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Updates ://

I use this page as my xanga where I can express my mood! ^^


Yay! I got 81% on my piano test!!!! who-hoo!!!! I've been changing the site alot lately. I'm so bored...... Harleen, kendra, lets all go out for bubble tea on june 38, ok? tell me on msn because we get our report cards that day so we can all meet somewhere and go to the bubble tea place.


OMG! I've failed my exam! I also did REALLY HORRIBLE on my math honors exams (B and C+)!!! Kendra got a B though, so it must have been REALLY HARD!! I think I am getting 80% in math right now!:( I'm happy that 2day was the LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! Although the grade 12's (like my brother) need to do their PROVINCIAL EXAMS!!! Muahahaha!!! Also, I went to buy bubble tea with kendra and Orysya! ^^ I got strawberry slushie with pearls! Then at p.e class, the teacher said that she didn't bring her MARKING BOOK on purpose so that sum people can leave the class if they wanted to (p.e is my last class of the day). So, me and kendra (she wasn't supposed to be in my p.e class, but her art teacher said it was ok for her to skip that class) went to her (kendra's)house during p.e class! She had SO MANY stuffed animals!!! Although her house wasn't as good as I expected it to be, she is an ONLY CHILD, so she doesn't need a big house. When I was going to leave, I saw her mom and she looked MAD! But kendra said she was just surprised! Today was a GOOD DAY! Although I did bad on my exams (piano & math), it won't stop me from having fun!!!


Today was the last day I'd see my teacher b4 my EXAM! I did BAD! My scales were pretty good, but my arpeggios were kind of slow and my Chords were had a LOT of wrong fingering! She told me that I would pass but would get under 70%. I knew she was just saying that to make me feel better.....


Yay! In french class, we played Jeopardy French Version and the winning team gets BONUS MARKS! I was surprised that my team won because I didn't study my French. I only get ONE question right out of 2 questions. Luckily, the question that was worth 270 points was a question that I had studied (nous buvons). Then came my brother's high school graduation ceremony! It was SOOOO boring, but I enjoyed seeing other fellow grade 8 students' siblings graduate to see if they've gotten any scholarships. I saw Priscilla and Veronica. Priscilla's sister got 1 scholarship (to SFU, I think) and Veronica's brother didn't get ANY scholarship! HAHAHA,I was so happy! Veronica always swore and she was rude to Harleen and so, her brother DESERVES to be dumb! Thank goodness my brother got 2 scholarships (SFU and UBC)! I wasn't PROUD of him because he didn't get the HONOR ROLL CORD (which I want), but I was glad that he got 2 scholarships! ^^


Still sick, and feeling VERY BAD about PIANO!!! Have an exam in a week and I'm STILL not prepared!!!! Even cried in front of the teacher......wut an EMBARRASSMENT!!!! Feel like my life is over, even though I noe its not....


*Cough* *Cough* Sick.....sumone made me SICK!!! :'( Must get revenge by spreading germs to ppl I hate......hehehe

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