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Monday, November 03, 2003

What to do...

I'm listening to: The Offspring - Hit Me
Hey all! I need your help... what should I do? Change my layout of the blog to match, or should I just stick with this one?

Jeff Dickey at 3:50 PM

Sunday, November 02, 2003


I'm listening to: The Living End - Maitland Street
Sorry, I lied, I'm back again, I just read my tag-board... green... did you guys know that every girlfriend (or maybe "chick" would be the better term) has been addicted to green? It's odd... let me tell ya... I'm changing my contact page to match the rest of my site right now... no beddy-bye yet... hehe, you might have to read that to get it... like FUCKING A! WHY CAN'T YOU BE BETTER! CAN'T YOU FUCKING SEE!!! You guys... don't get that... well, carlos might, but he won't, if you are reading this... FTW man... remember? yeah... you don't... it has to do with don...
Jeff Dickey at 9:11 PM


I'm listening to: The Living End - Who's Gonna Save Us
Yeah, that's my talkin' 'bout college for the day. So yeah, I think I'll try and go to bed early tonight... night!
Jeff Dickey at 9:02 PM


I'm listening to: Offspring - Hit me
Yeah, the offspring kicks ass... today was boring, as usual, I just stayed home, messed around with some downline builders, then I looked into college shit, the colleges that I'm looking at right now are psu, osu, and sou, but I don't think I'll go to sou, cuz it's so far away, and the town's pretty small, and I can take classes just as good at psu or osu, so that brings me to 2 options:
PSU: Great city, close to home, CONCERTS!!!, can take my major
OSU: 35th most wired college, good college
PSU: Low requirements
OSU: Too far away, small city
(this is for me, not necesarilly for you guys)
but anyways, I signed up to go check out both of em', so I guess I'll apply to both, and just see which I like more when I actually am there.
Jeff Dickey at 9:01 PM


I'm listening to: Sloppy Meat Eaters - Talkin' about jesus
btw, i wasn't pissed off just now, it kinda sounded like i was... i really don't care as much as it sounds like i did.
Jeff Dickey at 1:47 AM

Hey, el bloggo

I'm listening to: Antagonist - Welcome to your let down
Hey everybody! Today was odd for some reason... I woke up at about 1:30, I was out late, sitting by the fire, for hours... it was great! I loved it out there, yeah, it was cold, and yeah, I was tired, and yeah, I was REALLY close to the fire, and yeah, the smoke got in my face a little, but it was ok, cuz I just loved being out there, I thought about a lot, staring at the fire is very strange... it's almost like blogging! hehe, but anyways, I came back in at about 4 or so, and I went to bed, then this morning megan's mom called me and woke me up, she wanted to know where megan was, so I gave her lavona's number, and then megan called me later, after alex came over to do some sounds, and then he took me to the bowling alley, and I hung out there for a couple hours, then we took megan home, then me and my mom went to goodwill, then the safeway, then back home... pretty boring, but like I said, strange for some reason... oh, and I forgot to blog about this yesterday, when we picked up megan yesterday, I got out of the car, started walking towards her apartment, and just out of the blue some chick gets out of this car right in front of me, it was carissa! It was odd... but yeah, just thought I'd let people know about that. But we talked to each other for no more than 2 seconds inside megan's, and she hugged me twice... which isn't really odd for her or anything but, she also said that I needed to call her in a couple weeks cuz then she will be ungrounded, I don't know... it's all very strange, I really wonder if she is, or how long she will be with aaron, cuz well, if you ask me, she shouldn't be with him, he's a fucking speed-head, but oh well, I'm not saying that I want to be with her (well, not now :) ) but she can do a lot better than aaron, I mean, the guy forgets to take pizza's out of the box when he sticks em' in the oven, he's an idiot, with nothing going for him except that everyone can take advantage of him, which isn't a good thing... megan's pissed at carissa for some reason I think, I don't really know what... just I can tell that she is, but yeah, in a couple weeks, I don't even know what I'm going to do... and if any of you guys are reading this, the ones I was just talking about, oh well, I don't care, aaron you are an idiot, carissa, well, refer to the above ^, and megan, well, you are just megan...
Jeff Dickey at 1:38 AM

Friday, October 31, 2003

Another halloween well done!

