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This location of mine on the web was where I had my first site. Now having a domain name registered and web space through another host, I'm using this site as kind of a place just to have another site that I have designed up. The books page, contains some books that would recommend reading if you have the chance. It is some interesting information. Containing everything from mathmatics to psychology, there is a vast array of subjects. The music page is a list of albums that I have. Most everyone likes music. As you can see from my collection, I like music of all genres. The movies page goes along the same lines as the music page as far a content. The collection isn't as big, but it is steadily growing. The webcam page is a link to my webcam on my other site. I don't have it going all the time because, hey, I may need a little privacy from time to time. The contact page, as well as the links page is pretty self explanatory. If you have any suggestions for the site, you can always