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My movie project!

What shall I call it!

Hi guys Welcome to my movie project site. Please have a look at these images and tell me what you think.

The equipment / software I am using for this are :
  1. Blender
  2. Linux
  3. Gimp
  4. Gnu Midi Compiler
  5. Sox
  6. Python
  7. Avidemux
  8. Dual Celeron [433 mhz]System
  9. P4 1.4Ghz System
  10. Athlon XP 2.4+ System
Fantastic. All open source software.

These images are part of a feature length movie I have been making for approximately a year. Things seem to come together well off late. Hence this small announcement. I will keep posting the images as I cleanup the blend files and finalize them. My three systems are working their guts out to spit these images and avi out.

If you have any comments or criticisms please do let me know at

As the movie progresses I will post a few more images here. So keep an eye on this place.

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