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Research Paper by:
Brett Jamieson

LINKS Pierre de Fermat

Pierre de Fermat, Painting

     I'm an intelligent man from France; I founded the modern number theory. This is about my live, my findings, and the relevance of my work today. So please read on about Pierre de Fermat, and my wonderful Theorems.
     This is a story of my early years and adulthood. I was born on Aug. 17th, 1601, in a town named Beaumont-de-lomagne. By the age of 20 I left to study at the University of Toulouse. At the University of Toulouse I study law, and gained his bachelors degree. I died January 12, 1665, and lived for 64 years, and was one of the greatest mathematicians alive.
     I contributed a lot of theorems and formulas to the world of Math. These included Modern Number Theory. I found that there was no solution in whole integer form to the equation Xn+Yn=Zn where n is greater than 2. Blaise Pascal and I invented the theory of “Probability”. I also, helped discover analytic geometry and help lay the foundation for calculus. I also proved that that when light bends (Refracts) it takes the path that would take the shortest time. I discovered many theories, that some mathematicians can’t understand today.
     Some things, that I invented in the earlier years and are still used today. Including: in gambling, People use probability to think about their odds of winning, and or losing.  With technology advancing at the speed of light, we have to take “light” into consideration, with our imaginations souring, and trying to find a faster way to travel through the solar system; we need to learn more about “Light Speed” or “Warp Speed”.  With my discovery, about “Refraction” we now know that, light, takes the fastest way, and travels faster under less dense mediums. Also, I founded that if you could not figure out an answer (Equation) you can round it down till it is something we already know, so, with us learning more and more, faster and faster every day, we need a quicker way to figuring out problems, this thermo helps a lot. Therefore, we do use a lot of my discoveries in this fast growing world.
     My background, thermos, formulas are still used today, making me, a wonder to the world. I wrote this essay on my history, discoveries, and accomplishments, thank you for reading. I proved many theorems in my life, some even puzzling some of the greatest mathematicians alive. Some of my “proof” has just been recently found in the past 20 years.


Postcard, Equations

Equation, Impossible

Pierre, Savy







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