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Saturday, 9 October 2004
Exam fever
Topic: Be Patient
GOD bless me during my exams. grant me the strength to face any difficulties and hope that i can pass my exam. i'm tired of studying...i want to get a get married fast...hehehhe..will not be online for a few weeks..i guess..

Posted by AMPS at 3:12 AM JST
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Saturday, 2 October 2004
What Attracts Aries Women?
Topic: Horoscope
(SUN is here March 21 - April 20)
The type of man who attracts you is brash and bold, daring and direct, and has a sense of adventure.

You may be drawn to "macho" types or men in uniform - military or police, etc. - and to even "dangerous" men. You seek competition and challenges... so you like men who are "hard to get".

You're attracted to "winners" - in sports or business or any form of competition, including a competition to win you!
Regardless of how you appear on the surface, there is a "warrior woman" deep inside you, and what you really want is a "warrior" who is strong enough or brave enough to be your mate.

You're the kind of woman who secretly wants to say, "You Tarzan, me Jane."

If you have Mars in Aries, you are especially drawn to strong or athletic men and "macho" types; and have an even more aggressive inner "warrior woman" who loves action, competition, and challenges - perhaps even a good fight now and then.

The Sun Sign is what the average person answers when you ask "What's your sign?"

If Sun and Mars are in the same Sign, the attraction to that type is extra strong!

For convenience, the typical dates the Sun is in a particular Sign are given. If the woman's birth date is the same as one of the "cusp dates" given here, you may find that the Sun Sign for the date one day before or after that date is more appropriate. This is because in some years the Sun moves into the next Sign one day before or after these typical "cusp dates" - and it also depends on what time of day the Sun actually crossed the Cusp. Click here for more information on Cusps.
We can use these convenient "cusp dates" for the Sun because our calendar was designed to conform to the apparent motion of the Sun. But the position of the planet Mars does not conveniently match the calendar; so you will have to look up its position on the exact month/day/year of birth from the listings in an astrological or naval "Ephemeris", or get an inexpensive computer-calculated "natal horoscope chart" based on the birth data.

Before you look up your own Mars Sign, try an experiment - read about all twelve "types" and then choose the one (other than your Sun Sign) which best describes the second "type" of man who attracts you. Is it the same "type" your Mars Sign predicts? Has your dating history included partners with that Sun Sign?

(1) If a man were to read these same descriptions which match his own natal Sun Sign, he may find some strong similarities between the traits women with that Sun Sign seek in a mate, and the ways he tends to express his own masculine side.

(2) If a man were to read these same descriptions which match his own natal Mars Sign, he may find some strong similarities between these traits the same Mars Sign women are attracted to in a lover, and the kind of women who make him feel or act more masculine or "sexy", or who draw out his masculine energy (which is similar to his own Mars Sign "type").
It's natural for a man to quite unconsciously shift into a mode of self-expression matching his own Sun Sign "type" when in the presence of women he would like to impress.

It's natural for a man to quite unconsciously shift into a mode of action matching his own Mars Sign "type" when in the presence of a woman he desires to win.

Posted by AMPS at 6:28 PM JST
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What Attracts Aries Men?
Topic: Horoscope
The type of woman who attracts you demonstrates a sense of independence and is bold, adventurous, or spontaneous. Think "Xena, Warrior Princess".

You'll respect the freedom of a woman like this; and might even encourage her to be more independent than she really wants to be. You admire strength and courage.

The "fiery" type can arouse you. "Competitive" women interest you.

To some degree, what you see here also applies if you have the Sun in this Sign. But for a man it is his Moon and Venus Signs which best indicate the types of woman he is most attracted to, or may choose for a mate, especially the Moon.
You enjoy a challenge, and may find it enjoyable to be "chased" or seduced by an assertive woman - while offering sufficient resistance to make it interesting.

Strong, competitive, or athletic women may appeal to you; and some form of "competition" such as games or sports might be a turn-on for you. You want to win, but you can respect a woman who gives you a good match.

You may have a particular attraction to "women in uniform". Of all the Moon and Venus Signs, you are the most likely to date a policewoman, military type, or security guard.

The Sun Sign is what the average person answers when you ask "What's your sign?" - but the Moon Sign and Venus Sign are not known by the average person, and are quite complicated to determine. You will probably need to get a birth chart produced by an astrologer or computer program to find out the Moon Sign.

If Moon and Venus are in the same Sign, his attraction to that type is extra strong!

If the man's birth date is the same as a "cusp date" given for the Moon Sign in any table you find, note that the Moon moves almost half a Sign (12-14 degrees) in 24 hours, so you need to know the hour of birth to be sure which Sign it was in. You may find the Moon Sign for the date one day before or after is more appropriate, because the Moon changes Sign every 2-3 days.
We can use those "cusp dates" for the Sun because our calendar was designed to conform to the apparent motion of the Sun. But the position of Venus does not conveniently match our calendar; so you'll have to look up its position on the exact month/day/year of birth from the listings in an astrological or naval "Ephemeris", or obtain a computer-calculated "natal horoscope chart" based on the birth data.