I'm listening to: Aphrodite - Cross Channel
Yeah, this is another one of those halloweens to add to my theory that halloween is one of, if not the, best day of the year... we all know why last year one... but every year I have a really good time it seems like... yeah... it was pretty cool. See it all started this morning, in tech, I had some of joey's matches, I was burning people, and I burned joey, he burned me back, then my sweater caught on fire... it was funny, we all laughed and dispersed... mr hall noticed and came over... took joey's matches, it was funny, then I was going into town to get some "tools", I had a dilemma though... I was hungry... so I was trying to figure out whether or not to buy food, I was thinking about it when I saw this giant tent outside of the telephone company, and I was like, what's going on here? So I asked someone, and they told me that there was free hot dogs, so I got 3 of em, some pop and some chips... then I went to the store, got a few lighters ands some fluid, went over to the park to try and blow up a lighter... it didn't work though... so then I went back to leadership, and came home, then I called everyone and asked what was up, had alex go with me to pick up magen, we got some gourds at safeway, then we went back to my house, called jerad, had alex go pick them up at about 7, they got at my house at about 8 or so, and we made a fire outside in my place where I had a lot of fires, but we had a lot of trouble getting it going for some reason... but anyways, we then started playing with the fireworks... which I need to pick up tomorrow... and take pic's of! Is it going to rain? No! I just checked the weather... that's good, but anyways, yeah, it kicked ass, we had gourds flying everywhere, and all in pedro... aw man... I'm gonna miss him... we need another one...
Jeff Dickey at 11:50 PM

Expanding the network of

I'm listening to: Billy Talent - The Ex
This song kicks ass, and halloween is going... as the great carlos would say: grrreat! oh yeah, magen made a blog, but you probably already noticed it, but it's so cool! My friends have blogs now... hehe...
Jeff Dickey at 7:38 PM

Thursday, October 30, 2003

I am a hellraiser...

I'm listening to: Deftones - Digital Bath
I just got off the phone with megan, I guess she's comin' tomorrow, and I told her to bring a lackey, but I don't think she will, she was telling me about how that ex of hers hates her, and I was like, so? you don't give a shit, and she said that I was the first one to say something like that, I guess everyone else thought she would care... but anyways, talked to jerad, so he's coming too, maybe joey, and whoever else we can get. Should be a lot of fun tomorrow, but I want to get the anarchist's cookbook off ebay, and something from, there was some really cool shit there, maybe do a little moddin' or something, oh and this is me now, I used to be the raver bear but now I am:

Jeff Dickey at 11:16 PM

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

This is the coolest vis ever

I'm listening to: The new anti flag cd!
I just got a couple of cds, well... like 7... but they are: a bunch of trance ones, including an 80's remix one, me first, anti-flag and lagwagon. So that's pretty cool, especially this antiflag one... hehe, but anyways, today was fun, in tech alex made a gobo that said "" it's pretty cool. You should all see it... somehow... I'll take a pic! YEAH!!! Well, i g2g to bed now... g'night!
Jeff Dickey at 10:52 PM


I'm listening to: Pepper - Boot
Man, this song kicks ass... just like until the day i die, below... but yeah, i just noticed jade's tag... hehe, I was a little caught up in a thought, but anyways, what the hell is a ness? I think that she is going to send a giant lizard that lives in a lake named loch after me...
Jeff Dickey at 4:53 PM

Does someone not like me? aww...

I'm listening to: Story of the New Year - Until the Day I Die
Aw man, if you look over there -> some guy zenocide tagged me, and I read his blog, he said, "Even if she isn't my music lackey she still has been influenced more by my music than MR. Jeff's (not her boyfriend). Therefore if he mentions any band, which I have extensive knowledge/liking of he loses a point." I don't know, it sounds a little aggressive to me... but I don't know, I'm having a hard time trying to figure out that last part... about the points, cuz to me, it sounds like I lose a point if I say anything about a band he likes... I lose a point... hmm... doesn't make sense to me, maybe he was trying to say that if I mention a band that he likes, he will like them less... I don't know, I kinda wondered what kind of music he listened to, but he did have this on his site:

so he's an aquabuddy! That gives him a point:
That guy: 1!
See, now, that's how you do stuff dude, you give people points, not rag on less than jake... that's not cool... but anyways, in closing... aquabats are coming out with "serious awesomeness" soon and that's pretty cool, but has nothing to do with my closing which is: man, you gotta calm down a little, the votes have not been tabulated yet to see if she is my lackey, and oh yeah, it's a joke dude... man... people take me so seriously sometimes... I don't know though, I might be doing the same thing, maybe he wasn't trying to sound aggressive, but to me, it kinda came off that way... oh well, who cares.
Jeff Dickey at 4:37 PM

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

sorry senor blogger

I'm listening to: nothing
sorry my blogger, I'm only on to make it so I have the days full, I won't really be blogging today, I forgot to earlier, and I need to sleep now... so... g'night!
Jeff Dickey at 10:48 PM

Monday, October 27, 2003

Music Lackiness

I'm listening to: Less Than Jake - Freeze Frame
What do you guys think... should I nominate Jade as my music lacky? Or would you like to volunteer?

