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News Archive

  Site Update4 - Invisibletk

April 30, 2002

w0ot! I just got the topsitez fixed. I named it the Elite 10 Sitez list because there will only be room for 10 sites. Add your site today and get more hits! Also you can see how you compare against the best out there today. We will be getting more images and more services once i get a hold of someone who knows a lot in the field of CGI and other complicated scripts. Get back to you all later!


  We Need Help! - Invisibletk

April 29, 2002

Ok..I tried loading the cgi topsite and forum myself but with no avail. I need some one to email me soon so i can get these up! If anyone can help just tell me so i can get a seperate account for you to load the topsite on. If you have a site, I will put you banner, link and site name up all over my site. This could help your hits increase dramatically. Remember: do unto others as u would have them do unto you! Peace ;)


  Getting Our Services Started - Invisibletk

April 28, 2002

The topsite should be up as soon as i get it loaded and working. Please be patient as i try to find a forum to use until i can get our own forum to use from the site. If anyone can help with our YaBB forum please email me and i'll get back to you. I will not pay cash but there could be an arangement made with the forum itself. If anyone can host our forum, please let me know too. Thanks.


  Site Update3 - Invisibletk

April 27, 2002

Ok, I have just fixed the download page and taken out all the bad links. We added our phreaking section & we will also be getting our forum and topsites as soon as we get some setup help from some one. Please e-mail me if there are any problems or if u are interested in helping us out. Thanks.


  We Need Your Help - Invisibletk

April 27, 2002

This could be hard for some of u to understand but if we get just two banners (88x60 and 480x60), then we could get alot better due to our ability to affiliate with others and just plain look good. If u can understand what we are trying to do here then u will hopefully help by emailing a banner or two to me from the contact page. Thanks.


  Fix Report - Invisibletk

April 26, 2002

I fixed a lot of things that were becomming problems on the site. I took off the broken links, minimized popups, and took the liberty to add some more grafix. If u can help me on my compaign to get better email me! Well i'm off to eat so peace. out-


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