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HentaiKing Welcomes you

Warning !!!

Things on this website are not suitable for younger readers. This is meant for mature readers and young adults. It contains offensive language and some sexual preferences. Some stuff on here will be very offensive and please... Number 1 rule... please be open minded to the stuff on this site before hating me.



  • Alot of you know me as Brandon or by one of my AKAs: HentaiKing , BjsShadow , and Immoral Child.

  • If you don't know me.This will give you a chance to see what kind of person I am

  • I've made this website so i can show you alot of shit. And perhaps brag about.. maybe even try to get you to laugh at. Or maybe it's just place where you might wanna go when you want to read something.

  • I am making the website now. And Yes it is underconstruction. So save your damn sarcasm cuz' I don't wanna hear it.

  • A page all about me
  • Also Visit my Links.

    News & Updates! Last updated 4/1/04

  • Nothing really added. Deleted alot of old ass art work, and added/fixed the shout outs.

    Site Navigation

  • Tips for Increasing Tobacco Use

  • Night in the Barrens
    added to website.

  • Page about me

  • Shout outs to my friends

  • People I love to Hate

  • Art Section

  • Thanks for coming by and please do come again!

