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Welcome to my profile, I'm 20 years old and I'm from the state of West Virginia. I'm not looking for anyone to date right now at the moment because I'm already going out with someone lol... Anyway, glad to have you hear!

Here is my list of friends

my friends:
1.60scountry 2.sassytiger 3.jess aka: stargurl 4.code blue 5.pretty baby 6.12 7.7even 8.rampage4x4 9.mazza 10.xanjax 11.antimod You all are the best friends ever!

here is my list of interests/hobbies

my hobbies/interests:
skateboarding,accomplishing my goals,Bmxing,Web designing,playing PS2,playing games for PC,listening to music,talking with good friends,meeting new friends,reading news and politics,making political jokes.

Alot of interests and hobbies huh lol? The main thing right now that I'm excited about is the Deluxe upgrade for Chatpoint USA. It well brighten and show the people what chatting is all about.

The only thing people arn't to exited about is more rules. The main rule that has people upset is the no music in profiles rule, it has alot of people pissed off including me thats why I got an external profile like this, so I can have music!

In the opinions of many people, including myself here are some of the best places on the web!

Best places on the web:
StickDeath Online!

ICP Online!

Online Skateboarding providers since 1996!

Runescape-The online adventuring game by JaGeX LTD.

Pogo Online!

MSN Groups

Thanks for visiting my excellent creation... Bye I gotsta go!

Profile Created by:Sk8rdude

Music by: ACDC Song:Back in Black
