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    Subject: New / Opening
    Posted By: Chasen
    Date: February 17/04 2004

    Welcome to gundam menace this is chasen and just wanna tell you a lil what the site will be. THIS SITE IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION

  • You are a young girl/boy who have lost a relative and you find a robot soul. You fight in tournaments and bets for money to buy all the neccesary parts to have a complete robot- mini robot. You will than price you journey as friends challenging others in battles and tournaments mybey teaming up with a clan or going at it solo. You and your Mech-Machines as we call them will become a partner in battle and aid- Let the battles begin-

  • We have a new update wich is the the second row of links ive finished the training wich is just a simple chatroom and training is just like fighting with someone except you dont usually put money on the line and you have no repair cost or anything and fighting grounds is just another chat room where yall will fight at but neither of them will work yet due to im currently on aim and going to use AOL chatrooms.   

  • Copyright 2003 (Gundam Menace). Site Designed by Chasen Parker. All Rights Reserved.

    Disclaimer- I have only joined "Gundam Wing" Pictures and added togeather I in no way claim them as my own, I do own the conjucted pictures layouts and avatars of this site please be kind and dont take them