
    I have done a lot of travel over the last few years, but no other place has yet captured my emotions and imagination such as Cuba.  The following pictures are from my last visit with Melissa.  This was her first time there, and she also loved it, so much that she also wants to live there some day like myself.  We left on February 18th from Halifax International and arrived at Gomez Intl at about 11PM. 


    The first thing that we did when we got off the plane (besides having a smoke), was to get our luggage and get on our bus to our resort.  When we left Canada, it was a cold gray winter day, at the time of take off from Halifax, it was -32C with wind-chill of -39C.  Here at Gomez Intl, we stepped outside, and were greeted by our resort rep.   I purchased a few beers, since the temperature here at 1am in the morning was a humid 32C.  So we got on the bus and drove through the complete darkness, to the Varadero peninsula, a 30Km long stretch of white sand, resorts and the small town of Varadero.  

Our resort the Barcelo Solymar


    We decided that it was a little hot, although the room we were staying in had AC.  So Melissa was all about going to the pool for a swim.  I was also pretty hot, and exhausted from the trip there, so I decided that would be a good plan.  So off to the pool we went.  Melissa had no problem jumping right in, me being afraid of cold water, stepped in and decided that maybe the pool was a little to cold to swim in.  I had a better idea any who, the whole reason why I chose this place over many others in the Caribbean, was due to its beach, playa Varadero...


    So I told Melissa I was going to go to the beach, maybe test out the water and see how warm it was.  Melissa argued that it would be too cold, and seaweed, and sharks and other stuff.  So I left, and Melissa followed.  We walked along the shore of the beach for a little while, then back to our resort area.  I was hot and feeling gross, so I decided it was time to go swimming.  To even my surprise as I ran thought the small waves, the water was warmer than the air was.  I thought this was great, but pretended it was Atlantic cold.  Melissa stood on the beach and watched me for a few minutes, then she decided she would join me.  She was amazed also at how warm the ocean was (approx. 28C).  We went back to the resort, got some drinks, then back on the beach at 2am for a relaxing swim.  We did not go out very far (although you can walk for half a Km and its still waist deep.  Then decided we should go to bed and enjoy the beach in the morning. 

    So the next  morning we get up and get ready to go eat breakfast.  Being our first day here, we decided we should drink on the beach all day........ So that's what we did!  Melissa had seen the pictures but did not really believe the ocean was the color it was on the brochures.....


Well, it is!  We sat on the beach and drank for most of the day, getting very very drunk as you can see....


    So the day passed, and we went to the disco at the resort that night, and danced, met a very nice bartender named Liana.  She was amazing, always giving us service over everyone else, making the best drinks ever, and damn she was HOT! 

    So the next morning, we decided to go biking, and to bike through the town of Varadero.  The town itself is probably no more than 5000 people (not including the tourists).  And has its own charm, unlike any other really.  It looks as though nothing has changed here since the 1800's, and so I'm told, it really has not.  There are some great sites in the town, like Ernest Hemingway's house, and a notorious mob leaders old home.  Varadero was first visited by the Europeans in 1587!  And Matanzas the city just a short distance away from Varadero was founded in 1693.  This town is full of old architecture and sights.  

    If anyone is thinking of a Vacation, Varadero is definitely a place I would recommend, but only if you like hot weather, beautiful beaches, water sports, and clubbing at night.  Unlike most other places in the Caribbean, I was never afraid of being on my own in the town or off the resort, as it is a rarity for people to be a victim of crime, and then half of those crimes are from other tourists.  This is definitely where I will vacation from now on, I don't even want to bother visiting another place, as this area has me wanting to go back and live there.

   Here are links to take you to more pics of my vacation......


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