Before you look up your own Venus Sign, try an experiment by reading all twelve paragraphs and then choosing the one (other than the one for your Moon Sign, if you already know it) which best describes the second "type" of woman who attracts you. Is it the same "type" your Venus Sign predicts? Has your dating history included a significant number of partners who have that Venus Sign?

(1) If a WOMAN reads these same descriptions which match her own Venus Sign, she may find some strong similarities between the traits men with that Venus Sign look for in a lover, and the ways she tends to express her own femininity. It is natural for a woman to quite unconsciously slip into a mode of expression matching her own Venus Sign "type" when she is in the presence of men she would like to attract or flirt with.

(2) If a WOMAN reads these same descriptions which match her own Moon Sign, she may find some strong similarities between these traits men of the same Moon Sign look for in a wife (or mother of their children), and the kind of man who makes her feel safe and secure and protected.
There is a good chance her own choice of mate will have similar qualities (or he may have his Sun in that Sign).

These "types" also come into play when a man is attracted in a platonic way to another man when he admires his "style" - how he expresses himself in his actions and appearance. (For a gay male, these "types" also apply to the type of man who attracts him.) Both men and women will likely find many of their most "comfortable" friends have the Sun in the same Sign as their own Moon. The Moon is about how you feel comfortable, safe, and secure in any close relationship; while Venus is more about how you give and receive affection; how you act to attract partners (as friends or lovers) or get attracted to them; and especially for men, it symbolizes the kind of person you view as your ideal lover.

Posted by AMPS at 6:26 PM JST
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Aries this month
Topic: Horoscope
Aries March 21 - April 19
Get ready for a wiz-bang month! You're in nearly perpetual motion, starting the 3rd to the 5th, when your high-speed energy is focused on rapid-fire communications. You're on! You're in! You're good to go! Things slow down for some at-home time (maybe you should check in with the folks back on the farm?) the 6th and 7th, and it's once more into the fray on the 8th to the 10th. During these few days, think: Romance. With a capital R. (And that could even mean R-rated, if you want it to.) There's some friction somewhere and it's going to generate a lot of one-on-one heat. Things slow down again until the 17th, when you're back on the scene, like a love (or job or channel-surfing) machine. The 22nd and the 23rd, the rocket fuel ride that is your life will turn career-ward, and you're going to get something (or someone?) you've wanted for a while. Just be careful the 24th and 25th -- if you're worn out (and you should be!), don't make any sudden moves.

Posted by AMPS at 6:17 PM JST
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Friday, 1 October 2004
Romantic Revenge Refined
Topic: Relationship
Feeling Better But don't worry! You don't have to deny your anger, "forgive and forget," or even "live well" and leave it at that. The key is to focus not on making him feel bad, but on making yourself feel better. Try these suggestions:

Decide whether he truly "deserves" revenge. Did he do something objectively despicable -- two-time you, lie, just stop calling after six months -- or, well, just break up with you? The latter is awful, but, alas, it's part of love life. In this case, you might try some secret, victimless revenge, like penning a viciously nasty letter -- and not mailing it. Or doing some arts and crafts: cutting your ex's head out of happy-couple photos of you two and replacing it with Brad Pitt's. Or writing your ex's name on the bottom of your shoe. "That way at least you know some sort of cosmic balance has been established," says Barreca.

Ask yourself: Is there something I need to say to him? The urge to communicate something specific to him -- as opposed to just wanting to scream in his face -- may be what's giving you that unfinished-business feeling. If so, have a calm conversation with him (tip: calm anger is more intimidating to the listener than loud anger), or write a letter (one that you may send only after writing several revisions and checking with two friends), instead of staging a stunt.

When you communicate with him, "Emphasize your reaction -- say 'I was really hurt' -- instead of what he person did -- 'You hurt me!'", advises Charles Hill, PhD, professor of psychology at Whittier College in Whittier, California. That way, you'll know he got the message in plain English -- and you'll come across as sympathetic.

If you're driven to hatch an actual plot -- say, intercepting his clothes at the cleaners and returning them in tatters -- run it by a friend first. If she says she'd be embarrassed or horrified (as she should by this one), stop -- and enjoy the fantasy instead.

If you must do something, think elegant rather than destructive. "I had a garage sale and sold my ex's leather jacket -- which he'd given me as a gift -- to a friend of his, very cheap," says Bonnie, 37, of Pittsburgh. "I knew my ex would see it, and find out how much it was worth to me."

Barreca describes a woman whose husband took up with a 19-year-old -- and got the house in the divorce. Her response? She sewed dried shrimp into the curtains; her ex and his new honey tore the house and the septic system apart looking for the source of the stench. They finally had to move -- and they took the curtains with them.

Live well -- and let him know about it. "Have a friend spread the word that you're doing great -- or be seen with someone new, even someone temporary," says Alison James. "He might not care, but it makes you feel better." (Notes Barreca: "Alumni Notes are also an excellent tool.")

Bottom line, says Dr. Hill, "Instead of thinking, 'I'll show him,' think, 'I'll show him -- that I can get along without him.'" Sooner than you think, you'll get to the sweetest revenge of all: Living well not because you're getting back at him, but because you've truly gotten your life back.

Posted by AMPS at 8:37 PM JST
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