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Childhood Leukemia

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Leukemia and Treatments

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Welcome to my Breakout website about Childhood Leukemia. Many children in the world suffer from leukemia. This site will give detailed information on the common forms of leukemia in children, and their forms of treatment, such as radiation or chemotherapy.

I chose to study childhood leukemia because it was something I thought was intriguing and worth taking the time to learn about. Through my study, I had the opportunity to go down to Children's Hospital and do observations of bone marrow transplants and aspirations. I was amazed by the procedures, and started to realize that being an Oncologist/Hematologist is something I might consider doing as a lifelong career. I also felt my heart go out to the children there in the hospital, and I just wished there was something I could do to help them. When I turn 18, I plan to sign up for bone marrow registry, in hopes that I will be able to save a child's life.
That is my hope. My study of leukemia has affected my life in many ways.

Please feel free to look around. I have a guestbook and a chatroom available (on the patient support page) as well. Also, if you are over 18, I urge you to sign up for bone marrow donation. By signing up, you could easily save a child's life. Visit the link below called Bone Marrow Transplant News. Thank you!


Children's Hospital

Bone Marrow Transplant News

Puget Sound Blood Center


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