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I can hardly wait to grep a regular expression!Linux Class Resource Site

A class of enthusiastic Linux students...

Labs from Makeup Day -

On the makeup day, we focused mostly on two things, text editors and shell scripting.  We used up most of the time on those topics, but did spend the last part of the day talking about network services, such as Apache, Samba, and NFS.

If you would like to download the files below, please right-click on the links, and choose "Save Target as".  If you just left-click on the labs, your browser may just show you the content, which is in Rich Text File (rtf) format, and will look like gibberish.  Once saved on your system, the Labs can be printed from Microsoft Word, StarOffice, or even WordPad.

Lab12 (Using the vi editor)
vi cheatsheet, helpful in completing Lab12, and a valuable resource to keep! (Document  - Thanks to Mike at Belgium Brewing!)
Lab13 (Basic Shell Scripting 1)
Possible answer script for Lab13 - "userlog"
Lab14 (Basic Shell Scripting 2)

Shell Script Examples

The shell script examples are simple text files, and may be viewed directly in your browser by clicking on the link.  If you would like to download them, so that you can execute them on your system, again, right click, and choose "Save Target As" or "Save Link".
If you were not present at the class, and would like some instruction on writing and using scripts (there's nothing in the SAIR text on script-writing), visit some of the links at the bottom of the page.
Demo Script 1 - "Whatsup?" , greets the user with date, time, todolist, and who's logged in.
Requires additional text file, "todolist".
Demo Script 2 - "copycorp", demonstrates the use of variable assignment and accepting user
Demo Script 3 - "showvars", demonstrates use of command line arguments and their ordinal
Demo Script 4 - "safrm", demonstrates practical use of command line argument to safely
remove a file. Create your own recycle bin...
Demo Script 5 - "stamp" uses a variable populated by a unix command, and a command line
argument, to rename a file with a custom extension.  To get this to work with a set of files at once (when using a wildcard) use "stamp2", which uses a loop.
Demo Script 6 - "greeting", a sample script that shows how to use if/then statements.

Demo Script 7 - "roundabout", an example of using a loop. Can you guess the mystery word?

Demo Script 8 - "ShortMenu", a demonstration of using a case statement.  Useful as an

example in completing Lab14.

Linux Book

I used some examples in class from a book that I found for free download on the Internet.  This is from Sam's Publishing, and is an older version of a current text.  If you like this one, find the new one and buy it!  (Best prices I've found have been at!) To download this book, right click, and "Save Link As", or if you have Adobe Acrobat installed and your browser knows about it, you could just open it from here by single-clicking the link below.

"Teach Yourself Linux in 21 Days", older edition  public domain Linux Book in pdf Format


Helpful LinuxLinks

Shell Scripting Tutorial from the Linux Documentation Project (LDP)

Two-Cent BASH Shell Script Tips from Linux Gazette

Advanced BASH Shell Scripting How-To from

Corel Linux Web-Based Training - This looks very cool. Corel's Linux Distribution is available free from their website,  Corel Linux has the easiest install of any of the distributions.  After you downloaded and installed it, complete this Web-Based training. This tutorial is interactive and uses Flash and everything.

Updated 8/12/2003  by David J. Fenske  (email:

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