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Hemant Bhatia

I am a Research Staff Member at the IBM India Research Lab, Delhi. I am working with the Networking Group at IRL on my Co-founded project PAYAL-(Packet AnalYsis All Layers)

My research here is on Packet Classification Algorithms,Fast Routing Lookup Mechanisms and Optimal Routing Lookups.

Team:-Hemant Bhatia, Dr. Rajeev Shukla, Apurva Kumar, Manish Kalia ( Inventors and Principle founders) of the StartUp project @ Currently affiliated with IBM India Research Lab

AIM:- Developing new algorithm that compacts the data structure of Internet routing tables, ultimately allowing switching and routing companies to pack more interfaces onto a single line card.

  • The problem system vendors face today is that these implementations use several memory chips, which take up a lot of room. While CAM vendors are working to make their memory chips denser, we are working to compact the routing information into a smaller space so that it actually uses less memory.

    During the period 2001 to 2002, I worked on the Cisco Systems sponsored project at Cisco Advanced Networking Lab, Department of Computer Science, IIT Delhi, INDIA.

    I have worked in the areas of Web-based applications offering Network Mangament Solutions for cisco switches,routers and access servers. Efficient Load Balancing in Layer-7 Switching Environment and Efficient Estimation of IP Performance Metrics were my one of the few technical reports.

    Worked on Software Image Manager Next- Generation module , which is a distributed tool to recommend and deploy operating systems, images to the devices.

    Contact Information
    Lotus Notes: Hemant/India/IBM
    Internet: {classiPI , P_A_Y_A_L},
    Phone: (Off.) +91-11-686 1100 extn: 201 (Res.) +9818241842
    Fax: +91-11-686 1555

  • Presentations(Talk is cheap)/Publications(Because the mind is a terrible thing to waste )/Patents(not so cheap:))