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Her Sanctuary .

19th November 2005.

That's her with her siblings. cute 4 days old.

Her story : She was a brave little soldier who fought for life even at such a young age. A puppy as innocent as her definately does not deserve to suffer.

The family found her suffering only today as she was really making noise for the whole day. so, i decided to take her to the vet when my kak said she thinks that pup have some infected near her tail. we went to the vet with much hope. However, when the doc actually show me the infected wound, i seriously got a shock of my life. like never before have I got this shocked. the f*kin maggots have dug a f*kin cave on her! i was so god damn furious. >.<~ we have no choice but to put her to sleep as her chance of survival is next to none and even if she recovered, she's life a hard life and i don't want to see her like that. so we did the best for her. put her to sleep. but belief me, the way i hear people say 'put him to sleep', it sounds like they die falling asleep. but that's not the case. the front gate and door was closed. i waited outside, hoping not to hear her painful yelps anymore. instead, i heard her scream. it's the kind of scream where she put all the strenght she got into. it was devastating. i just suddenly am not sure what i did was wrong or right. i feel the guilt. most of all, i miss her.

please do reach out and say a few prayers for her.

forsakengel -=- -=-