Jeff Dickey at 11:05 PM

less than jake giddiness

I'm listening to: The living end - one said to the other
Yeah, I was talking to jade earlier, she was talking about how she is planning on going to ltj, I really hope I get to go... but she got me thinking about ltj, and i got all giddy-like... hehe, music can do that to me... hehe, but anyways, I got that first aid website up more better, there was a new sb today, but I didn't watch it yet... I should sleep now... buh bye
Jeff Dickey at 10:59 PM

wow... 17 cds...

I'm listening to: Catch 22 - Supernothing
Right now I'm getting a 17 cd collection i found on suprnova... it should be pretty cool... I watched these GI Joe PSAs that were dubbed with supposedly funny comments... most of em were pretty retarded, but the reggae one I kinda liked, I found it on in case you are interested, it kinda made me think of the ambiguously gay duo, yeah... ace and gary... oh yeah! I also talked to jerad... I guess he wants to do something on halloween, he said he'd call me later, he's the type of person that will call if he says he will, so I think that I'll be hanging out with him on halloween, cuz he said that he had friday and saturday off... or was it friday night and saturday morning? I dunno...
Jeff Dickey at 6:53 PM


I'm listening to: Billy Talent - Line and Sinker
Well, I was looking at my older posts, and I found one from a couple days ago that I accidently posted twice and forgot to finish, I was just about to start explaining a dream, I finished it, so go down a couple screens and you'll see it... but it reminded me of something, which is why I'm blogging now, I can remember when me and bucky were on the max, and I got a tm... it said, "you're girlgriend wants to talk to you" from me apparently... but see: in a tm... you can fill in the from field with anything, and it did say "girlgriend" but I think that was before I even kind of had a girlfriend, so I don't know who it was from or why they sent it or anything... but if you do! tell me or something... you know... who'ever my girlgriend is, and btw the ex is a really good song...
Jeff Dickey at 5:52 PM

Let me explain:

I'm listening to: Billy Talent!!!
Well I just read my last blog... it's all technical stuff you guys couldn't care less about! I mean, what the crap is that! You guys do know I have a life outside this little box of mine... don't you? I went downstairs and my mom was making fries and my dad was barbecueing, don't ask my why that inspired me to come back up here for a rebuttal, but it did ok? But anyways, yeah, today... I woke up thinking... god damn... there is nothing to look forward to today... I wasn't really tired (due to daylight savings) but I felt a little depressed :( but it wasn't that bad, I was talking to tara on the bus, and I told her about that, and I would tell her on the way home whether or not it was a good day or not, and I told her... well that. But it wasn't that bad because I finally took that retake for math, I feel like I really understand spanish, I enjoy it a lot, and tech and drama were fun, in tech I played with the effects... AND FINALLY FIGURED OUT HOW TO WORK THAT PROCESSOR!!! YES!!! That was cool, I got some really cool sounds by turning up the return signal up all the way to 1 and turning the rate down to like 3hz... it was like... brrrr... wrrr! well... it's kinda hard to describe, basically it took the last 3/60th of a second and repeated it until it got a new signal... it sounded really cool. But anyways, after that me and melissa walked to the store... I have a feeling that won't be the last time we do that though... I don't know, we had a good talk, but then we went back and I took that test, came home, played guitar, ran PTRs... for a while... blogged, and now I'm going to eat, I might be back later... we'll see...
Jeff Dickey at 5:41 PM

wow that gallery sucks...

I'm listening to: Authority Zero - One more minute
You guys know what? I just uploaded a new gallery! YAY! but it sucks... it looks kinda cool, but I made it with photoshop, which was easy, but I didn't get my cool comments up there... aww... oh well... make em up yourself! It can be like those contests in maxim, where they show you a strange pic and you have to come up with a funny comment, I added a bunch of PTRs to my hotmail account today, I really want 5 bucks in my paypal account so I can try that stupid laptop scam... I got office 2003 yesterday, I like the new frontpage... yes I do use frontpage btw... but ONLY to up my galleries and my gallery index, because the auto gallery function is REALLY COOL and there isn't anything cool like it in dreamweaver... which I normally use for making my sites, oh, and I code and design... I'm not a dumb wysiwygger like some people... I know what I'm doing, but sometimes, it is better to wysiwyg, like when I make my galleries, and my galleries look good, just some of the pics need photoshoppin' cuz they got problems like fuzziness or being to dark or something, but I don't care that much. I haven't heard from jeff yet, I'm waiting to hear from him to finish his site... I need to know what content he wants... but yeah, office 2003, not out yet, i don't think... but it's cool you guys... it's pretty too... oh and doesn't office xp sound newer than 2003? Maybe it's just me, you know, how they went from 97 to 2000 then to xp and now 2003, it seems like it's going back or something...
Jeff Dickey at 5:26 PM

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