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Saturday, January 17, 2004
hey man.. check out tiz song.. i may b slow but itz realli cool! talks abt missions n reaching out to the lost... realli hope tt tiz songs will inspire u all man! Itz playing nw... mY bloG theMe soNg!!!

"heRe aM i"

On the other side of the world
She stands on the ocean shore
Gazing at the heavens she wonders is there something more?
Never been told the names of Jesus
She turns and walks away
What a shame
Oh yeah

Just across the street in your home town
leaving from his 9 to 5
Gazing down the road he wonders is this all there is to life?
Never been told the name of Jesus, he continues on his way
What a shame
Oh yeah

Whom shall I send?
Who will go for me?
To the ends of the earth
Who will rise up for their king?
Here am I
Send me
Here am I
Send me

Whether foreign land or neighbors
Everyone's the same searching for the answers that lie within your name
I wanna proclaim the love of Jesus
In all I do and say
Oh yeah

How beautiful of me to those
To bring good news
Proclaiming peace and your salvation

Here am I
Send me

-|eDgEr|- haPpiLy fiLLeD iN aT 3:59:27 PM

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Friday, January 16, 2004
yahz.. back again.. i wanna title tiz post "a teacher called teva"... haha... yahz.. as u all noe i lost my sandals n then i like search all over the place for it.. in LT2 and even in the toilet.. but it was no where to be found.. i was even hatin chinese cuz i thought i lost my shoe bag containing my sandals during the chinese period... haha.. tinking abt all the bad tinga abt chinese culture n all the chi-na stuff.. haha... then i was sulky the whole dae long lohz... show black face... then when desmond ask me come combine meeting i also sianz sianz.. was like thinkin 2 myself.."wah seh... i so down nw then u still wan me go there"... but nevertheless i went larz.. duno y but dragged myself there in slippers cuz obviously my sandals were lost..then prayed n prayed... n yahz.. praying 4 my sandals.. haha! then God kind of showed me smth... itz abt hw i felt when i lose my sandals relative to when i lose hold of the steadfast relationship i had wif God.. tiz gt me thinking.. ish God really worth less than a pair of sandals.. so then the sandal didnt mean tt much le.. GOd showed me tt my numbering of my impt stuff was wrong.. y wasnt he no. 1... so i realli had 2 repent n like make him my no 1... n esther came up 2 me n had a vision 4 me.. wah.. tt was juz so funni.. as she prayed for me she told me the vision.. "God has chosen u.. everyone is like the fishes in finding nemo saying 'pick me pick me'! n she goes on by saying God says 2 me come here.. show me the insect tt u hav found show it to me.." then she interprets it for me.. saying that i should like "show" or lift up my frez tt i hav made to God... like putting God before them.. before my badminton n before anything else.. yahz.. so thank God..i wanna stay strong in him man.. =aMen= anyway God realli wanna thank u for getting me back my sandals.. not only do i learn a lesson but also dont end up losing my sandals cuz i found them in the multi purpose room that i went to for lit n i sat at the same place n desmond spotted a shoe bag n it happened to me mine.. yesh.. everyting intact.. GOd muz hav protected it man... pRaise GoD!!

-|eDgEr|- haPpiLy fiLLeD iN aT 11:00:07 PM

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Monday, January 12, 2004
hmmz.. back at last.. nt easy 2 write ok! itz realli a busi busi wk wif the orentation n also the cca.. badminton ish fun.. no kidding man! i still hang out wif my Orentaion grp frez.. cuz they all rockx! yahz.. so all tiz mass lecture stuff n tutorials ish so new 2 me but kind of like it.. itz so full of freedom.. at least compared 2 tt rigid secondary sch of mine! of course the rush n everyting takes a toll on my chirstian walk.. do less devotions n also even missed one or 2 services... i dOnt wanna let the fiRe die down man! it mUZ nt n wiLL nt! amen!! pls prAy 4 me! i also wanna thank esther tan ( u noe wad u did 4 me n i realli n veli touched n appreciate it )!! itz nw quite late le lohz.. n i need 2 slp.. so gtg.. noe itz short but i busi.. haha!

-|eDgEr|- haPpiLy fiLLeD iN aT 10:49:24 PM

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Friday, January 02, 2004
hey..! i'm back.. yeah! Long time no write le.. miss tiz its realli gd 2 b back here writing man! anyway 2dae was the 1st dae of sch at PJC.. wah.. itz juz realli cool n i rEalli rEalli rEalli like it man! itz nt tt the building was so brand new n nice... it wasnt bcuz the Orentation group leaders look so gD... n it wasnt bcuz the principal n the VP were so friendly.. it was bcuz the ppl there were fRieNdLy n nt dAo!!! yahz.. the sch ish rEalli i jUz waNa tHanK GoD for gifing me such a ting as tiz lohz..come on man.. without him.. i might hav 2 end up in like yishun jc (haha.. too bad john.. juz had 2 suan u for tiz one.. cant resist! haha!)... N he realli put some ppl in my grp tt r friendly.. i kind of feel like its juz part of GOd's plan for me to be in my orientation grp n desmond in his own grp n ethan in his own grp.. hmmz.. i rEalli can like visualize rEachin oUt to my grp lohz... we juz mEet for like an hr n we were like tokin like old pAls.. who else can cuz tiz to happen except the eVerLivin oNe! "GoD i waNa rEacH oUt to thEm!" i hope tiz will b my cry n also my motto for the 3 mths man.. yesh i can play n can enjoy but let me nt forget tiz motto! =amen=

-|eDgEr|- haPpiLy fiLLeD iN aT 10:19:01 PM

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Thursday, December 25, 2003
2dae realli no mood 2 write abt theories or my opinions of tis or my opinions of tt.. yahz.. juz wanan share wif u ppl tis awesome experience tt i had at the prayer meeting yesterday... i tell u all from beginnin until the end... i went to the prayer meetin... yahz.. juz like any other prayer meetin... nth much rite? WRONG! we ended worship then we muz pray for the outreach for the net grps ( small grps of christains in grps of 3 or 4) n we are seperated into youth nets, single adult's nets, married woman's net and married man's net... then he called for a representative n he called esther foong... to b frank i was veli disappointed cuz i thought these ppl will get to pray for the youths.. as some of u all know i am joinin the prayer ministry n i m cravin 2 pray.. tis kind of "da chang mian" ish like realli beyond my expectations... i am kind of realli contented prayin in my life grp or at most youth grp... so when he started to stretch our hands forwards towards esther n pray 4 her (she as a symbol for the youths) i juz prayed wif all my heart in tongues.. of course in my heart gt a little disappointed n also havin thoughts like "wah seh.. God.. nv gif me a chance"... but who knows.. God has his plans.. as i was closin my eyes n prayin i felt a tap on my shoulder... i turned behind n i saw joash n brian pointin at bro andrew... bro andrew pointed 2 the front indicatin for me 2 go out n pray.. at tt veli moment time seems to come 2 a stop n it was juz like me n God.. i was going like.. "GoD.. rEalli mE aRz? rEalli? sUrE oR nT? cOmfiRm?" so many "sure-or-nts" but in the end i made it to the front... i was veli nervous n my mind was blank... a gd examples ish like on the 1st day of sch ur teacher walks into class n says "oK cLass... tAkE oUt uR pEnS... wE gOnA hAv oUr yEaR-eNd eXaM nW!!" yahz.. its juz like tt.. i reached the mike n i juz closed my eyes n muttered to God a prayer tt goes along the lines of askin him 2 take control of my prayer.. as in i was his messenger n the prayer was actaully tings tt he wanted me 2 pray abt.. i closed my eyes n started blahin... i didnt even open my eyes to peep even once during the whole prayer.. i was like shoutin into the mike at the top of my voice.. the mike was veli soft so it didnt make the ppl deaf... God juz kept pouring prayer pointers into my minds n i juz went on n on... at the end of it when i finished n returned to my seat... then it was testimony time.. yeahz! i went up to share lohz.. after like a long debate between me n my own mind abt whether i shld go up a not... but i knew tt i juz had 2 gif God the praise n glory of the tings he has done... no way was i gona keep mumb abt tis ting..! anyway after the service some people came up to me n like encourage me n also expressed to me tt they didnt expect me to pray tt prayer.. sis lily say tt she expected a 6-7 sentence prayer but the prayer tt GOD gave through me far exceeded tt... wif me alone mayb all i can gif ish tt 6-7 sentence prayer(not to say tt short prayers r nt gd)... but wif God.. we can exceed man's expectations of us.. =aMeN=

*would u ppl mind leavin notes cuz u all sure hav tiz habit of readin n leaving lehz... pls larz k? love u if u do leave a note.. if u dont i'll still try my bez but it'll b hard 2 luv u.. haha... =p*

-|eDgEr|- haPpiLy fiLLeD iN aT 9:31:39 PM

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Thursday, December 18, 2003
on sunday we had cell grp n we were tokin abt the 14 aspects of love as found in (1st Corinthians 13:4-8) "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails..." all these are the many different aspects of love but the one tt strike me most ish the sentence in verse 4 that says "It does not envy"... many times i hav always envy other ppl cuz they hav tt fone, tt shoe, tt amt of allowance or even tt amt of popularity... n the ppl i envy r nt enemies but close frez in sch or mayb in church.. they r ppl i m suppose 2 love... n tt means to b happy 4 them n nt be envious of tings tt they hav or r better than me at... for example i hate it when my close ferz who i deem 2 hav studied less than me score better than me... i always will say tings like..."hw coud he/she hav gotten tt kind of marks?" eric posed me the question of whether i could b truely happi 4 them when such a ting happens n my ans was a blank n frank "no"! yahz so i guess i havent love them cuz i cant even fufil tis 1/14 requirement of love... then eric told me tis word tt kinds of comfort me n let's me see tings from a differernt n much better prospective.. we all r a whole body of chirst made in his image.. we all r different parts of the body of christ meanin God made us such that we r gd at different tings so that we can compliment each other n as a body function better.. by me being jealous of another person its like as if the one body part ish jealous of another body part bcuz tt body par can do smth tt he cant do...for example... the eye becomes jealous of the leg or hand because they can move about n can do many actions n can contribute much 2 the body... the eye feels that its lousy cause it can onlie "roll abt" in a fixed position n all it does for the vody is juz capture light images for the body... it then becomes envious of the legs/hands.. but what we are good at we often tend 2 overlook it or take it for granted.. like the eye.. it can capture light images but nt the legs/hands.. without the eye then the legs/hands cant see n coordinate.. so we r made to compliment each other.. no one ish useless... everyone has a part to play.. of course somebody parts do contribute more to the body.. but then all parts are indespensible n r needed... we shld never under estimate our worth or b tricked by the devil into believin tt we r of no use n tt we cant make a difference in helpin the body of christ...if 2dae u r feelin like everyone has someting 2 offer to God expect u.. tink again.. no part of the body ish useless...since u r part of the body then u hav a part to play.. go n discover ur role...ur role might seem small n insignificant to man n ish nt galmourous like the hands/legs but then God sees it.. whats the use of getting the praise of man n building ur riches which will be destroyed moths on this earth when u can accumulate ur riches in a place which would prevent it from being destoyed n ensures tt ur riches last forever n tis place is none other than heaven...

-|eDgEr|- haPpiLy fiLLeD iN aT 1:21:08 AM

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sorry...i'm nt in a veli gd mood 2dae so all u'll get 2 read abt ish sad tings.. no happi tings... 2dae the list of bad tings tt befalls onto me lengthens...i gt my posting n i m posted 2 pinoeer jc...nt tt bad sch wif new facilities but i quite greedy so i went to sajc 2 appeal wif john n desmond n i could onlie do a general appeal there.. no cca/sports appeal for me.. so my chnaces r cut down further.. then we went to pjc so tt john could appeal(he anyhw go put his choices so he was posted to yishun jc instead)... it realli impressed me but then we all decided to walk around the sch n of course as a badminton player i would wanna see their hall.. i saw them trainin then suddenly i stoped dead in my tracks.. i saw their coach... its was the kranji sec. coach!!! arghx!!! tt hao lian coach tt is nt on gd terms wif fuhua sec.. i die liao le.. if i under him then i guess i wil b picked on or nt given the right chances... God noes wad will happen to my so called "jc badminton career"....then i went to meet luis n my class ppl 2 buy the food for the chatlet.. i went there 2 find them n onlie saw 3 of them.. they were the onlie 3 tt were buyin.. if i nv join them i wonder hw they would ever manage wif onlie 3 ppl.. even wif 4 it was veli tough.. i cant believe the rest r so lazy n irresponsible n nt play a part in either the plannin of the chatlet or the helpin out.. they juz suck larz.. their reason for not coming: so tt they would nt b there 2 b assigned any food to carry to the chalet so tt they can go 2 the chalet wifout carryin anyting.. "wow"..wad wonderful ppl r they man.. although some of them r my frez but i hav 2 juz reprimand them.. tis is juz too much considerin how they r treatin luis the chief organisor..i told luis tt we will nt b organisin anymore activities anymore 4 them cuz they do nt take any pride in their OWN chatlet n bbq...then i reach hm then i fumble through all the letters n there ish no sign of my eagles award comfirmation letter.. so means i dont get it cuz my frez tt got it all hav gotten the letter le.. hai~ so i have never gotten tt elusive award even after being the captain for like 4 yrs.. kaoz... get nominated but nt chosen.. mr teo!!! what are u doin as the HOD for sports!! so tt sums up my dae of ball tings...haha.. but nvm.. i trust tt God u hav a plan 4 my life n b able to keep me strong.. cuz u r there nt onlie when tings r gd but u r here 4 me even when its rough...this might b a moulding process tt i accept n pray tt this will mould n reshape me into a whole new person n image tt u wan me to b.. may it b to shine forth ur glory or to spread ur gospel i'm willing.. thank u Lord... =amen=..

-|eDgEr|- haPpiLy fiLLeD iN aT 12:50:14 AM

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Tuesday, December 16, 2003
hey man.. sad dae 2dae.. many bad tings happen larz...1st my chances of enterin sajc through appeal has realli been slashed cuz badminton the cca there is nt being able 2 push through many appeals.. the captain say she will help me tok 2 the teacher so i guess i'll juz pray lohz..then our class chatlet the plannin ish goin from bad 2 worst lohz.. at first b4 the "O" levels they were like "joel.. go book the chatlet lehz..." then me n luis go bk n i paid 1st n nw they go like "i tink i onlie going for the bbq"... then i'm feel machine-gunning them with like a whole truck load of "bad" words..(no examples cuz tis ish a christian blog) n then we would b short of money cuz if they goin 2 the bbq onlie then they pay less.. then who's gona pay 4 the bbq man? kaoz.. then nw they all like dont wanna go wif luis 2 buy food cuz they dont want to b assigned to carry any food to the chalet.. wah.. they are realli the limit lohz..i tink luis has 2 like work doublely hard.. but tts nt all.. my bad dae continues man.. i go 2 church n then someone counsels me abt HER n i'm realli convicted..serious... then nw... we hav 2 end (we nv started but kind of scale down).. "wow"... so "damm cool" tt i hav 2 end smth i cherish.. okok.. then i hav 2 like deny my flesh n hav 2 tok 2 her juz nw abt it.. hohoho.. its still onlie half way man.. chirstmax is near n santa is here 2 gif me presents.. i mean bad presents... someone else ( a different person from juz nw) in church toks 2 me n was realli bad.. then hav all the bad thoughts abt the person.. i realli shoudl hav but i juz did man.. (God pls forgive me)... so i realli pray tt tis ish the last of it lohz..cuz 2dae ish bad enuff lohz.. but still wanna thank God for tis dae cuz he made it man.. n 2dae we sang a song in prayer meetin tt realli ministered 2 me... it goes like tis...
"I serve a God who is faithful, he will nv fail,
when i'm in the desert, he's a river of hope.
i serve a God who is faithful, his faithfulness prevails,
Lord i put my trust in u...
I serve a God who is faithful n true,
N i will hide, in the shelter of ur wings,
i will find my rest in ur faithfulness,
YES! i serve a faithful God!"
i mean this song may nt b the bez or most nice 2 hear song but it really speak to my problems lohz... he shows tt he's faithful n will nv fail me.. i know i can turn to him n i wont b turned away cuz he will b my shelter against everyting... we can trust in him cuz he always faithful...tis ish nt a comment or a statement.. its a principle!!! cuz its proven n will never fail man! amen for that... although i may nt b in the bez of moods nw but i know tt i can trust in u GOd n i can find my rest in u... no matter what happens i can turn to u for shelter n u will nt forsake me.. Lord let all this b my prayer in my walk wif u... aMen!!

