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C || C++ || Assembly || Linux || Visual Basic || Source Code || Documentation
		C is obviously one of my favorite languages (coz as
	you might know, we can access the hardware though C and hence
	system programming can be done very easily).  Here is a set
	of simple programs written by me.  You are free to download,
	modify and distribute them at your will.  Programs are written
	using TurboC V 2.0 and the assembler used is TASM V 2.51.
	I tested all of them and found that they all work fine.
	As you know, human beings are error prone and so I can't say
	that they are all fool-proof.  If there is any bugs, please
	send a bug report to  If there is any 
	ambiguity, feel free to contact me.  I will be waiting for your
	invaluable comments and suggestions.  Good luck...

	01. Writing Assembly programs through C (Introduction)
	02. Binary Search using pointers
	03. Factorial using recursion and pointer to function
	04. Tower of Hanoi problem
	05. Magic Square
	06. Pointer to structure
	07. Low level filecopy program
	08. File encryption program
	09. Password verification program
	10. Two pass assembler (Simulation) 
	11. Sorting names using Pointer to pointer
	12. Writing Assembly language routines
	13. Generating software interrupts
	14. Mouse programming using software interrupts
	15. Mouse programming using assembly language
	16. Auto-sorting Array
	17. Accessing the FAT (File Allocation Table)
	18. Number Conversion (Decimal to Binary,Hex,Octal)
	19. Graphics - 3D Image Animation
	20. Graphics - Reflection Transformation
	21. Graphics - Saving and Retriving an image
	22. Raindrop Virus Simulation
	23. Display a string using assembly routines
	24. Display a string using the address of display memory
	25. A TSR Clock (Terminate and Stay Resident)
	26. Graphics - Bar Chart
	27. Graphics - Pie Chart
	28. Adding two numbers using the CPU registers
	29. Accessing the Hard disk directly
	30. Usage of ROM-BIOS functions

Copyright © Giri , December 1, 2001
Report missing links and problems to
Last update was on 03:03:2001