Euclidean wormholes are even stranger given that they live in "imaginary time" and are intrinsically virtual quantum mechanical processes. These Euclidean wormholes are of interest mainly to the particle physicists (quantum field theorists).


            Till now, I have been talking about quantum teleportation, but not about Material Teleportation (in case of Teleportation done using entangled particles.). Material Teleportation can basically be achieved by expanding quantum teleportation to chains of cells of the human body and other materials and doing it on a larger scale.

News Flashes: Practical Examples of MT


Tue, Jun 18 2002 8:29 AM AEST

Scientists conquer laser beam teleportation

Scientists in Canberra have successfully teleported a laser beam for the first time in Australia.


Experiment Brings Teleportation a Step Closer
September 27, 2001 7:250 CDT

Denmark physicists have just made two samples of trillions of atoms interact at a distance in an experiment they say could make Star Trek-style teleportation and rapid quantum computing a reality.





* FarShores News

February 28, 2003

Posted Sep 27.01

Teleportation Comes A Step Closer

LONDON — [Reuters] Physicists in Denmark have made two samples of trillions of atoms interact at a distance in an experiment which may bring "Star Trek"-style teleportation and rapid quantum computing closer to reality.


- Stewart, Ian & Cohen, Jack: Figments of Reality. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1997. (Back to the text)

- Susskind, Leonard: Black Holes and the Information Paradox. Scientific American, April 1997 pp. 40-45. (Back to the text)

- Barrow, John D. & Tipler, Frank J.: The Anthropic Cosmological Principle. Oxford University Press, Oxford 1996. (Back to the text)

- Tomonaga (Japanese/Buddhist?): Work on Quantum Electrodynamics. See

- Landau(Russian/Aethist(?)): Work on Superfluidity. See

- IBM: