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electric_eye's box of cheats

Welcome. You more than likely came here to get the I-Bot MOHAA cheat, so go ahead and click on the download link above to get yourself a copy of my cheating software. I've registered a forum at ProBoards, so in case you feel the need to ask questions about the bot or you just want to let me know how much you love it, you may do so there. My e-mail address is electric_eye AT blackhole DOT riot DOT eu DOT org and you can find my PGP key here. I know i haven't anwsered many of your emails, that's because of the massive amounts of email i recieved, my account was deactivated.. I have it again working, but I no longer have access to the ftp to update my old site.


[01.08.2003] I am back just here long enough to release the new version and go back to work on the next one.. I-Bot v1.04 can now detect when a person is croutched and the code self injects after a map change so now there is no need to exit MOHAA and launch it again after every map change.

[03.05.2003] The I-Bot download is working again...

[02.05.2003] Updating I-Bot to v1.03. A few anti-cheats were using the stufftext command to mess with I-Bot's cvars, so I added a small filter to it that should prevent this from happening.

[01.05.2003] I-Bot v1.02 is out. This version will turn all visual features (i.e. wallhack, esp, etc.) off while a screenshot is being taken, so now you shouldn't get caught by that stupid forced screenshot stuff. Note that this should not affect client-side anti-cheats such as Pandora, but I haven't taken a look at them yet so I can't say for sure. This version also might work without the no-cd exe, but unfortunately I'm not able to test it at the moment. Downloads should be working soon, but for now the only place to download it is this thread at the MPC.

[29.04.2003] Currently trying to find a good host for my site... downloads are disabled for now. You can still get the bot from this thread at the forums.

[28.04.2003] I'm releasing v1.01 of I-Bot. It fixes crashing when changing maps and also the CRC errors some people have been getting.

[27.04.2003] In case you just downloaded the I-Bot and are having problems with it, try downloading it again. Also, you need to have the no-cd cracked mohaa.exe. Get the patch here.

[27.04.2003] I-Bot is finally released to the public!