-|eDgEr|- haPpiLy fiLLeD iN aT 11:27:06 PM

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Saturday, December 13, 2003
yahz man... i wanna dedicate tis whole entry 2 juz brenda alone.. yahz.. juz brenda.. she's my late nite buddy n she dedicated to her "late nite buddy"(who ish me) a whole entry in her open diary n i m realli touched.. she's such a gd late nite buddy n nw plus tis.. she's an angel.. haha... okok.. juz wanna let u blog readers noe more abt this late nite buddy ting.. i coined tis term cuz whenever she's online during the late hours,i'll be online too!, we'll be talking to each other cuz there's no one else online... yahz.. so tt explains wad tis whole late nite buddy ting is all abt.. yahz.. nw tokin abt brenda.. i nw suppose 2 promote her nw.. hehe.. i came 2 noe her when me,john,ethan n jessie went out 2 study after church he brought her along lohz.. she ish veli friendly n helpful lohz.. noe me 4 barely 10mins then can start teachin my chemistry le... haha... ieman isnt it hard 2 find a some1 like tt.. let's gif me a round of applause *clap* *clap* *clap*.. okok.. tts enuff... nw back 2 the issue on promotin her.. hehe... she is cute n fun 2 hang out wif.. always havin games 2 cheer us up lohz... especially when those darn hw takes a toll on us... haha... smth like the games ic lohz... so nxt time u r bored juz go find her.. she noes all abt these games.. haha.. anyway wanna thank her 4 all the time she has spend wif me while i editin my blog in the midde of the nite.. cuz we 2 tokin then she juz sees my blog 2 tell me whether nice or nt... yahz... cool 2 hav a frez like her rite... haha... okok...if any of u realli need such a frez then u can cum get her contact from me.. hehe..

-|eDgEr|- haPpiLy fiLLeD iN aT 12:06:28 AM

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Friday, December 12, 2003
2dae went out wif joash, declan n a whole grp of others 2 swim in the mornin lohz.. went to declan's house then went in 4 a swim.. wah.. the water so cold n then when i wanna swim i discovered tt i onlie noe breaststroke.. i 4gt hw 2 swim freestyle le.. so stupid lorz.. it brought to my realisation hw many yrs it has been since i last swam... so we had lots of fun n also tried to get tanned... hmmz.. but 2 bad the sun was always hidden behind the clouds.. damm.. but then at least still gt some mins of sunlight.. better than nth.. then we went to eat at bukit timah.. n then went to mechmaster 2 play counterstrike.. wah.. so fun...then played 4 three hrs... also lost touch wif the game.. became like a sitting duck 4 ppl 2 shoot.. then after tt cum hm lohz.. so tts hw my dae went.. nth much... but at least it kept me occupied on 12th dec 2003.. hehe...

-|eDgEr|- haPpiLy fiLLeD iN aT 11:53:05 PM

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mY aRchivEs..

December 2003
January 2004


eLviN fOoNg


leAve mE a nOte!!
mY fRieNdsTer

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